Chapter 920 - Help?

Name:God of Tricksters Author:
Since he had yet to fly far away, he decided to return to get his first kill count while confirming if he could kill them in such a way.

However, Theo finally realized how he had been spoiled by his situation this whole time. When he was in Italy, the War God Family guaranteed his status.

Even his plan worked wonders to the point he never met any relevant people. After all, the mission was similar to a personal mission that only he accepted.

Different from the War God Family, the Star Group's mission was more like a joint mission that could be finished together.

Hence, it was no wonder if Theo met someone when hunting.


A male's voice sounded across the plain where he was at. The man might think there would be groups nearby since this place was close to the camp.

But there was only Theo who heard him.

Theo stopped in his tracks and looked at the man from afar. Although he couldn't see the man's appearance, Theo could see two Flying Frogs chasing after him.

If it were only two, there was no way a Supreme Rank Expert couldn't handle them. But this time, the two frogs got help from three leopards and one yellow bird.

When he came a bit closer, Theo could see his tired expression, indicating he had run for quite a while.

Last but not least, he saw the Star Badge hanging on his chest, indicating his identity.

He couldn't help but remember what Bernard said regarding the Star Group's people.

"If it's within your ability, you should help the people from the Star Group."

"To think I need to handle something like this." Theo scratched the back of his head. "In the War God Family, I didn't really meet anyone… And they were also quite smart on their own, so the situation never reached this step. Whatever. I should help him first."

This action reminded him of when he helped his former classmate in Thersland. At that time, the person he helped had no hesitation sacrificing him. Although that became his turning point, he still felt awful when helping strangers.

"Tsk." Theo clicked his tongue and flew forward. Back then, he was a young man with no power. It would be different this time.

Theo waved his swords a few times, sending forty beams to stop these monsters.

When they saw these lights, the bird flapped its wings and created a torrential gale that deflected some rays. The flying frogs also flew forward and formed a barrier, blocking the rest.

Knowing the situation would worsen if Theo helped this guy, the leopards increased their speed and pounced on the guy.

Theo used his Thunderclap Fist, but on his legs. The burst of Magic Power gave him a boost in speed, allowing him to reach the leopards in an instant.

He struck the leopards with his sword but failed to hit any as they leaped into the air.

Theo ended up crashing to the ground and hurriedly jumped to regroup with this guy.

Noticing Theo's appearance, the guy shouted, "Thank you. But we're in a dire situation. Can you help me stop them? I will go back to the camp to get some help from the agents there! My group was ambushed by numerous monsters and is now trapped in that place. So, I can't afford to waste time. I appreciate the help, but I'm sorry, I need to leave them to you."

"…" Theo was speechless when he saw the guy increase his speed. "Isn't this the same situation as back then… The only difference is that the guy still has some knack to explain the situation."

Theo let out a long sigh with his eyes focusing on the monsters. "Whatever. I'm going to take these two Flying Frogs as my payment."

When he couldn't see the guy anymore, Theo summoned his clone and sent him straight to the bird and the flying frogs. Meanwhile, he stayed on the ground to deal with the leopards.

As if getting angered by Theo's action, the leopards pounced on him with their claws covered in black flame.

Theo used his Blink to send himself to their backs while avoiding the claws. After that, he used his Telekinesis and Thunderclap Fist when slashing his sword forward.

The shock wave produced by that slash knocked the leopards to the ground.

Even though it was painful, the leopards immediately rose from the ground. They turned their bodies around, knowing Theo would kill them if they showed a single opening.

Theo raised his left hand and called the Death Avatar. At the same time, a few trees rapidly grew around him, creating a small forest in this grass plain.

The leopards were confused with the sudden terrain change and charged forward while avoiding the trees.

His plan to split them worked and Theo marched forward, taking full advantage of the situation.

Magic Bullets flew toward the left and the middle leopards while his real body ran to the right leopard.

He swung his sword, which was bitten by the leopard. Theo couldn't pull or push the sword, so he slid it to the side without being able to injure the leopard.

As soon as the sword was free, the blue light appeared and flew out of the sword, looping around his body and hitting the leopard from the other side.

"Raawr!" The leopard reacted too late, and his neck was sliced by this sword light.

[Killed a Graviepard.]

"Weird name," Theo muttered before heading to the other two leopards, killing them in succession.

Even Clone Theo had taken down the two flying frogs. And with the help of the real Theo, he killed the yellow bird within half a minute.

Since he only wanted the flying frogs, he turned all the monsters into cards while gathering the flying frogs in one place before carrying it with his Telekinesis.

Suddenly, a group of four appeared in front of him, shocked by what they saw. One of them was the employee that gave him the mission information, so he recognized Theo in an instant.

"Sir Joker." He politely bowed to him, observed the corpses, and said, "Can you help us to rescue a group three miles from here?"