After some arrangement, the three knew what they were going to do next.

Chen Qingliang is responsible for building the house, and Lin Zhihao assists.

There are all kinds of materials such as wood, stone and iron ore. Meng Hao has spoken and can use them at will.

Of course, at this stage, we should still focus on wooden houses, and the main consumables are wood.

The wooden house cannot be as huge as Meng Hao's wooden house villa. The simplest bungalow is OK.

Although Chen Qingliang's major is not building houses, the structure of wooden houses is not too complex. He is competent.

Lin Zhihao helped coordinate the material problem, took Chen Qingliang's design scheme to Meng Hao for approval, and then notified the goblin guard to help transport the materials.

Meng Hao also helped a lot.

With the help of the building function of the system, Meng Hao helped to build a large number of basic materials such as iron nails and steel bars.

As for Rao Xiaofan, he really began to doubt life at this time.

He was named garbage captain by Meng Hao and was responsible for the environmental sanitation and toilet cleaning of the whole base.

Although there is not much rubbish on the base Island, he is still unhappy.

It is clear that he has become the lowest level of the whole base.

"What's the matter? I came earlier than you. Why is the treatment worse than you?"

Finally, Rao Xiaofan couldn't help but ask Chen Qingliang, who was designing the house drawings.

Rao Xiaofan feels that he has given in.

Previously, I had the talent of sky eye flying eagle, which can explore the surrounding enemies in advance.

Unfortunately, Meng Hao took away the talent of Tianyan flying eagle.

But it doesn't matter. I still have good cooking skills. Even if I lose an important combat post, it's good to be a cook.

However, Meng Hao didn't ask his specialty at all.

Before he could say it, he was sent to the dump.

Hearing Rao Xiaofan's question, Chen Qingliang replied with a curious look: "didn't I tell you long ago? You're the only one on the whole base island who didn't sign the magic contract."

Hearing this, Rao Xiaofan gave a click in his heart.


At the beginning, he just wanted to play smart and escape. In the end, he not only failed to escape, but his talent and base were swallowed by Meng Hao.

"I was very obedient. Why didn't the boss let me sign the magic contract?"

Rao Xiaofan still couldn't understand and continued to ask.

Lin Zhihao replied, "do you think anyone can sign the magic contract? It's very precious. Is it good? Only talented people have the opportunity to sign it."

Hearing this, Rao Xiaofan's face became ugly and said displeased, "you don't have a fart talent. I'm the one with extraordinary talent!"

Lin Zhihao turned black and scolded, "go away and sweep your toilet. Don't bother me here."

"You fucking deserve to be beaten?"

"You move me. I'm the one who signed the contract. You bottom trash, dare to fight with me?"


"What are you, get out!"


Finally, Rao Xiaofan was defeated.

Rao Xiaofan was not defeated by Lin Zhihao, but by the class.

On this base Island, several different classes have initially formed.

First of all, the supreme leader is Meng Hao. There is no doubt that it is the king of the whole base.

Next, the dark ranger and the light Ranger, as the closest people around Meng Hao, ranked second.

Just like the prime minister in history.

Third, the major arms of the base, especially the No. 1 soldier of each arm, can accompany Meng Hao.

They can convey orders according to Meng Hao's requirements, or they can lead troops to attack and fall into battle. Their function is similar to that of a major general.

Fourth, there are other players who have signed the magic contract.

According to the value of each major player, they can enjoy different positions.

For example, Su cainai, who has a talent for Kendo, although he had sneaked into Meng Hao before, Meng Hao accepted her with the idea of attracting talents.

In addition, Chen Qingliang, who has architectural knowledge, is also more reused than others, and his status is naturally higher than others.

In addition, there is a fifth class on the base island.

That is the captured pirates and players, and there is no magic contract.

These people have the same status as prisoners of war.

For example, the pirates on the desert island caught before did not want to subdue them, so they all killed them.

If it hadn't been for the face of the same earth player, Rao Xiaofan might have been killed.

After understanding all this, Rao Xiaofan wants to cry without tears.

Unconsciously, he even mixed up at the bottom of society.

A good hand is broken.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have been careful with Meng Hao!

At the same time, among the wooden houses and villas, Meng Hao returned to his old business and began the treasure chest transaction.

Of course, this time the transaction is no longer fresh water, but zombie crystal coins.

Yes, Meng Hao plans to buy the treasure chest directly with zombie coins.

When browsing the chat channel before, Meng Hao found that many players had begun to form alliances.

There is no shortage of survival materials, but there is a lack of crystal coin opening function area.

Some people even hang out the treasure chest they have searched hard. One treasure chest is exchanged for five crystal coins.

Seeing the price, Meng Hao couldn't help sneering.

Usually, there are five zombies and two treasure boxes on each island. After obtaining zombie coins, the island upgrade needs to consume three.

In other words, each island can only get 2 coins and 2 treasure boxes at most.

The ratio of the two should be one to one.

Meng Hao ignored the person who released the transaction information, but directly released the acquisition information himself.

[player: Meng Hao 746996585]

[trading item: Zombie coins, inventory 100.]

[demand: Sandalwood treasure chest, 1:1 exchange.]

[demand: black iron treasure chest, 1:5 exchange.]

[demand: Bronze treasure chest: 1:10 exchange.]

[Note: if there are other precious items, they can also be traded, and the final interpretation right belongs to the seller.]

Meng Hao's trading information detonated the whole trading platform as soon as it appeared.

"God, big brother Meng Hao appears again. This time it's to exchange zombie crystal coins."

"Sleeping trough, am I right? The inventory is 100, that is to say, big brother Meng Hao has 100 zombie coins! How many zombies have been killed?"

"Have you found out? He has what we lack. He is worthy of being a big man Meng Hao."

"Yes, in the past, we were short of water. Meng Hao provided you with fresh water resources. Now we are short of crystal coins, and Meng Hao provided you with crystal coins."

"A good man is safe all his life."

"I don't have a treasure chest. It's still there for the first time, or it's very precious."

"Provide professional health care services to make your body and mind comfortable and your soul take off. Just one crystal coin can be presented as a three-month member."

"Ancestral technique, ingenious operation, one crystal coin can be unlimited, including teaching and learning, and will not refund all tuition fees."


The painting style gradually twisted