Chapter 143 - Gifting A Soul Mark

The two women watched the egg closely. Their keen eyes were taking in every single detail.

"Are you sure that the time in the outside world will still be the same when we will return?" Li Ming asked as she kept her eyes trained on the beautiful but also a bizarre scene that was playing on in front of her.

Though there was so much going on with the little kid and the egg, but one part of her brain was still thinking about the auction that was supposed to start around five minutes ago, since it's five past one pm currently and the auction was supposed to start at one pm.

"I have already told you that when you will return to the real world, the time difference would barely be two - five minutes later than the time when you entered this space. Now, stop overthinking about it." The woman tried to calm the mage queen.

Li Ming lightly nodded her head, trying to assure her mind that her plan for the auction won't be ruined because she would be absent from it.

The egg that was floating above the heart of the little kid for the past five minutes finally made some movement. 

A thread-like thing, which was also covered with the purple light, started coming out from the bottom end of the egg. 

Li Ming was almost on the edge as she watched the thread entering into the heart of the little boy.

If not for the slight shake of the Banshee's head which stopped her from making any moves, she almost had ended up destroying that thread with the sharp knife that was safely tucked in her sneakers.

"Don't worry. I don't think the egg was going to harm the boy. Just let everything progress as it is. I'll inform you when it would be your time to do your part." The Banshee told the young girl in a whispered tone like she was afraid to disturb the movement.

Li Ming just nodded her head and stayed silent. She wasn't sure about what was going to happen next, and she could only wish for the best for the little boy.

Who knew how long it took. The thread kept entering into the heart of the boy none stop for a long time. It was like the thread was either going to fill his entire heart or probably going to wrap itself around it.

And within the next blink of their eyes, the thread halted in its movement. Li Ming turned towards the Banshee with a confused look on her face.

"It's time for you to step in." The Banshee told the young miss.

"Me? What I'm supposed to do?" Li Ming almost squeaked by the end of her sentence. She definitely was not prepared for it.

"Put your hand over the heart of the kid and let your magical energy connect with the energy of the egg and the boy." The Banshee explained the steps to Li Ming in a calm tone.

Li Ming took a deep breath and stretched her right hand over the heart of the little boy and let it settle on the warm body.

The Banshee adjusted Li Ming's fingers in such a way that the thread, which was entering into the heart of the boy, was passing through the gap between her index and middle fingers.

She signaled Li Ming an 'all okay' sign and stepped back to let the girl do her work.

Li Ming closed her eyes and let her magical powers came forward to the surface. After a long time, her magical powers flowed through her veins freely.

She felt a click when her energy got contacted with the energy of the little boy and the egg.

What surprised her was that the energy of the little boy was far beyond her measures. His body was overflowing with the warmth and richness of the purple energy which she couldn't pinpoint. 

Sometimes it felt like the purple energy was carrying the power of thunder in it, while the very next second it felt like rather than thunder it was carrying the power of water, then it again changed into fire power.

It took Li Ming a few more seconds to realize that the purple energy was filled with the seven elemental powers.

"Are you connected?" The Banshee asked in a low voice.

Li Ming had closed her eyes during the process of connecting her energy with the other two. She lightly nodded her head in affirmative.

"Alright, now let me ask you something. Do you still remember the special power that you received from the Oracle on your eighteenth birthday back on Earth?" 

The question was so random and unexpected that for a few seconds, Li Ming had no idea about what the banshee was talking about.

And then, it finally clicked. The memories of her eighteenth birthday resurfaced and she remembered receiving one of the most precious and rare powers in the Supernatural world by the Oracle.

It was the power of Soulbonds. 

In the supernatural world, the sups we're supposed to find their mates when they turn eighteen. Though it won't be possible if the other mate was an underage. 

When Li Ming turned eighteen back then, she failed to connect with her mate or mates.

Since she was the favorite of the Oracle and the heir of the Mage Clan, the old lady gifted her with a unique power.

The Oracle was the supreme head of the Witches or Mages. She was around eight hundred years old and far too powerful than the entire clan of the werewolves. Though, she rarely took part in the matters of the supernatural world.

The power of Soulbond was only a one time power. It could allow Li Ming to gift any person of her choice, a soulbond which would connect him with his or her mate/mates.

Li Ming was about to open her eyes when the Banshee stopped her.

"Don't let your connection with these two disconnect! It won't be good for the boy."

"Are you telling me to gift this little kid with the soulbond." It was not exactly a question but the Banshee still replied with a yes.

"He's here because of two reasons. One, so that he can connect with the egg, and second so that he can receive his soulbond mark." The Banshee told Li Ming.

Everything was silent for the next few moments but then Li Ming slowly nodded her head, "Fine! I have no idea what to do with this power, but if I have to choose someone to whom I want to gift this mark, I'll choose this little kid." 

Li Ming placed her left hand over her own heart and let a stream of white energy pass through her palm into her heart.

The white light coming from Li Ming's palm got mixed with the purple light. Li Ming started chanting the ancient spell of the Soulbond.

After this moment, she won't be able to use the soulbond power again in her life. The only people whom she could gift the soul marks were her mates but that's something every mate could do. 

On the other hand, gifting another person, who's not your mate, a soul mark was an unseen sight. 

Only a few people held this power and Li Ming was lucky enough to receive a chance to experience such a beautiful moment.

It took ten minutes before the soul mark was completely formed. Li Ming slowly opened her eyes and looked at her hand that was still placed over the warm heart of the boy.

She retracted her hand back and looked at the Banshee. Her eyes were looking for an answer which she received when the woman clicked her fingers and the upper part of the kid's robe flew open, baring his chest to the eyes of the two women.

Right where his heart was supposed to be, the faint outlines of a soul mark was present. All that Li Ming and the banshee could see was the two glowing parts of the mark. The upper part was glowing in white light while the lower part of the mark was glowing a bright purple.

Since the kid was not eighteen yet, the mark was not visible to the eyes of strangers. And since Li Ming and the banshee were supernaturals, they could at least see the outlines.


The banshee stopped and just stared at the mark. She was not sure how to express her feelings.

"The most beautiful soul mark that we have ever seen, right?" Li Ming completed the sentence of the banshee with her own words.

And the woman also nodded her head at Li Ming's words.

"Wait! Are you even allowed to say that? How can you say that some other soul mark is the most beautiful soul mark that you have ever seen. Isn't the most beautiful soul mark for your eyes are supposed to be the soul narks of your mates?" The banshee asked as she gave Li Ming a curious look.

Li Ming shrugged her shoulders at the words of the banshee as she replied, "I'm just stating facts. Though the soul mark that I'm sharing with my mates is beyond beautiful but the mark that is carved on his chest is the pure definition of the word beautiful."