"Wake up."

"Wake up, your majesty!"

In a daze, Queen Youluo heard a familiar voice calling herself. She seemed to see the faint light from the water in the deep sea, and her body gradually floated up. At the moment of breaking out of the water, she opened her eyes.

A sea of flowers.

The scene before her Majesty's eyes was the endless sea of flowers, colorful and fragrant, and the sky was as blue as the sea, as clear as crystal, which made people's mood unknowingly peaceful.

Just for a moment, her majesty even forgot what had happened to her, put aside the strangeness of being brought to this place, and completely indulged in the sea of flowers.

Her majesty didn't wake up until her body seemed to shake slightly.

It turned out to be the No. 2 body around, shaking her shoulder.

Slightly surprised, her majesty, out of her reserved heart, subconsciously stepped back, "you... You Luo is impolite."

Nevertheless, Her Majesty's etiquette is impeccable.

However, for the No. 2 separatist, it is difficult to cause real unhappiness in his heart. When smiling, it makes people feel that he can be bullied casually. At the moment, he is very kind: "Does your majesty feel uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, please remember to tell me. I may be able to find some ways to help you. Although I'm not good at fighting, I can also use some limited healing magic."

It seemed that she didn't know what to do about this concern. Her Majesty shook her head and asked, "teacher... Where is this place?"

No. 2 separately touched his chin and looked at the sky and the distance. Then he hesitated and said, "it's very possible that we were sucked into the shining sheath."

"The sheath of glory?"

"Oh, that should be the scabbard of the shining holy sword." No. 2 smiled: "the scabbard and the sword are the same. Didn't the holy sword pendant you brought react to what we came here? This is the best proof."

Her majesty looked suddenly, "no wonder Youluo seemed to hear some call in her sleep and walked into the courtyard. Until she was waking up, she had seen the battle between the teacher and uncle Huang."

At the moment, the second separated body also suddenly realized and said, "I said, why did you come out in your pajamas in the middle of the night? You're really not afraid of catching a cold."

"Pajamas..." the queen looked down subconsciously.

The light gauze shelter is clear, and there is plenty of sunlight under the sky. This scene is suspected of a sudden release of spring light. This most noble female body in the kingdom of galenia is half hidden in human feelings at the moment.

This makes her majesty, who has been educated as a lady since she was a child, blush in her ears for a moment, and the red clouds spread rapidly on her cheeks!

Her majesty screamed, and the whole squatted down, ashamed and said, "please don't look!"

"Unfortunately, my clothes are mostly fictional, so I can't change them for you." No. 2 took on a look of self reproach, and then said, "but don't worry, try it before you reach out to my eyes."

With that, number two squatted down and approached her majesty.

The unidentified queen Youluo was subconsciously in the palm of her hand. She felt something cold and hard when she was close to the forehead of No. 2.

"This is..." Her Majesty suddenly turned cold.

The second part smiled and said, "this is a little magic. From my point of view, I can only see your vague body, basically nothing. So you don't mind."

"When..." Her Majesty was obviously surprised.

The second separated and said, "of course, it's when you show up."

Her majesty subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a strange feeling in her heart... The teacher's separation is too kind and gentleman, isn't it?

"Thank you... Thank you."

"You're welcome." No. 2 smiled, "but since you've come to this place, let's see if you can find your way back. Before your majesty woke up, I flew into the air and looked around. I vaguely saw a house in that direction. Maybe I can ask something."

"Well, let's go and see what the teacher says." Her Majesty readily agreed.

But without walking away for two steps, Queen Youluo hesitated and said, "teacher... Can you hold your corner?"

No. 2 was stunned, and then his face suddenly.

Even the queen of a country is still a little girl in essence. It is human to be at a loss in the face of this unknown situation.

"Of course." No. 2 agreed quickly, "but if it's just a corner of the clothes, it's not safe in case of any danger. I think so. If your majesty doesn't mind, please let me hold your hand."


When her majesty hesitated, she unconsciously extended her hand.

You Luo, you Luo, why are you so shameless... Your majesty has incomparably regretted when she stretched out her hand.

Unexpectedly, the number two separation is more serious than her Majesty's imagination. He stretched his sleeve to the palm of his hand, and then put it on the palm of Queen Youluo's hand.

So separated by a layer of cloth, I held her Majesty's palm.

"Then, let's go." No. 2 took queen Youluo and floated into the air, flying slowly over the sea of flowers.



Perhaps only No. 2 and her majesty know about the flower sea. Of course, if the second part can share memory, the noumenon will also know clearly.

But not now.

When Zhao Nan's consciousness returned to her body from the XL world, she could not feel the existence of No. 2 and No. 3.

He can only get everything that the No. 1 part knows through sharing.

The karbalaski incident of the University, and the sharing of the glorious sheath of the No. 1 and No. 3 to the No. 2.

This made Zhao Nan scold in her heart.

He just took a trip to the world. Unexpectedly, so many things happened in the middle of the night.

In fact, his work on activating Ye Anya's and night moon's Lingzi skills was quite smooth. After the "soul combination" of the two people, Lingzi technology can be born. It can be said that they have very rich experience. This time, the activation of individual individuals is a natural work.

On the contrary, Xu Yang is still in the process of activation because he has never been contacted. It is estimated that in a short time, Xu Yang and feinina are also in a state of immobility.

However, the bamboo forest where he lives is not only remote and secret, but also the garrison patrol purchased by him outside the bamboo forest. It can be said that it is extremely safe, and he is waiting. There is almost no need to worry about external factors.

The only thing to worry about is whether the Lingzi skill needs to be activated smoothly.

However, while he was watching Ye Anya and night moon getting familiar with their Lingzi skills, he suddenly had a bad feeling. This made him leave a word in a hurry, and then he quickly withdrew and logged in!

The moment of his return was also the time when he knew the problems that had happened that night.

But before he thought about the connection, the small building suddenly collapsed!

Say die!

If this person has no feeling, even if he can't die, he will be hurt. Although this injury is just a bottle of blood for him or the other three girls around him.


Brother Nan just swore to himself that he would never let anyone hurt Ye Anya again. When he turned around, he met this kind of thing, and he felt two huge Lingzi skills at this moment.

One is the king of the black gun, the other is the king of the wind!

Both are troublemakers.

Both are ruthless guys when they want to fight!

How can it be repaired!!

When the Dragon riding mage was angry, the whole Tanya palace was shocked... The fire appeared all over the sky. Naturally, it was because of the thousands of fire dragons released by continuous copying!

This can almost be regarded as the Dragon riding mage's signature attack skill!

At the moment, thousands of fire dragons roared over the palace, and the hot breath dispersed.

The night in the King City of Tanya seems destined to be a night of disaster. Not long ago, a huge monster attack suddenly appeared in the king's city. The riot has not subsided. Turning around, there is fire in the palace!

When people were in danger, the palace was in a mess.

But Zhao Nan felt that the Lingzi skill of Tuoba grass was far away. In front of her, there was only the king of the wind and... The existence of silver Achilles.

He frowned. The fire dragon was accused of freezing without hair under the night sky.

This is the magic released by the authentic body. Naturally, it is not like separation. There is no Lingzi Skill Bonus, and there are no fake goods of soul eating sword and various equipment bonus.

His royal highness stopped, but the silver light on his body flowed more brightly, as if instinctively in order not to lose any momentum in front of this huge fire dragon group.

The king of the wind stuck out his tongue, and the green wind gradually dissipated. Like the child after doing evil, he left a sentence: I went to play with No. 1, but I didn't look back and ran away in an instant.

"What happened, Achilles?"

Zhao Nan had to turn to his royal highness.

At this moment, the silver light on his highness gradually disappeared until he finally recovered his original appearance.

It was just as if he had recovered from a serious illness. His face was not very good-looking, and he even felt weak. But his Royal Highness's voice was still dignified, "God chose the count, which is exactly what I want to ask you! Why are you here? Where's Youluo?"

As soon as Zhao Nan heard this, he immediately understood the misunderstanding of Achilles.

He shook his head and waved his hand without solution. The fire dragons gradually dispersed. After that, Zhao Nan sighed and said, "I think we need to find a place to have a good talk... In addition, can you give me the scabbard in your hand?"