Chapter 2

Name:God-level Base Author:Asset surge
Shu Feng said: "erosion boundary, where is that? That doesn't sound good! "

"According to the information we have at present, it can be divided into three worlds: the virtual world, the eroding world and the human world. The world we live in now is the human world. "

"The virtual demon world is the higher world where the virtual demons live!"

"Between the virtual world and the human world, there is an eroding world. In the eroding world, we have a world that has been eroded by the virtual world, is on the verge of doomsday, or even has entered doomsday. "

"Among the three worlds, the virtual demon world is the most dangerous, where the virtual demons are rampant, and those virtual demons can play their full power. When we psychics arrive at the virtual demon world, they will be eroded by the Qi of the virtual demon, and it is difficult for them to exert their strength. "

"The second danger in the eroding world, where the same demons are rampant. However, in the world which is eroded by the virtual demon world and is on the verge of doomsday, there are secrets of the world. They have powerful technology, extraordinary magic and magical races. So our world has established a foothold in the erosion world. Through those strongholds, explore into the erosion world. "

"If you don't pay your debts, you will be sent to the stronghold of the eroding world to work. It's dangerous there, and the salary is also very high. A dishwasher's monthly income is about 20000 yuan. You owe a million dollars, and you'll pay it off in five or six years. "

Ding Xiaoxue looked at Shu Feng with a bad intention and said with a smile.

A burning color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he moved slightly in his heart: "a dishwasher earns 20000 yuan a month! This is too high. I really want to work there

"Finally, the world! Our world seems ordinary, but in fact, under the protection of the heart of the world, there is a powerful border. "

"When virtual demons invade our world, they will be weakened by the border. The black wolf devil who attacks you is just a inferior virtual devil. If I'm in the erosion world, I'm definitely not its opponent. But in the world, it can't stop me. That's the gap. "

"As for the virtual demon world, it is said that there is magic gas everywhere. As soon as we arrive at the virtual demon world, we will be directly poisoned and can't survive at all."

"For us, our human world is the safest compared with the erosion world and the virtual demon world."

Ding Xiaoxue glanced at the million dollar trilidas watch on Xuebai's right wrist and said, "I have something to do now. Go back and see what spiritual power you have awakened."

At the end of the speech, Ding Xiaoxue turns around and strides away.

"How can I see what spiritual power I have awakened? You haven't told me yet!"

Shu Feng is speechless, turns around and honestly starts to pick up the barbecue props.

Xinyuan district is a low-grade District in Leijiang city.

"Ah Feng, you are back!"

Shu Feng walked into a room on the third floor of Xinyuan community. A middle-aged woman with a lot of wrinkles on her face and some white hair on her head said with a smile: "today you have your favorite braised pork!"

On an old sofa, a middle-aged man with dark skin, a lot of wrinkles on his forehead, sparse hair and good features was watching the news.

The middle-aged woman's name is Wang Juan, and the middle-aged man is Shu Nanye, Shu Feng's parents.

"Mom, I'm back!"

As soon as Shu Feng came in, he went to get the chopsticks and rice.

After dinner, Shu Feng washed the dishes and plunged into his small room, locking the door directly.

"Psychic power! What powers have I awakened? Is it the information pouring into the brain at that time? "

Shu Feng closed his eyes and began to quietly recall the information pouring into his mind at that time.

A glimmer of light, Shu Feng very strange disappeared from the room.

The next moment, Shufeng appears in a spacious, huge and magnificent space.

In that huge space, there are all kinds of strange machines, some of which are similar to steel structures, and some of which are similar to huge biological tissues. But those machines and huge biological tissues are all in tatters, many of them have been destroyed, more than 90% of them are still in ruins.

"First class base, currently available equipment, central analyzer, gene collector, blood melting furnace, central control tower, soldier synthesis nest, energy dissolving pool, resource collection pool."

As soon as Shu Feng entered the huge space, he understood what the space was and what the purpose of the space was.

In fact, this space is the base of a mysterious race. After being badly damaged, it is bound with Shu Feng's soul and becomes his possession.

In fact, Shu Feng's awakening is that after binding with that space, he gets a trace of mysterious energy nourishment, which makes him wake up and become a psychic.

Most of the information has been destroyed, and Shufeng only knows the seven barely usable machine uses.

The central analyzer is a diamond crystal with a diameter of up to two meters and countless mysterious incantations.

Before Shu Feng went to the central analyzer, a message suddenly fell into his mind: "residual virtual magic energy 100 points, pure soul power 3 units, resource 0. Do you want to digitize the strength? "Shu Feng said: "yes!"

"Host, Shufeng."

"Strength 6.4 (10), agility 7.5 (10), defense 6.5 (10), physique 7.2 (10), intelligence 10.1 (10), mental strength 8.2 (10). The standard values are in brackets. "

"Charm 1, spirit 1, soul 1."

"I'm not as fit as an adult."

Shufeng is thoughtful and curious to ask the central analyzer: "what's the use of xumoyou?"

A line of information appeared in the central analyzer: "you can use virtual magic energy as energy and various life forms to synthesize different fighters!"

Shufeng thought deeply and went to the snake like gene collector.

As soon as the 10 meter long snake like gene collector lowered its head, opened its mouth and opened its mouth, it shot out a sharp thorn and gently pricked Shu Feng's finger to suck down a drop of blood.

Shu Feng said strangely, "what kind of warrior can I synthesize with my genes and the energy of virtual magic and you?"

"Here's your genetic map!"

A mysterious gene map appears in front of Shu Feng.

"After calculation, your genes, plus enough flesh and blood, minerals, can finally synthesize human soldiers who pollute the environment."

"Polluting human soldiers, violent soldiers polluted by virtual magic energy, need to consume 10 units of virtual magic energy, 100 kilograms of meat, 100 grams of salt .。”

"Pollute the human warrior, synthesis time, 5 hours."

"Pollution of human soldiers, strength 15, agility 12, defense 13, physique 12. There are no rational, violent, bloodthirsty soldiers, who can only recognize simple commands. Will attack all life except the host! You have to eat 100 kilograms of flesh and blood every day to maintain your full fighting capacity. Service life, 5 years. Evolutionary potential is almost the same as none. "

"You can modify the genetic map and make all kinds of soldiers."

Shu Feng took a look at the polluted human warrior and said, "if the polluted human warrior is used in modern society, it will definitely kill people. As long as people see it once, it will cost one million. If more people see it, I'm afraid I'll spend my whole life washing dishes in the erosion world. "

Shu Feng said: "can I synthesize my clone?"


"The clone of the host has the same physical quality as the host. Five kilos of flesh and blood must be eaten every day. After injecting soul power, you can have certain wisdom and evolutionary potential. Inject 100 units of psionic power, you can wake up and become a psionic warrior. "

Shu Feng frowned slightly: "it's not very useful to make my clone. The appearance of clones will make me more exposed. "

Shu Feng has never heard of the existence of the psychic since he was a child. Obviously, everything about the psychic is hidden in the dark. Once the ability of the psychic is exposed, the end will be very bad.

Shu Feng's eyes brightened and asked: "that soul power can be used as the material of synthetic warrior. Can it be injected into my body? Strengthen my strength

"Soul power can be injected into the host to strengthen the host's qualification. It takes 300 days for the host to absorb 3 units of soul power. "

"With the improvement of my physical fitness, can I improve the speed of absorbing soul power?"


"After fully absorbing soul power, will my physical fitness gain a sudden increase, or will my potential increase?"

"After fully absorbing the soul power, your physical fitness will be slightly enhanced, your growth will be slightly enhanced, your intelligence and mental strength will be slightly enhanced, your potential will be enhanced, and your physical fitness will not increase sharply."

"Inject soul power immediately!"


As soon as Shufeng gave the order, he felt a cool head, and his brain became clearer. At the same time, he felt tired.

Shufengxin read a move, came out from the base space, returned to his room, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Class 53, grade 3, No.3 middle school, Leijiang.

"How can I use this ability to make money?"

Shu Feng has been thinking all day about how to make money with this ability.

Shu Feng's mother Wang Juan is a cashier and her father Shu Nanye is a security guard in a property company. Shu family's economic condition is very poor, his biggest wish is to make a lot of money, let parents no longer worry about money.

"What are you thinking, Feng? Absent minded all day? Still thinking about Zhong Jietong? It's not that I hit you, but between you, complete, complete, no, have, can, can! "

"According to the information I have, Zhong Jietong is the only daughter of Zhong Hao, the chairman of green sea real estate company. She is not the same person as us."

A young man with a round face and short hair, dressed in ordinary clothes, came over and patted Shu Feng on the shoulder.

This ordinary boy with a round face is Lin Jia, Shu Feng's best friend. Lin Jia has a small business in his family. His family is much better off than Wang chuqiang. They are in the same class in primary school and junior high school, and they also play very well, which makes them become close friends.