Chapter 228

"Then you should have just come to North America from Huaxia district? Well, when you stay for a long time, you can slowly and smoothly communicate with local people. "

Although he had expected before, after hearing the girl in front of him say this, Zhang Che's brain was still like detonating a small mushroom, which shocked his expression into a dull state.

How did you come to North America?

Wasn't I sucked into the space channel in the alien world on the outskirts of Jincheng city before? Shouldn't I still stay in the alien world there after speaking out?

Is it true that all the alien worlds are connected? I spent too long in the endless passage, so I crossed countless alien worlds and finally came out to North America?

Zhang Che had too many questions in his heart that could not be answered, but his face quickly recovered and continued to follow Chen Lishan's words:

"Er, but after I came here, I didn't know anyone, and it was difficult to communicate."

"Chen Lishan, meet me." Chen Lishan smiled and stretched out her hand to Zhang Che. "If you don't have friends here and don't mind, I think we can be friends."

Zhang Che was slightly stunned. Then he also stretched out his hand and gently shook hands with Chen Lishan: "Sun Che, he just came from Huaxia district. He is not familiar with his place of life. In the future, he will depend on you for more care."

"Then I'll introduce you to some of my friends."

With that, Chen Lishan reached out and pointed to the three white girls who were showing strange eyes behind her, introduced them one by one:

"This is Jenny Brent."

Well, this is a girl with short chestnut hair. She has a strong face and a firm look. Zhang Che saw her slapping her partner just now.

"This is Monica Elvis."

Well, this is the one who was slapped by Jenny just now. It's a typical blonde with convex front and tilted back, showing the seductive posture of white women.

But why is the woman looking at herself a little strange?

"This is Angelina Taylor."

The last white girl has black hair, her facial contour is softer than that of ordinary white women, and her expression is also very quiet.

"You can call them by their names directly, because you saved us. At least we are friends."

Then, Chen Lishan introduced Zhang Che to her companions in English. The three ocean horses immediately shook hands with Zhang Che.

Just from the action and strength of shaking hands, Zhang Che can almost see the character of the three girls.

Jenny's movements are generous and powerful, just like a man; Angelina just gently put a few fingers in Zhang Che's hand, and then pulled them away without trace; As for Monica

"I'll go. What does this girl mean?"

When shaking hands with Monica, Zhang Che felt the other party's fingers gently scratch twice in his palm, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

Zhang Che knows that he has been teased!

However, mushroom cool, I'm not used to your enthusiasm

At this time, it was almost dark.

Chen Lishan said to Zhang Che with some embarrassment:

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Sun -"

Zhang Che waved his hand: "just call my name."

"Then I'll call you brother sun. Can you accompany us to retrieve our backpacks? Just now, in order to escape, we threw away all our things, and the food and tent were still in our backpacks. "

Zhang Che nodded: "no problem."

Several people walked down the ridge and came to the foot of the other side of the hill. Zhang Che sure enough saw several large and small backpacks thrown everywhere. It can be seen how flustered these girls were when they ran for their lives just now.

The campfire is up and the tent is up.

Several people began to camp at the foot of the mountain. Seeing that Zhang Che didn't carry anything, Chen Lishan asked strangely:

"Brother sun, don't you bring supplies to the alien world?"

Zhang chulue was a little embarrassed: "just like your situation, when you met a difficult beast, you lost everything in order to escape."

"Hehe, that's really unfortunate." Chen Lishan covered her mouth, smiled and said bluntly, "then you can sleep in my tent tonight."

Zhang Che's eyes widened: she is a girl who grew up in North America. She is really open enough!

However, we just met for the first time. Is it really good to be so direct?

"Ah! Where do you want to go! I mean, let you sleep in my tent. I'll go with Jenny and them. Let's go, Jenny. They've made dinner and can eat. "

Chen Lishan stared at Zhang Che gently, and then walked to the campfire on one side.

Zhang Che smiled and knew that he had misunderstood each other's meaning. He quickly followed up. He saw three ocean horses sitting around the campfire, pots and pans lined up, and the portable folding table on one side was full of all kinds of food.

Even, Zhang Che saw two glass bottles wrapped with a metal anti-collision net, which were filled with wine?

These girls are traveling in the alien world

"Hi, sun, eat!"

Seeing Zhang Che coming, Monica stood up enthusiastically, dragged his arm directly, sat down by the campfire and handed Zhang Che some food.

To Zhang Che's great surprise, this girl can simply say a few Chinese words. It's really amazing.

"This green pond is really in heat!"

Jenny glanced helplessly at Monica and whispered with the two people next to her.

In the laughter, a bonfire dinner began.

Zhang Che was just not used to it. The golden haired ocean horse next to him was estimated to be in heat or something. He sat close to himself and made some small moves from time to time.

Zhang Che is very helpless. If he changed to the previous one, it is not unacceptable.

Fortunately, she was probably teased by her partner, and Monica was not too presumptuous.

At the end of the dinner, several people said goodnight to each other, and each of them went back to the tent to rest. Zhang Che also went into Chen Lishan's tent.

"I really don't understand these women. They don't forget these things when they enter the animal world."

Shaking his head, Zhang Che took back his silver armor, wore his clean clothes, although they were broken, into the sleeping bag touched by incense, and closed his eyes.

Well, when you leave the animal world tomorrow, you can contact your mother and Huang tielan immediately and say peace to them.

The campfire surrounded by several tents burned out slowly, and the last light disappeared into the night.

Suddenly, a figure crept out of a tent and walked carefully to Zhang Che's tent.

When she came to the tent, just opened the curtain of the tent, a pair of green eyes looked at her.

After a long pause, there was a loud scream.

"Damn it, what happened? Did any strange animals attack?"

"Monica, what's the matter with you!"

The other two tents lit up immediately. Chen Lishan hurriedly drilled out and lit the torch with a flint lighter. By the light of the fire, she saw that in front of Zhang Che's tent, Monica was unable to move up and down, and fell to the ground in panic.

"Damn it!"

Jenny rolled her eyes and slapped herself on the forehead. Chen Lishan and Angelina were speechless.

At this time, Zhang Che's tent curtain was opened from the inside. First, a magnificent blue wolf came out, and then Zhang Che poked out his head and smiled at Monica on the ground:

"Sorry, maybe my baby scared you."


Monica's face was embarrassed and ugly. She got up from the ground, shook a pair of big white rabbits and twisted the white ball like a grinding plate. In Jenny's narrow eyes, she hurried back to her tent.