The so-called Sky City, just like this name, is obviously in the sky.

Then the transmission array of the road to God should also be on the so-called sky city.

At the moment, Rocco looked at the sky in a daze. Uncle Jiang whispered next to Rocco: "if you want to find the sky city, maybe the old servant knows some directions."

When he heard this, Rocco was really surprised.

I searched the ancient books, but I didn't find anything.

However, the old man in front of him even opened his mouth to know.

Although Luo Ke knows that the identity of the old servant in front of him is certainly not simple. After all, how can a martial artist with the peak of Xuanpin be a simple person of God.

But now after hearing Jiang Bo's mouth, Rocco said directly, "since you say what you know, you might as well say it."

Uncle Jiang looked very respectful in front of Rocco.

At this moment, I heard Rocco's question, but I was silent.

Rocco's eyebrows could not help wrinkling. The other party was obviously waiting for a price at the moment.

The other party is willing to spend time slowly, but Rococo doesn't have so much time. The longer he stays in this world.

The lower the strength will be suppressed, he must find the so-called sky city as soon as possible.

Solved the possible problems in it.

So before Jiang Bo was ready to speak, Luo Ke directly chose to do it.

The peak of Xuanpin is about to break through the strength of dipin. In Rocco's opinion, it's just that the martial arts in the nine realms are about to reach the star realm.

Luo Ke was shocked by his momentum and temporarily got rid of the shackles of this heaven and earth.

At this moment, however, Jiang Bo spoke directly.

"Don't get angry, elder. There are always many things you need to think about when you are old. In fact, there is a secret article about sky city in every high city.

But it is impossible to find the trace of sky city only by virtue of the secret text of Huangsha city. "

Hearing Jiang Bo's words in front of him, Rocco's eyebrows wrinkled uncontrollably.

"Bring it."

Since the other party claims that the secret text is the key to finding the sky city, the secret text of Huangsha City naturally needs to be taken out first.

Jiang Bo has no intention of delaying this.

A bright yellow jade ring appeared in Uncle Jiang's hand.

"In ancient times, the sky city was not secret. Even the sky city was the first of the seven cities, but later, the sky city ended with the retreat of the gods.

There are only six jade rings left for us. They are among the six cities of Huangsha, Manshui, Rongyan, Xiongjin, Linfeng and blizzard. This jade ring is a keepsake of the city owner. It has been passed down from generation to generation. This is my keepsake of Huangsha city. "

Then uncle Jiang offered the jade ring on his hand directly.

Luo Ke took the jade ring in his hand with one hand, just as the other said. There was a secret text hidden in the jade ring.

Because at the moment when Rocco took over the jade ring, messages directly appeared in Rocco's eyes.

"Broken jade crystal, which hides an ancient secret text, is automatically monitored by the system. Because the content is seriously incomplete and cannot be identified, it needs to be supplemented by relevant broken jade crystals."

Luo can't believe Jiang Bo's words, but Luo can believe 100% of Xueba's words.

"You mean that the secret in the sky is hidden in these six jade rings?"

After hearing Rocco's inquiry, uncle Jiang nodded directly.

Although it was confirmed that most of what Jiang Bo said before was true, Rocco still sneered: "in that case, why don't you six cities unite and have long been involved in breaking the secret."

For Rocco's questioning, uncle Jiang didn't have the slightest panic on his face, but slowly opened his mouth and said, "elder, obviously, he doesn't come from the six cities or some strong people in the wasteland."

Rocco took another look at Jiang Bo.

Jiang Bo continued to say, "a long time ago, gods came from the sky. We can't resist the power of gods, but we don't know when the gods no longer appear, and sky city has fallen into secrecy.

Although these are legends, as people in the city Lord's residence, we know more clearly that most of these legends are true, and if the elder guessed correctly, they should be gods from the sky, so we will look for the sky city. "

Luo didn't deny this. After all, if you really follow the other party's statement, you can really be called the so-called God.


Jiang Bo pondered for a moment and then continued to say, "since you are from heaven, you must not know. Except for war, the people of the city master's house will never easily step into each other's cities between our six cities."

"Do you want to command the six cities?"

"No, we just follow in the footsteps of the gods."

"Why do you think I can help you?"

Luo Ke took a faint look at Uncle Jiang around him. Compared with the Lord of Huangsha City, this uncle Jiang seems to be the real power in the whole Huangsha city.

For Rocco's problem, uncle Jiang knelt directly on the ground.

"We are just servants of the gods. How dare we expect the gods to do anything? We just follow the gods, and fortunately the gods chose us."

Luo laughed when he heard this.

However, Luo Ke did acquiesce to what Jiang Bo said.

I need a wizard. It's really convenient to simply solve these things.

After Rocco made a decision, the majestic main gate of Huangsha city was directly opened.

A bright yellow frame with eight strange animals in the desert in front.

This is the highest treatment in Huangsha city.

For 30 years, Huangsha city has never done such an action.

Recently, in Huangsha City, such a large-scale team also carried nearly 10000 soldiers.

This makes most people in Huangsha City wonder whether Huangsha city is ready to completely clean up the sand thieves in the whole desert.

This makes many businessmen from Manshui city feel a little excited.

After all, if the trade route is settled, the merchants who benefit most naturally are walking on this road.

However, there was no news about the settlement in advance.

Now, after seeing such a big battle, they are talking and guessing.

But some people have different feelings.

As a child of the fallen family, it is naturally clear to luoshuihan that Huangsha city cannot pay off those sand thieves for the benefit of merchants.

And if you really pay off the sand thieves, what effect will such a big action have?

Sand thieves are all over the desert. There is no fixed trace at all.

This made the cold heart suddenly have a bad idea, but this idea is really terrible.

For many years, there has been no war between big cities.