He Yiyi took a look at the man's cold expression and tried to turn around to leave, but the next second, a dizzy attack on her, a soft leg fell to his arms.

See her fall, Ling Zixiao did not help her, directly disgusted to step back, He Yiyi whole person fell on the ground, feet because of friction ground skin, leaching blood, rain hit, pain of her straight shiver.

She clenched her teeth and tried her best to stand up, but she had no strength at all, so she had to look at the man opposite.

At this time, Ling Zixiao looked at her sarcastically and said sarcastically, "how long do you want to stay in front of my car with your children like this? Tell me how much you want. I'll give it to you now. "

He Yiyi was stunned by what he said, and then she got angry. "Please speak with respect. Do you think you are great if you have money?"

Finish saying she is forced to prop up, but one breath does not come up, she directly fainted in Ling Zixiao's arms.

When she woke up again, looking at the white walls around, He Yiyi knew that she was in the hospital. Looking around, she found that her child was put in the baby carriage next to her.

The decoration in the ward reveals the luxury of the room.

Just as she was distracted, the nurse pushed the door and came in.

"You wake up, it's time to take medicine. By the way, is your daughter's medicine for you or for me?"

Listen to the nurse's words, He Yiyi heart a tight, "my daughter how?"

"Don't be so nervous. She was caught in the rain yesterday and had a slight cold. Just take some medicine."

He Yiyi was relieved to hear the nurse say so.

"You'd better feed the medicine. By the way, what about the person who sent me to the hospital yesterday?"

"Ah, he left with his medical bills."

He Yiyi nodded, calculate this man has a little conscience, did not throw them directly on the road.

After the nurse left, He Yiyi lying in bed, thinking of yesterday's things, also don't know now how the left Yuhao, he wants to have an accident, she has to take responsibility, at this time, her mobile phone suddenly came to the phone.

Zuo Yuhao, how can he call her at this time?

He Yiyi just picked up the phone, and before she spoke, Zuo Yuhao's indifferent voice came into her ear, "He Yiyi? Where are you? Do you dare not go home now? You just can't wait to go out and find a wild man, can you

He Yiyi sneered in his heart, still like this, still like this, every time, every time he said so to her, as if she had done something sorry to him.

Two years, two years, she had enough of it. She thought they could go back to the past, but it turned out that she was wrong.

He Yiyi sighed and said coldly, "zuoyuhao, let's divorce"

at this time, zuoyuhao clenched the phone, and his whole face was already black.

Divorce? This woman actually said so easily, what about him? The feelings he gave.

At the beginning, she rescued him from the bar, and he finally went back to find her. But when he went back, those people said that she had run away. He was relieved that when he planned to leave, he was beaten again. He didn't care as long as she was OK.

He waited at her door all night, but he didn't see her back. He went in and asked. The servant said he didn't see her.

After he knew it, he frantically searched all over the world for her. Finally, he found her in the hotel, but the red in the bed hurt his eyes. Didn't she run away? Why

From then on, he thought that she was a woman who didn't obey women's principles.

When he knew that she was pregnant, he married her without hesitation, the purpose is to torture her, so many years he still loved her, but he always couldn't get through his heart.

Zuoyuhao bitter smile, words still with irony, "divorce, can, you come back, I have printed the divorce agreement."

He Yiyi heart a joy, instant agreed to come down.

She bothered the nurse to take care of the child and took a taxi to the villa.

As soon as she entered the villa, she saw song Xue sitting on Zuo Yuhao's leg, full of shame.

Although her heart has died, but see this scene, her heart or pain.

He Yiyi sneered and sat opposite them, "divorce agreement, give it to me, I'll sign it."

Zuo Yuhao's eyes were cold and didn't care about what she said, "Yiyi, what do you say? What kind of divorce agreement? "

In the face of his attitude, He Yiyi instantly lost patience, she angrily patted the table, with anger in her eyes, "Zuo Yuhao, are you playing with me? Didn't you say there was a divorce agreement? What are you doing now? "

Zuo Yuhao patted song Xue's back and stood up, "Yiyi, how did your temper change now? There's something you can't sit down and talk about. "

He holds He Yiyi's hand, but she throws it away.

"Don't act here, Zuo Yuhao. You have song Xue in your arms. What are you doing here with me?"In the face of her attitude, left Yuhao pick eyebrow, "He Yiyi, did not find that you are quite firm, divorce is, OK, but I have conditions."

"All right, go ahead."

For the sake of divorce, He Yiyi doesn't care any more.

Zuo Yuhao's eyes changed. He hugged song Xue and said, "the company has a very important target recently. There will be a dinner negotiation tomorrow. As long as you take it down, I will promise to divorce you. How about it?"

Listen to his words, He Yiyi tightly frowns, take Mark? Oh, what he said is really nice. She has been working in his company for so many years. Every time she gets the logo, he always brings a beautiful female employee to the company. Does he think she doesn't know the trick.

Some of the female staff members who accompanied him were not smiling and humble, and some even volunteered to go with him

But in order to divorce, she had to take this step.

"Well, I hope you don't cheat." Finish saying, He Yiyi head also did not return of the villa.

After leaving the villa, she went back to the hospital to pick up her daughter and returned to the temporary rental house. Although the house was not big, it was only fifty or sixty square meters, but it was enough for their mother and daughter to live in.

Settle the daughter, she simply cleaned up the room, find out the clothes to wear tomorrow, and then she lay in bed, distracted looking out of the window.

She had loved Zuo Yuhao for six years, but now she came to such an end. She felt that the world had never treated her well.

At home, my father only dotes on my younger brother and never cares about her. She falls in love with Zuo Yuhao. She thinks she can have everything, but reality slaps her hard.

Today, nothing is more important than her daughter, and only her daughter can give her a little warmth.