Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Die!” With a loud shout, Su Chen thrust the dagger into the wolf’s neck.


This time, the wolf that bit his arm also let out a sharp howl and let go. It wanted to bite down again, but how could Su Chen give it this chance?

When the hungry wolf loosened its bite, Su Chen quickly pulled out his arm and smashed one of his hands on the hungry wolf’s body. Under the pain, the wolf could not stand properly and fell to the side.

“Ha, ha, ha.”

The four wolves were all stabbed by Su Chen and died very quickly. Their corpses were hanging on the tree in a mess. Looking at the four wolf corpses around him, he panted heavily.

“Dead, dead, all dead,” he muttered to himself.

Then, as he panted, Su Chen threw the corpses down.

This action caused the wolves under the tree to howl again.


At this moment, the leader of the wolves saw that its four subordinates on the ground were dead. It immediately let out a long howl. Then, four more wolves climbed up the tree one after another.

This was not the end. Another four wolves followed, then another four. Soon, 20 hungry wolves were climbing up the tree, approaching Su Chen one after another.

“Ha, ha, Ha.”

After dropping the four corpses of the hungry wolves to the ground, Su Chen knew that the wolves under the tree would not let him go. So, he put away his dagger and endured the pain throughout his body. He used all the strength left in his body to climb to the top of the tree.

As the large trees grew luxuriously, the branches of the trees intersected with each other at the top. It was like a road that stretched in all directions above the forest.

Using all his strength, Su Chen climbed from the branch of one tree to the branch of another. Following that, he walked along the branches and distanced himself away from the pack of wolves.

However, under the command of the wolf leader, all the hungry wolves fixed their eyes on Su Chen. As they watched Su Chen move, the 20 hungry wolves move accordingly.

Then, following the wolf leader, the pack of hungry wolves beneath the tree also moved to another tree. Then, apart from the few wolves that acted as support, all the wolves started climbing onto the tree.

Not only that, even the leader of the hungry wolves jumped onto the tree. Dozens of wolves moved around on the branches, surrounding Su Chen from all sides, getting closer to him, bit by bit.

Looking at the hungry wolves getting closer and closer, he thought to himself, ‘It seems that I can’t escape this time.’

Leaning against the tree trunk, Su Chen held his dagger tightly and looked around, looking at the pairs of green eyes. The hungry wolves that were not howling made him think in his heart, ‘There are so many hungry wolves. I won’t be able to escape this time around. I’ve endured so much and faced so much danger. Don’t tell me I’m going to die here like this?”

Su Chen clenched his teeth as he recalled his experiences during his entire time in the game. Immediately, he quietly spoke in a firm voice.

“I’ve pushed through all this time. I’ll be able to return home soon. How can I just die here? I must endure.”

Su Chen revealed a determined expression as he held the dagger in his hand. A wave of morale rose within Su Chen’s heart. He looked at the surrounding hungry wolves that were getting closer and closer. Then, Su Chen also roared loudly.



“One howl, one cry.”


Following Su Chen’s furious roar, the leader of the hungry wolves which had climbed to a spot not far from Su Chen threw its head back and let out a long howl. It was as though he was about to devour Su Chen, its prey.

As the leader of the pack let out a howl, the hungry wolves around them stopped moving. One by one, they raised their heads and howled.

The pack of wolves let out a long howl toward the sky. Immediately, it startled countless birds in the forest. They flapped their wings and flew away.

The long howls lasted for a few minutes. Under the command of the leader of the hungry wolves, the pack of wolves finally stopped howling. Each and every one of them stared at Su Chen with their green eyes.


At this moment, the hungry wolf leader jumped on the tree branch and came right in front of Su Chen. Its green eyes stared at Su Chen for a long while. After sizing him up, it let out a low growl.

Immediately, the pack of wolves became restless again. A wolf walked out from the pack and roared at Su Chen as it slowly walked to his side.

Surrounded by the pack of wolves, Su Chen ignited his last bit of courage. He held the dagger in his hand and looked at the hungry wolf whose saliva could be clearly seen dripping from its sharp canine teeth. He also took a deep breath and waited for the hungry wolf’s attack.


After its wolf leader urged it, the other wolf opened its mouth that was filled with sharp teeth and roared as it pounced on Su Chen.


The wolf let out a low roar and pounced. Its mouth that was filled with sharp teeth was aimed at Su Chen’s neck.


At this moment, facing this hungry wolf, Su Chen also let out a loud roar. The dagger in his hand forcefully pierced the hungry wolf’s neck.


The dagger pierced into the hungry wolf’s body. His other hand was on the tree trunk behind him, preventing the hungry wolf from approaching.

As the dagger penetrated deeper into the wolf’s body, the wolf’s roar became softer and softer. Its body gradually stopped struggling.

Very soon, the wolf also fell down. It fell from the tree branch and crashed onto the ground.


Following the death of this hungry wolf, there was immediately a commotion among the pack of wolves.

Then, without giving Su Chen a chance to breathe, another hungry wolf walked out amidst the roars of the hungry wolf leader.


It seemed that the rapid death of the previous wolf caused it to walk out and wander around Su Chen’s side, not daring to come forward.


However, at this moment, the leader of the wolves let out another roar and slapped the two hungry wolves at its side.

Roar! Roar!


Immediately, the two hungry wolves slowly walked out of the pack and stood on both sides of Su Chen.


With another roar from their leader, the wolves began to move.


The first to attack was the wolf standing in front of Su Chen. It pounced on him.

Su Chen clenched his teeth and stabbed the hungry wolf with his dagger.


As the wolf’s body approached, the dagger in Su Chen’s hand stabbed into its body.

However, the wolf managed to pounce on Su Chen’s body and bit through one of Su Chen’s arms.


Suddenly, the pain in his flesh made Su Chen scream. He immediately pulled out the dagger and stabbed the wolf again..