Chapter 397

Zhang Chuen found that the old father-in-law still had awesome strength.

Shortly after the end of the call, a major officer found him, took him on a transport plane full of demon corpses and immediately returned to Beidu.

When saying goodbye to the team members, Li Xin and others looked reluctant.

They thought they could continue to act together with the captain. As a result, he was going to return to Beidu so soon, but all of them had to guard here for a period of time until the military built the surrounding fortifications.

At the time of farewell, Li Xin summoned up the courage to ask for Zhang Che's contact information, and then the remaining team members also asked for his personal terminal contact number. When we are free, we should get together in Beidu.

After all, they are also teammates who have fought side by side. This friendship is far deeper than some general friends for decades.

After returning to the Beidu military sub district, Huang juyun was already waiting outside the airport.

"Now there are several demon invasion points closest to China, one in the northwest and one in the southwest, which are all on our Chinese territory. However, the fighting in the northwest also started yesterday, and now it is estimated that it has come to an end.

But in the southwest, because the strength of the surrounding animals is too strong, we haven't taken action for the time being. We'll see it later.

If you want to continue to hunt and kill the demon army, I suggest you go to the east treasure island. There is also a demon invasion point in the middle of the islands near there. At present, our military has mobilized a lot of manpower and is ready to start cleaning there. You can go in time. "

Huang juyun analyzed the demon invasion points in Huaxia area for Zhang Che, and then said:

"Of course, there are still many places in the world. Because the surrounding forces are complex, it will take some time to organize a strong team of animal guards. You can also go to these places at that time, but you must pay attention to safety."

Huang juyun basically guessed that Zhang Che must have got some unknown benefits when hunting these demon creatures. Otherwise, where would he be so interested?

In that case, he is also happy to help Zhang Che inquire more about this information.

Zhang Che was overjoyed after listening.

So, don't you have many opportunities to hunt the demon family army next?

In this way, the golden vortex must be able to absorb enough alien energy, resulting in qualitative change. When you control the red sword attack, the range is larger and the speed is faster!

As for whether the shadow Fengshen leopard can get enough Warcraft life energy to cross the infancy and grow directly to a more powerful level, Zhang Che is not sure. He can only see it at that time.

However, there are so many demon invasion points in the world. As long as you work hard, hunt as many powerful Warcraft as possible, and finally improve the quality of the shadow wind god leopard to a medium-level epic is no problem.

Maybe it can be higher?

"Thank you, uncle Huang. I'll go to Baodao first. I'll wait for the rest after this time. By the way, uncle Huang, can I attend in my own name? After all, I want to hunt more demon creatures. If I take a team, I'm still a little tied up. "

"OK, I'll tell the person in charge of Baodao at that time. As long as you don't affect their encirclement plan, there's no problem."

Huang juyun nodded back.

He is more sure now that this boy must have gained great benefits after hunting demon creatures. Otherwise, how could he be so enthusiastic?

However, it's better. As long as Zhang Che grows up rapidly, his family's status will be more stable in the future, and maybe he can finally go to a higher level.

In order to be in a hurry, Zhang Che also worked hard.

Through the relationship with the Huang family, he spent 5000 Amethyst points, directly contracted an aerospace plane at Beidu airport and flew straight to the archipelago near Baodao.

Zhang Che now has a total of more than 300 million Amethyst points. It takes thousands of points to do this. It's really not even a dime.

Compared with the huge harvest to be obtained, not to mention thousands of points, even tens of thousands of points, Zhang Che won't frown.

Just at noon, Zhang Che's special plane had reached the sky above his destination.

When Zhang Che jumped out of the cabin directly from a height of 10000 meters and then flew down in xuansha Minglong, the battle was in full swing on this archipelago.

This place is surrounded by the sea. The strength of land and flying monsters is not too strong. Some amazing aquatic monsters can't stay away from the water for too long, so the animal division team organized by the military can easily clear the monsters here, and then face to face with the demon army.

Watching Zhang Che fall from a high altitude, he was caught by xuansha Minglong. The military personnel who had been notified below couldn't help grinning one after another.

This guy is really a model soldier. He just took part in the battle in the north and came to the east by air and space plane. It seems that it should be a charter plane?

That's awesome!

Although there is no pressure for the people present to charter an aerospace plane, thousands of Amethyst points are also a lot of money, okay?

Three star gold quality monster card, at most about 1000 Amethyst points!

Zhang Che naturally didn't know that in the eyes of these beast masters below, he had become a figure like Lei Feng. He could just clearly observe in the air that there were more high-level Warcraft in the demon army below, and ordered xuansha Minglong to rush down directly.

Anyway, due to inexplicable restrictions, there are no powerful individuals in the demon army. Zhang Che is really not afraid of any danger.

Xuansha Minglong fell rapidly all the way and immediately alerted the demon army below. A large number of black winged demon soldiers immediately flew up from the array and greeted them up.

Zhang Che despises him again and again. Does he despise himself too much?

This kind of cannon fodder can kill as many as you come. You don't have to play with royal animals and pets. You can solve it by yourself!

If the demon army below knows Zhang Che's mind, I'm afraid it will spit blood with anger.

If it weren't for the ban in the space channel, those powerful warriors of our demon clan would be able to kill a lot at will!

When those dense black winged demon soldiers flew up and entered the 150 meter range around Zhang Che, a red rainbow immediately shot out from the center of his eyebrows, sweeping out like lightning.

The next moment, the sky began to rain with magic soldiers.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the demon soldiers behind immediately turned around and flew back to the demon family army array, so that they wouldn't continue to send their heads to Zhang Che foolishly.

"It's no use running back. I'm destined to kill today!"

Zhang Che's eyes narrowed slightly. He already had the purple gold demon beetle armor with the legendary quality of six stars. The speed of xuansha Minglong under him was extreme. It was only a few breathing times that he flew over the demon army camp below.

With a loud bang, a colorful light turned into the huge body of the earth rock devil and fell heavily to the ground. At that time, a large number of unexpected magic soldiers were trampled into meat mud.

"Lying trough, what kind of Royal beast is that? It's too awesome!"

The beast masters who were attacking the demon camp around suddenly saw the appearance of the earth rock devil, and they were all involuntarily startled.

What a rock giant with a height of tens of meters? It's still epic quality. It's just as awesome as it needs to be!

It is estimated that a large part of the thousands of people present are the Royal beasts with epic quality for the first time in their life.

The crowd was shocked and cheered one after another.

With Zhang Che as a model soldier with powerful Royal beasts, the next battle will certainly be easier. At least everyone's Royal beasts can reduce many casualties. How much money should we save!

The mere appearance of the earth rock devil obviously can not fully show Zhang Che's force.

After the earth rock devil firmly nailed a nail in the demon army array, Zhang Che released other legendary Royal animals and pets one after another, and then frantically attacked and killed them around in the way of central flowering.

If you don't try to kill more at this time, it will be very bad for the demon family army to retreat later.


The world of Warcraft, originally full of demon soldiers and Warcraft, has begun to spread around.

At the same time, in the 108 black channels in the void, a large number of defeated soldiers are withdrawing from several channels.

These channels all lead to the periphery of Mercury's most powerful regions, and then they were fiercely attacked by the military of various regions. They had to retreat under heavy casualties.

Even in these places, there are only a few animal guards killed by the demon army. It is enough to stand up for the complete victory of the human animal guard team.

After all, even if the Royal beast loses too much, it is the easiest to supplement the Royal beast in the future as long as the middle-level Royal beast masters don't have big losses.

In order to invade this time, the great powers of the demon world have paid a lot and made full preparations. Who knows the final result is such a tiger head and snake tail.

On the platform on the top of Jufeng mountain, a group of demon family high-level people were gloomy and silent.

After a long time, one of them was as powerful as an illusory demon family. A decisive color suddenly flashed in his eyes and said something loudly to the people around him. A strong energy suddenly burst out.

"Kuloka Barca!"

Seeing the move of this demon clan power, the faces of several power nearby changed sharply, and then shouted one after another to stop it.

However, it is too late.

With the explosion of that energy, the illusory demon family's powerful body suddenly burst into hundreds of clouds of light and shadow, flying over every space channel.

The remaining powers opened their eyes one after another and watched the hundreds of misty lights and shadows flying into each space channel. They were worried.

After a moment, the prohibition in the space channel was not touched, and the hundreds of lights and shadows completely disappeared in their induction.


Seeing that those lights and shadows successfully passed through the space channel, a kind of Demon power roared wildly one after another!

They seem to see hope again!