The shadow gathered by the thick fog is Zhao Nan. But it was not a separation, nor did his own consciousness come in person, but just a will sealed in the branches early.

And this is the will sealed before entering the flow condensation environment. This will does not even contain the ability of absolute spiritual circle. But its domination did not retreat at all.

It was originally given to Princess Youluo for self-defense, but there was no need to use it along the way. So it was preserved.

After "Luoshui" leaked its prototype and controlled most of it with its tentacles, Cambridge warned Princess Youluo of its brilliance. Under the hint of the second separation hidden in Cambridge, Princess Youluo threw the branch without any hesitation.

At this time, although there is no absolute power of the spiritual circle, the domineering domination is still a rare strong world in the world! A moment of domination is enough to make "Luoshui" temporarily lose the ability of action!

Or even if the will of moslian, the evil god hidden in Luoshui, can flow, the people controlled by it can't move for a moment. But this very short time is enough for Achilles to do something!

The power of the small world inherited from the God of war and the rising anger in his heart made his Highness the prince burst out at a terrible speed in this moment - beyond everyone's reaction ability!

The silver light flashed like a meteor, and the strange tentacles that broke out from Luoshui broke one after another at the moment! As myself, the body of "Luoshui" at this time was cut off by the ruthless long sword of the prince!

It's a real split! From the forehead to the body, a completely straight cut!

Turned into two corpses, they fell on both sides in front of Achilles. And almost at the same time, those who were manipulated now arrived on the ground one by one!

As long as there is no threat, your highness is strong enough to kill the enemy in an instant! This is an extremely powerful soldier. But Achilles knew that if Zhao Nan's will had not come suddenly, the matter would not have been solved so easily.

His will is only applicable to combat, or very strong... But in this case, he is far inferior to Zhao Nan.

Domineering domination is almost all-round will! Whether it is used for attack or control, I'm afraid the whole paradise world has nothing to do with it!

When the crisis was lifted, the dense fog gathered in mid air slowly dispersed. After all, it is only the will to seal up in advance. Pure consumables will disappear after they are exhausted. It is most natural. Princess Youluo picked up the broken branches on the ground. After putting them away, she smiled at her royal brother.

"Be careful!"

However, at this time, a startled figure suddenly sounded, and I don't know whose shout it was. Achilles just knew that in this cry, a strong wind attacked him!

Holding the sword and blocking, the huge impact did not make the figure of the prince move. But the man who attacked really surprised his royal highness!

It was not others who shot, but Gao Mingyang who fell to the ground first after being fascinated by God! At the moment, on Gao Mingyang's forehead, like Luoshui, there is also a wound, among which is the startling eyeball!

"Hahaha! Do you think you can kill me?" from Gao Mingyang's mouth, he smiled grimly at the moment. "I've suffered a loss, and I won't let you succeed this time anyway."

Gao Mingyang... Or the evil god moslian, "but it's really dangerous. You almost killed him."

Achilles' eyes grew colder. As long as he was an enemy, he would never be too much. The long sword in his hand burst into a bright silver light. He didn't hesitate to kill Gao Mingyang!

At the moment, a thunder fell in the air and hit the prince's feet, so that his hand had to stop. Only to hear feinina eagerly say, "no!"

His royal highness could only hum coldly, which could be regarded as Zhanshi stopping the attack, but he responded coldly: "this man has been seized by an evil will. You'd better think clearly. He himself can't drive away this will. If he doesn't eliminate it as soon as possible now, it will only be more troublesome in the future. If you don't do it, I don't mind being a sinner."

Having said that, seeing Gao Mingyang die miserably under the sword of Achilles, this terror is the worst situation!

However, worse things are happening at this time. The people who fell to the ground, no matter who they were, stood up one by one, almost the same as the changes in Gao Mingyang. A huge eyeball burst out of their forehead at this time.

"Oh? You said you wanted to cut down the roots, didn't you?"

"I'm here. I even stood and asked you to kill me. You came to kill me!"

"Come and kill me!"

"I'm right here!"

"Look, this way!"

One voice after another, with mockery and teasing, made Achilles at the center very ugly at the moment and tightened his eyebrows!

To kill all the people here?

Then kill them all... The problem is that most of these people can't be killed. It seems that Zhao Nan has a group of very close friends.

"If you don't kill me, I'll kill you!"

Among the crowd, a sneer came, and then a sword light rushed wildly, facing the back of Achilles. However, this powerful attack was easily split by his backhand sword before he approached the prince. But in an instant, more than a dozen colleagues attacked him again. As a last resort, his royal highness had no choice but to fly away and distance himself from the crowd.

"Evil god, what is your purpose?"

In the distance, the thunder flickered on finina, the serious and faint anger, and the hissing thunder made her look like a goddess in charge of lightning at this time.

She was really angry, and she was angry as never before!

"What are you doing?" a sneer came from Xu Feng's mouth.

"Hahaha, of course, to let you feel my pain!" the sound of wild laughter came from Gao Mingyang's mouth.

"You won't forget how you killed me in those years?" icy words came from Levin's mouth at the moment.

"So fear, despair."

But this sound is sent out all around, ethereal, as if everywhere. At the moment, the manipulated people are arranged into a team one by one, like an army, step by step!

In this situation, people have to retreat from their hearts. The most terrible enemy is not that kind of immortal... But his relatives and friends.

"If the disaster thunder is not in the cooling stage, this guy must not be arrogant." looking at the crowd approaching, ye Anya has no choice but to tunnel at the moment.

"Even if it can be used, you don't know which is its essence?" Tuoba Xiaocao shook his head. "This situation can't be an enemy. Let's withdraw first, try to buy some time and think about countermeasures."

"Can it only be like this for the time being..." feinina looked at her own people who were manipulated reluctantly and sighed heavily.

Unexpectedly, the voice of the evil god sounded at this time, "you can leave, but once you leave, these people will immediately go back and start killing each other. I will show you a wonderful bloody painting. Come on, these people will eventually drain the blood on their bodies because of your departure! Absolutely no exception“

"In that case, it's better to let me finish them than to be killed by you!"

The black gun king is the kind of person who can arouse the tyrannical side in his heart the more threatening he is. At the same time, he has impolitely hit one of the many controlled people!

One blow to the head!

It's completely impossible to survive!

However, moslian, who didn't know where to hide, didn't care at all: "if you really have this self-consciousness, please attack these people."


Several figures jumped out at the same time and stood in front of the team. They were Xiong you, Ya Nan, Gao Mingyang and Xu Feng.


Tuoba pointed out the weapon in Xiaocao's hand angrily, "you really think I dare not, don't you? Wait! I'll kill you all, and I'll find you and let you taste all the pain! Don't worry, I won't let you die simply, I'll torture you until I die!"

"Then you can kill one, not too many, two together! I hope you won't be awakened by the nightmare at night... Because you killed your friends yourself, and there are more than one! Ha ha!!!"


After all, Tuoba grass didn't start. He just shot wildly at the ground and breathed heavily.

"Wind... Please tie them up for me."

The soft voice came, and the gusts of breeze scattered the thick fog around. At the moment, everyone was surrounded by a whirlwind. Because of the emergence of the wind, people were trapped again.

Tuoba Xiaocao looked back. She didn't catch a cold, but she had to praise ye ruofeng!

Almost at the same time, feinina also got out of the air. From her hands, countless thunders came out and slid into the people's bodies.

A scream came out of the mouths of all the people.

Each of these thunders carries the will of finina. Although these thunders do not have the ability to split the will like the thunder of disaster, they have a wonderful power to make all evil so-called fear. Coupled with her own ability of justice and peace in the sword of hope, she began to compete with the will of evil gods in people's bodies at once.

"Glory • exorcism!"

On the other end, Princess Youluo pulled out the shining holy sword and inserted it into the scabbard. At this time, the royal highness of the princess was solemn, and the same was also in the air: "evil will end!"

Above the blade, it radiates dazzling light, shining on everyone under control!

With the cooperation of the three women, everyone under control is holding his head in pain at the moment. The will of the sword of hope awakened everyone's original consciousness!

"Yes! In this case, the will of evil gods should be able to drive out!" Linglong cried in surprise.

As for your highness, your eyes are burning like a torch at the moment. Your eyes fall on everyone at the same time. You will definitely kill without mercy when you wait for the will of the real evil god to appear!

It is said to be an evil god, but moslian's will at the moment is not very strong, just a small world. If it hadn't controlled so many people because of its strange will power, it wouldn't have been so troublesome at all!

"Want to expel me?"


"Before that, I'll take these people and everything I have on my back!"

The eyeball in everyone's forehead became bright red at the moment, and closed the split wound in an instant! At the moment, everyone's face is almost distorted!

Bang -!

There was a loud noise. At the moment, there was a controlled person who seemed unable to bear the pain. Holding his head and looking up to the sky, he screamed, and the whole person fell to the ground. Then his head burst.

Complete death!

The continuous thunder suddenly stopped at this moment, and the brilliance emitted from the blade of the shining holy sword disappeared at this moment... The evil god's means are too weird and despicable!

"Whether you kill these people or not... In this battle, it is always me who wins! Hahaha, think about it yourself. Whether you kill your friends for self-help or not, you will fall into self blame and guilt in the future!"

"Whether I die or not, the final result is your nightmare!!"

The echoing voice almost plunged people into despair. The evil spirit moslian is worthy of being the once God in charge of nightmares. What happened in Dongyuan city that day is fresh in my mind again!

Its crazy laughter makes people dare not feel like falling into an endless abyss. It is cold all over.

However, at this time, another indifferent figure came from the high altitude. Everyone could hear it clearly. Everyone who heard the sound did not jump into his heart.

And those who love this voice can't hide their ecstasy at the moment!

"Then why don't you die?"



Your highness raised his head subconsciously at the moment. This time, it was not a virtual shadow gathered by some thick fog, but a real human shadow.

The guy who turned himself into the chosen one without his consent - Zhao Nan.

Above the sky, there is a pillar of light, which brings Zhao Nan here!

The wind and clouds surged in an instant, and a little star light appeared in Zhao Nan's eyes, looking down at all the controlled people from high. Or, at the moment, through these people, looking at the evil will belonging to moslian.

"Oh? Is the Lord finally willing to appear? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Even if you appear, what can you do this time?"

"As I said, your friends, whether you kill or not, eventually you lose... In the end, you will only fall into your own nightmare and this life..."

Still one word at a time, one after another from everyone's mouth. However, the last sentence did not seem to have finished.

"There's so much nonsense."

Just because Zhao Nan said at this time, "don't hide... Give it to me, get out!"

The tone became extremely strong in an instant, just like thunder! Yes, it's like a thunder on the ground, falling heavily from the nine days and splitting into the earth!

As if they had been impacted by something, the controlled hostages fell to the ground at almost the same time.

At this time, a strong black smoke came out from the crack wound on their forehead. These black smoke gathered one after another and finally gathered into a huge ball.

Black balls... Or eyes. Because at the moment, there is a huge hole in the middle of the black ball, leaking the strange eye!

With fear, with fear, just an eye, but now it can play these feelings very rich!

The ball trembled slightly in the air. I don't know whether it was because there was no mouth or for some other reason. At the moment, moslian's voice disappeared.

Looking at this eyeball, Zhao Nan's eyes were getting colder... The cold was so cold that there was a voice: "well, it's really you. Last time I killed you in Dongyuan City, I always felt that I didn't get rid of my hatred. I didn't expect you to be able to jump around before tomorrow. It's really good, great!"

The huge eyeball trembled more and more. At the moment, the eyeballs kept turning around, looking east and West, faster and faster.

It can only express its anxiety, helplessness and hesitation through the moment!

"Do you know why I hate you?" Zhao Nan slowly approached moslian, seriously without any emotion.

The voice was so low that only moslian himself could hear it.

"Because... You gave my sister a nightmare that she hasn't been able to release so far."

"So I won't let your will dissipate so easily."

"You just sink in a nightmare."

"Let yourself sink in your will... Ten thousand years at a glance! Spend countless hours in real nightmares!"

Absolute soul circle, will control!

As the Lord of truth, the most terrible small world, the absolute spiritual circle... It is so powerful that all gods are frightened. What they are afraid of is its powerful ability to control even the will of the other party mercilessly!

Dream, extremely short.

But in a dream, time can stretch infinitely... Until eternity! Moslian has the ability to make people fall into nightmares and sink forever. Improve your will through all the negative feelings generated in the nightmare. However, at this time, it had to fall into its own nightmare!

In the nightmare, it saw its body pierced back and forth by countless sharp swords, forever

In the nightmare, it saw its body burned by the fire, forever

In the nightmare, it once again saw its body trembling under the extremely cold atmosphere

In the nightmare, he saw his childhood, saw his relatives, and killed himself crazily... Kill himself once, ten times, a hundred times... Ten million times

Countless reincarnation, countless panic, endless pain, never stop.

Above the sky, Zhao Nan stood in front of moslian, and in front of Zhao Nan, the huge eyeball of the evil god was drooping his eyes, which was completely absent-minded.

Achilles frowned. At the moment, under his induction, moslian's will gradually became weak, like a remnant candle in the wind, as if it could be extinguished at any time!

Until, it finally went out!

A large number of blood and tears flowed out of the eyeball and fell to the ground, but when they floated in the air, they turned into thick black smoke again and dissipated with the wind.

This eyeball was originally transformed by the will. Now the will dissipates and can no longer be maintained.

Achilles watched quietly and felt the ubiquitous small world. A sense of powerlessness rose in vain from his heart. The fire of infinite anger seemed to have been watered by water, but it couldn't burn.

Relying on the strength of anger and the power of continuous improvement, naturally, it can not be improved much.

"What a powerful little world... My anger is infinite and has been completely suppressed!"



When the huge eyeball in front of him completely dissipated, Zhao Nan slowly breathed out and landed slowly from the air.

The people who were still awake... Most of them were women. Now they gathered around him and asked questions one by one.

However, Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "if you don't say this first, that guy hasn't died yet."

Zhao Nan's words surprised everyone. This evil god has made them powerless from their hearts, so they haven't died yet?

At this time, Zhao Nan turned her eyes and stared at the place where the hostages came down one after another. She hummed coldly, "why? I haven't come out yet. Do you want to try again, endless fear?"

On the ground, there was a scene that made all the women feel very scary.

I saw Luoshui, which had already been cut into two bodies by the prince's sword. At the moment, the bodies on both sides melted like liquid. Finally, they gathered on the ground, gradually recovered and became a complete individual again.

It was still like Luoshui, but the eyeball on his forehead was disabled, blood and tears rolled, and Luoshui's face was as white as paper.

The eyes belonging to Luoshui are staring at Zhao Nan at the moment, but they are full of deep-seated hatred!

Zhao Nan didn't know who the woman was. At the moment, she just held out her hand and shouted, "get out!"

A dark shadow peeled off from Luoshui at the moment... This is the real evil god moslian!

Just a shadow.
