Xiao family.

After coming back from the Zhou group, Xiao Yuhan's face had not returned to normal, and even his eyes were full of anger.


With one foot, Xiao Yuhan directly kicked the man in front of him. The huge force made the man directly spit out a mouthful of blood when he hit the wall, and his face turned pale in an instant.

But instead of showing the slightest bit of anger, he got up from the ground as soon as possible and knelt down there.

His limbs touched the ground and his face was full of panic.

"Calm down, master. We didn't expect this to happen."

"I didn't expect that?"

"I'll give you a thousand damn exhortations. In the end, you'll send me off with these three unexpected words!"

"What the hell are you doing? Don't you hurry to find it for me!"

"If Miss is really missing, can you bear the responsibility?"

"Do you know what kind of state miss is now in? Do you know what kind of consequences she will cause if she really runs out?"

Seeing that the man was still standing there, Xiao Yuhan was even more angry. He directly kicked the man in front of him and roared: "don't you hurry to find him!"

The huge strength let the man back a few steps to stabilize the body, quickly nodded, turned and left quickly.


Xiao Yu sat on the seat heavily, his face was very gloomy.

Anger almost engulfed his reason.

In fact, after Xiao Xueyan's accident, she just returned to Xiao's home with her own willpower. At that time, Xiao Yuhan had found something wrong with Xiao Xueyan. In his opinion, although her daughter is still a human, her physical and mental state can't match a normal human.

Xiao Xueyan came back on a rainy night. She was in poor condition. She was as pale as paper and her eyes were scarlet.

It looks more like a devil crawling out of hell.

He had never seen Xiao Xueyan like that before. He just waited for her daughter to go to bed before he dared to find a doctor to examine her.

But that night, something happened that made his hair stand on end.

The skillful doctor said that there was some strange power in Xiao Xueyan's body, and he just had the same symptoms before, so he said that there were still some ways to treat Xiao Xueyan.

But during the treatment, no one was allowed to enter the room, so Xiao Yuhan had to wait outside all the time. However, when the night came, he heard a strange sound coming from the room.

The sound was more like something gnawing at a bone, and there was a thick blood in the room.

The whole night, the bloody smell did not disperse. Although he was puzzled, there was no strange sound in the room, and there was no unexpected situation. Although Xiao Yuhan was worried, it was not good to break into it directly, and he could only stay outside for one night.

However, when the color of the day lit up, the doctor still did not appear. He tried to call a few times and did not hear any response.

At that time, Xiao Yuhan had no choice but to break into the room.

The scene in the room really scared Xiao Yuhan.

Xiao Xueyan is still lying on the bed, gently closing her eyes, looking very quiet, but the position of her abdomen has been hired, and there is no doctor in the room, only blood stained clothes.

Xiao Yuhan doesn't dare to recall what happened when the night came, but Xiao Xueyan's abdomen returns to its original state at the speed visible to the naked eye. When her body shape returns to its original form, Xiao Xueyan has woken up.

Although the eyes are still scarlet, but the state has been much better than before.

Mental state has also recovered, but in Xiao Yuhan's view, Xiao Xueyan has become a complete stranger to her.

Xiao Yuhan is afraid of his daughter.

At this time, a very mysterious man found him. The man told Xiao Yuhan that Xiao Xueyan had been poisoned by a kind of poisonous insect that had been lost from southern Xinjiang.

That kind of Gu is named after Taotie.

People who have been poisoned by poisonous insects are likely to be unable to bear the power of poisonous insects, and their blood and bones will melt and eventually turn into blood mud. However, if you have incomparable resentment, you can bear it forcibly in the process of merging poisonous insects, and finally merge with them. You have me and I have you, and turn into a new kind of poisonous insects.Now Xiao Xueyan is the latter.

The man finally makes a deal with Xiao Yuhan. The man says that he can send the Xiao family to the peak of Nancheng, and the price is that Xiao Yuhan wants to ensure Xiao Xueyan's survival.

At first, it was nothing, but every day after that, a person of the Xiao family would disappear, and people were in a panic. When everyone was guessing what happened to the Xiao family, Xiao Yuhan secretly made up his mind.

The agreement with a man is a small matter, but as a father, he can't let him end his daughter's life by himself.

He hides his daughter's real situation, and locks Xiao Xueyan in Xiao's house.

For the life of my daughter, and for the deal with the mysterious man.

Up to now, Xiao Yuhan doesn't care what things will turn out to be. The reason why Xiao Xueyan turns out to be like this is all because of Lin Chen. All he wants now is revenge.

Take advantage of the deal that the mysterious man promised him, take advantage of the powerful power of his daughter.

But what he didn't expect was that just because he went out to see Zhou Fang, the garbage like guards at home lost Xiao Xueyan.

Now Xiao Xueyan how dangerous, he himself can't be sure, in case there is something wrong outside caused the attention of the Ming group, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Damn it


Xiao Yuhan slapped hard on the table, his face was hard to see.

And just then, the phone rings.

Looking at the familiar number, Xiao Yuhan's face changed slightly and quickly connected the phone.

"Mr. Wei."

"Your daughter is at Yana's bar."


Xiao Yuhan directly widens his eyes. He naturally knows where the Yana bar is. It's not easy to provoke the Ming group, and the owner of Yana bar is even worse.

It's not good for Xiao Xueyan to go anywhere. She has to go there.


His face changed slightly, and he thought of what Mr. Wei had mentioned to him before.

Although Xiao Xueyan can still barely keep a trace of human thought, her action basically depends on her revenge instinct.

There's only one reason she's going to Yana's bar.

"Lin Chen is there!"

Suddenly stare big eyes, but Mr. Wei has already hung up the phone.

Put down the mobile phone, Xiao Yuhan's expression is more gloomy, the anger in the heart has to burn his reason, if not for Lin Chen, how can Xiao Xueyan become this person not ghost not ghost now.

Before Lin Chen has been staying in the Liang family, he did not have a chance to start, today is a rare good opportunity.

Kill Lin Chen, he can let his daughter sleep forever.

In this way, it can be regarded as the end of Xiao Xueyan's pain.

"Lin Chen!"

Sitting in the room, Xiao Yuhan clenched his fist. With great force, his sharp nails had pierced his skin. He let the blood flow along the outline of his palm, but he didn't feel it.

In the heart for Lin Chen's anger growing day by day, now finally got the trace of Lin Chen, how can he not be excited.

"Come on, come on!"

Xiao Yuhan suddenly raised his voice, and the guard rushed in immediately, his face was still full of fear.

"Call the dark group for me right away and go to Yana's bar right away."

Although the guards who rushed into the room were very confused about this, they also knew Xiao Yuhan's temper very well after following him for so long. In this extremely angry situation, if they dare to question, it will be terrible consequences waiting for them.

The guard didn't say anything at all. He nodded, turned around and left quickly.

Meanwhile, Lin Chen has arrived at the gate of Yana bar.

The design style of this bar is completely different from other bars. There are no gorgeous neon lights or loud music. Looking inside through the glass, it looks like a quiet time.

There are not many people in the bar. People are talking in a low voice. It seems that people come to the bar not for indulgence, but for other purposes.

The Mou son Shan Shan Shan, Lin Chen walks forward directly.

"Stop!"Just arrived at the door, two guards stopped Lin Chen directly.

Lin Chen a Leng, smile to say: "how?"

"You're not a member here. No admittance."

Lin Chen is stunned, and his face is full of surprise. Then he thinks of what Liang Yin mentioned to him before he came here. This Yana bar is not as simple as it looks outside. Among the forces of the garrison, Yana bar has a high position. As for why it has such a high position, Liang Yin is not particularly clear.

Take back the thought, Lin Chen shrugged a smile, then backed away from the guard's line of sight.

Back in the car, Lin Chen's eyes fixed in front.

In the evening, it's obvious that it's not really business hours for a bar, but the cars coming here are in an endless stream. Moreover, Lin Chen finds that most of the cars coming here cost more than one million, and even he sees tens of millions of cars.

Those who come here are obviously rich or expensive.

A small bar, even if the force behind it is the garrison, will not attract so much unless everything is as Liang Yin said.

I little interesting.

With a smile in his eyes, he fixed his eyes on a car in the distance.

There is a hidden location. People can't notice anything at the first time. Lin Chen's smile is more intense in his eyes. He starts the car directly, leaves the area where the bar is, stops and drives directly to the hidden direction.