Chapter 183

After packing up, Zhang Che hurried all the way to the deeper part of the hunting area.

This time, they didn't encounter any more powerful monsters. They were all small shrimps. They were killed by two powerful monsters of Zhang Che. They didn't have one enemy, so they pushed them over with a rolling posture.

"Ha ha, brother Che, are we killing the four sides?"

Zheng Hongru's excited little face turned red, and his eyes were full of fanatical light.

Li Da is also full of ambition. Are you afraid that you can't get a good place in this test?

"Don't be proud. Pride makes people lag behind; Be modest. Modesty makes people progress! "

Zhang Che looked at several people seriously and said, but in exchange for a long laugh.

On this day, they traveled for tens of miles and went deep into the center of the hunting area to harvest a batch of bronze quality alien cards, two silver quality alien cards and gold quality... Well, their luck was a little bad, and there was no gold quality alien card

However, even so, everyone has been very satisfied.

This is only the second day. There are still three days left. It is entirely possible for everyone to have a gold quality alien card. At that time, it will be really awesome!

When he camped again, Zhang Che finally didn't have to worry about being too hungry. Major general Tang had a large bag of compressed dry food sent to him, which was more than 500 kg. He was almost carried by the black scale lizard on the March.

But Zhang Che won't eat at one breath. It's too scary. It's really hard to swallow just eating this thing. He still eats half full. When it's late at night, he secretly eats barbecue.

When the night once again deeply enveloped the whole animal world, Zheng Hongru and others fell into a deep sleep, Zhang Che slipped out of his tent last night, went aside to summon the rock turtle, got a large piece of barbecue, peeled off the wrapped leaves and ate beautifully.

While he was eating happily, his spirit changed again in the sea of knowledge.

Zhang Che suddenly stopped and was surprised: eh, which royal beast began to advance?

He quickly sank his mind into the spiritual sea. He was surprised to find that after his return from the animal world of Qianwei City, he collected two four-star black iron psychedelic ghost butterflies in the sea space, which were turning into two black hole like whirlpools and frantically absorbing the surrounding colorful fog.

"Yes, a week has passed since I came back last time!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Che's face. He no longer cared about the advanced level of the two blackbody quality alien cards, but continued to deal with the roasted alien meat in his hand.

Even if these two beast cards have advanced bronze quality, they are not far from the two-star card that has been promoted to silver quality in terms of poison powder power.

If you want to really exert a certain power, you have to wait until half a month later, the two four-star psychedelic ghost butterflies will be promoted to silver quality.

At that time, even if they encounter three-star gold quality monsters, they can put each other down with psychedelic poison powder.

After quickly eating the roasted animal meat in his hand, Zhang Che suddenly felt a hair on his back, as if there was a great danger coming.

"What's the matter? Aren't all the powerful beasts in this area hunted or driven away?"

Zhang Che's face changed greatly. He hurried back to the tent, took out his falling star bow, and hurriedly woke up Zheng Hongru in the nearby tent.

"Brother Che, are you mistaken? We've just fallen asleep!"

Several trumpets came out of the tent with a sad face. They were only wearing a trouser head. They didn't understand what Zhang Che called them up to do in the middle of the night.

"Be careful, I feel dangerous!"

Zhang Che was serious and shouted at them. With a wave of his hand, he had released the king of the wind wolf and the commander of the black scale lizard. Then a golden light covered his body and turned into the king armor of the swamp giant crocodile.

Seeing that Zhang Che was so serious, Zheng Hongru didn't change his face. They went back to the tent and put on their clothes. After they came out again, they released their royal animals. Although their strength was not effective, they could strengthen their courage with a large number. They were also good cannon fodder at the critical moment.

"But, brother Che, where is the danger? Why didn't I feel it?"

Zheng Hongru looked puzzled.

However, there was no difference in the quiet night around. The insects around were "chirping" and had not stopped crying.

Breeze blowing from face, there is no smell of the monsters

Li Da, Xiao Yi and Sun Zhi are also confused. They really don't feel any danger.

Zhang Che couldn't help but wonder if he felt wrong just now?

That's not right. After the transformation of demon flowers, I not only improved my physical quality, but also improved my perception of danger. How can I feel wrong?

At this time, Zhang Che felt the creepy sense of crisis again. Zheng Hongru, who stood opposite him, stared at him and showed a shocked expression, as if he saw something incredible.

Before he could react, Zhang Che felt a huge irresistible suction coming from behind. As soon as he gave a cry of surprise, the whole person was sucked into a misty chaotic light.

"Brother Che!"

Zheng Hongru cried sadly, but he saw a black door just behind Zhang Che, which suddenly disappeared without a trace.

And Zhang Che completely disappeared in front of them.

"Come on, send a distress signal!"

Li Da, who was more stable, took the lead in responding. He shouted with a cry. His hands trembled. He took out a small signal air gun from his waist, opened the insurance, pulled the trigger in the air. As soon as a specially processed signal bomb was sent, he screamed into the air dozens of meters high.

Zheng Hongru three people also reacted one after another. They thought that a signal bomb was not enough. They all took out their own signal air guns and fired the signal bombs inside for help into the air.

Four sharp calls sounded in the night sky, breaking the silence within a radius of more than ten miles.

Several rescue teams distributed around came out of the tent one after another and rushed in the direction of the signal bomb.

Instead of encountering an irresistible danger, it is impossible for candidates to launch all signal flares continuously. They must go at full speed to save the candidates who are in danger.

Half an hour later, Zhang Che's original camp had been surrounded by teams of heavily armed soldiers. All kinds of powerful Royal animals surrounded this place. Even a bug could not fly in.

Zheng Hongru stood in front of major general Tang with a sad face and said the whole thing several times. They didn't stop until they were sure there was no omission. Their eyes were full of confused and bewildered eyes.

Major general Tang nodded darkly and then said to them seriously:

"All right, go and have a rest first. Remember, this matter must not be leaked out, otherwise you will be severely punished not only yourself, but also your family. Remember?"