Chapter 1181

Name:God-level Base Author:Asset surge
"This guy is really poor!! What should I do? I want to practice, but it costs a lot of money! "

As soon as Shu Feng was discharged from the hospital and returned to his home, he looked at the small house with less than 20 square meters and all kinds of clothes, and fell into meditation.

At present, Shu Feng's secret method is the secret method of physical exercise. The main energy comes from food. In this way, he had to eat a lot of food to be able to practice smoothly.

"It's good to get paid!! Pay for a period of time. "

Shu Feng went directly to the vegetable market, bought half a pig, hundreds of Jin rice and dozens of Jin vegetables, and then began to practice.

Ten days later.

"No money!"

After the completion of Shu Feng's cultivation, he took a stewed pig's foot, bit it down, and swallowed it together with the belt bone, just like a terrible human beast.

"Nanguang society is good! This society sells narcotic drugs, forces good people to be prostitutes, makes trouble, and makes usury. Most importantly, they are rich! If I kill them and carry out justice, I can get a lot of money, which can be used for cultivation. "

Shu Feng quietly searches Han Guangming's memory, looking for the goal of justice.

The headquarters of Nanguang society.

"No!! No!! Let me go!! Please, let me go! "

A tall, snow-white and beautiful girl, who has just turned 16, curls up in a room and screams with tears.

Nan Guangxiong, the president of Nanguang society, was sitting on a sofa with a flash of lust in his eyes and said with a smile, "let me let you go! It's OK. As long as you help your father return three million yuan, I'll let you go. If you don't go now, just be my woman

The girl looked sad and indignant and said, "my father only borrowed 300000 from you!"!! Even less than half a year, you are going to let him return 3 million. How can we afford it? "

Nanguangxiong said with a ferocious smile: "then I don't care! Here it is in black and white! It's natural to pay off debts. Be honest, climb over and serve me. Otherwise, I'll sell you to Rose House and let you be a cheap Whore! "

Rose House is a high-class brothel dominated by Nanguang society, which is frequented by numerous political and business celebrities. It is also well known in Bonan city.

However, Nan Guangxiong, the president of Nan Guangshe, has a good eye for the sky, and the Rose House has grown bigger and bigger, becoming a well-known cancer in Bonan city.

"What do you want to do?"


With a loud noise, a member of Nanguang society broke through the gate like a piece of crap and fell to the ground. Seven holes bled and died.

Shufeng, who was dressed in black clothes, wrapped in black cloth, wearing magic mirror and perfectly disguised, came in slowly.

"Who is your excellency? Why did you break into Nanguang society? "

Nan Guang Xiong's face sank, his eyes flashed with a touch of murder, cold voice.

Eight subordinates standing behind Nan Guangxiong also drew out pistols and pointed at Shu Feng.

"I am the embodiment of justice, come to execute justice! So, you villains, all go to die! "

With a smile, Shu Feng took the pistol he had picked up and fired eight shots with his right hand like a phantom.

The eight subordinates behind Nan Guangxiong didn't react. Their heads immediately had more bullet holes and fell to the ground.

Nan Guangxiong said respectfully: "Sir, since you don't kill me. I think I can be of some use to you. I still have some influence in Bonan city. As long as you don't kill me, I'm willing to work for you. "

Nan Guangxiong had bowed his head to countless people before climbing to the present position. Now it's very natural to bow to Shufeng.

"Transfer all your money to this account!"

Shu Feng stretched out his hand to shake according to the strange track, and his voice also had a strange rhythm, which directly used the hypnosis of the world.


Nan Guangxiong's eyes were confused. He immediately turned on the computer for a series of operations, and input all the foreign funds he had into that account.

Nan Guangxiong respectfully said: "Sir, I can only mobilize so much money that belongs to me now!! I can also mobilize other people's funds. Do you want to transfer those people's funds? "

In addition to using his own funds to lend, Nan Guangxiong also helped many big people in Bonan city to lend, making a lot of money for them every year.

Without the support of those big men, Nan Guangxiong would have been killed and put into prison.

Shufeng said: "turn around!! I'll take the money from the sinners. "


Nan Guangxiong manipulated and transferred all those people's money to Shufeng's overseas account.

"You're useless! You can die! "

Shu Feng shot at Nan Guangxiong's head, didn't look at the beautiful girl curled up in the corner, and strode toward the outside.

A ray of joy flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "a ray of soul fusion!! It seems that every time I execute justice, I will fuse a soul. That's good, too! "Boom!!

Shu Feng has just left Nanguang society, and has not gone out 500 meters. An explosion happened in a gold shop not far away.

Seven robbers quickly rushed into the gold shop and began to ransack the gold in the shop.

"This is Bonan city!! A crime city!! If we want to make Bonan a city with good law and order, we must think of some ways. "

Shu Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled, and his body was in a flash, flying towards the gold shop.

"Go to hell!"

Shu Feng just came to the gold shop, a robber eyes fierce light flash, Gun Crazy toward him for a while.

In a flash, Shu Feng appeared in front of the robber like a ghost. He punched the head of the robber and blasted the head directly.

"Kill him!"

A robber roared and began to shoot at Shu Feng.

The rest of the robbers also shot at Shu Feng.

Shu Feng, like a ghost, shuttles among the robbers and blows them one by one.

When all the seven robbers died, seven pieces of flesh and blood flew out of their bodies, forming a monster with a height of two meters, a body full of muscles, a face as ferocious as a ghost, and a smell of ferocious terror.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Without saying a word, Shu Feng fired several shots directly at the monster.

A hair son bullet bombards on that monster's body, blood four splashes, a gun hole directly emerges. Just that monster's body a burst of wriggle, a hair son bullet all was squeezed out.

"Cheap human mole ants, dare to destroy my good deeds! Then let me eat you and make you my new container! "

That monster ferocious smile, eyes fierce light flash, like lightning general toward the wind.