Chapter 304 - The Great Battle (Part Three)

Li Ming watched as the two armies clashed down below. The ground was starting to turn red from so much blood as one by one, people from both sides lost their lives.

Her grip on the scales of her dragon tightened as her gaze shifted to the Valkyrie who was attacking a group of senior students from Guixian Academy.

"Are you ready love?" 

The dragon asked as it turned its head sideways to look at her. Li Ming smiled as she nodded her head in reply.

Who would have thought that the Second Demon Prince was also a dragon shifter and not just any dragon but one of the most powerful and rarest dragons born in the Immortal World in its entire history?

As soon as Hei Long got her reply, he let out a loud screech that could have given perfect competition to the Valkyrie.

The dragon's screech worked as both the Valkyrie and her eagle beast turned their attention towards Li Ming and her dragon.

An evil smile appeared on Li Ming's face as she moved her hands out and called on her powers, creating an arrow above her head which immediately started diving into tens, hundreds, and then thousands before she launched it towards the evil army that had successfully surrounded a group of students, immediately taking them all down and making the Valkyrie as angry as possible.

The evil woman stopped attacking the useless things in front of her as she flew towards the woman whom she hated more than possible.

"Take care of the eagle and its friends. I will deal with her." Li Ming murmured to her mate who gave a nod of its head before diving straight towards the eagle.

At the same time, Li Ming leaped in the air and let her lightning whip pull the unprepared Valkyrie off her ride.

Both of them landed on the top of one of the high cliffs at the south end of the battleground while at some distance, Hei Long along with other dragon shifters from the Dragon Clan was battling with the demonic eagle beasts.

"Do you seriously think that you can win? You are so stupid if you are imagining returning to your palace after this battle. I won't give you the pleasure.....but I'll make sure to keep you alive till the very end. You will only get to die after you have watched every single of your mates dying in front of your eyes. That will be my goodbye gift for you." The Valkyrie spat with malice filled in her voice.

The image of Zhang Yong appeared in front of Li Ming's eyes for a moment, filling her heart with immense anger and sadness. But she was quick to get a hold on herself. 

The Valkyrie was obviously trying to make her lose her sensibility so that she could use the chance to attack. However, Li Ming was not such an easy bet.

She was probably not more powerful than the Valkyrie but neither was she weaker. The two of them were on par whether in terms of power, strength, or even viciousness.

The lightning whip in her hand started throbbing as it felt the emotions of its master changing. One moment everything was quiet and peaceful, and the next moment, chaos broke through as Li Ming and the Valkyrie clashed with a loud booming sound that caused dust and rocks to fly all around.

For a mere second everyone's attention was pulled towards the two of them but then they were back to fighting their own battles as there was no space for distractions.

"She can handle it. Trust her!" Lord Yueliang told his brothers when he saw the worry for their mate that was taking over their expressions.

The other nodded their heads before they once again returned their attention to their fights.

Ruoshan and Wen Guiying teamed up to merge their spiritual energy, causing a large portion of the evil army to combust into flames.

On the other hand, the fight between Li Ming and the Valkyrie turned fiercer with each passing minute. The two of them were clearly out for each other's blood as each of their blows was fiercer than the previous one.

A hiss left Li Ming's lips as the Valkyrie succeeded in spilling the first blood. Though it was a mere scratch on the former's arm but it was still enough to make her realize that a whip was probably not the best choice of weapon in such close combat. 

The cut healed immediately and then the whip started transforming. Soon enough, a beautiful sword with a silvery glowing sharp blade was visible in Li Ming's hand.

All this took barely a few seconds, not giving enough time to the Valkyrie to use the chance as Li Ming was constantly jumping around.

"Let's see who's gonna win in this dual." She told the Valkyrie as she channeled her spiritual energy in her sword and then immediately moved it towards her opponent.

Clash after clash of blades ranged as the woman fought against each other. Throwing spells, casting charms, and even using dirty tricks, they used every method to take down each other.

"What are you trying to do? Are you thinking about dying together with me? Your tactic will only end up exhausting both of us!" The Valkyrie shouted at the idiot woman who had been constantly dozing and attacking but had not made a single fatal blow yet.

A small but purely evil smile appeared on Li Ming's lips as she once again charmed her sword with a powerful spell and attacked the Valkyrie. She could clearly see the frustration, anger, confusion, and even a little bit of fear that was evident on the latter's face and body language.

Rather than answering, she kept attacking the Valkyrie, putting all her energy and power to make the evil woman give up.

The fight kept going on. Down below, her mates were fighting with thousands of evil demons that kept rising after dying and up on the cliff, Li Ming and the Valkyrie were still going on as neither of them was about to quit first.

No one even realized that more than forty-eight hours had passed since the battle started. Even though they were not mortals but even they had limits when it came to such fierce battles. They were not fighting one on one, rather, they were fighting as one against hundreds.

Everyone was covered in dirt, blood, cuts, and bruises. Their energy levels were depleting, their bodies were tired, but they were not stopping. They could not stop! Not until the war was officially over. 

The only ones who looked in a slightly better state were the five Immortal Lords since they were far more powerful than any Immortal, demon, or cultivator. However, they were surrounded by the undead army of the Valkyrie that kept attacking without any rest.

But Li Ming was not as lucky as her mates. Even though she was already a Divine ranked cultivator in addition to the Immortal of Thunder, the amount of spiritual energy that she had used against the Valkyrie was too much.

Her body was covered in bruises and cuts. Her hair was disheveled, her clothes were torn, and her body was out of energy.

A loud crash of energies between the two women sent both of them flying towards the hard rocks as they both hit and fell down on the ground, spitting blood as their internal organs received severe injuries.