40 Marineford War part 1

Name:God of One Piece Author:ChuFengMGA
Seeing the destruction caused by Mars attack, the moral on the pirate side rose, as the moral on the marine side dropped. Mars in his ape form transformed back into his human form, while a white vortex appeared beneath him and the rest of the crew of the Sword Demon Pirates, except for Nojiko, Daisy and Larch.


The moment they entered the white vortexes, they disappeared as they appeared again falling towards the marine side, without having to climb the wall of the bay or facing the cannons. At the same time all the pirates dropped from their ships, as they rushed to the walls of the marine bay.

The marines couldn't do much, as they had Mars and the rest to deal with.

Aokiji that was in the bay jumped towards them, as he was intercepted by a blue phoenix.

Marco: Oh no you don't.

Fujitora that was behind Akainu and Kizaru jumped towards Mars, as he felt that he was the most threatening one of the group.

Fujitora: I won't let you continue.

Mars: Let's see about that.

As Fujitora drawed his sword, a calm powerful aura emerged from him. Mars feeling the aura, took a stance, as a tyrannic aura emerged from him. As Mars aura appeared it instantly clashed with Fujitora one. The collision sent everyone around them flying away.

Garp: "That kid can actually compete with Fujitora."

Fujitora: Hmm.

Seeing the clash between their auras, Fujitora swinged his sword towards Mars, as Mars retaliated by punching Fujitora sword with his right fist that was covered by his golden gauntlet.



The moment they collide gauntlet with sword, a short silence came followed by a great sound of explosion as the ground beneath them cracked open.

Fujitora: You are a strong one.

Mars. You too, but i can see that you haven't used all of your power, as you didn't even used your fruit power.

Fujitora: Look who is talking.

Saying that Fujitora started emitting a strange energy, as Mars felt a lot heavier, as the already cracked floor beneath them, broke as the both of them fell in it.

Strawberry: "I knew that i should had killed that boy, when i had the time."

In another place, Law together with Sabo and Kuina were standing in front of the shichibukai, the warlords of the sea, which were made of Doflamingo, Boa Hancock, Bartholomew Kuma, Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk and Buggy, the weakest of all them.

Law: Doflamingo is mine, you can take care of the others one.

Sabo: This will be a piece of cake.

Kuina: Take per caution.

Law: ROOM.

As Law spoke a huge dark blue globe involved all of them with the shichibukai.

Suddenly the all of the shichibukai vanished from sight, as they appeared in different places. Doflamingo appeared in front of Law, while Mihawk appeared in front of Kuina, as for the other ones appeared in front of Sabo.

Law: Doflamingo i will have revenge of Corazon on you.

Doflamingo: That is if you can.


As Doflamingo finished speaking, the sound of a sword stabbing sounded. As Doflamingo had a sword pierced in his chest.

Doflamingo: That is dangerous.

Law: It seems that you have a strong Observation Haki. Well i didn't for this to be so easy. But can you survive this.

Finishing speaking, in Law appeared a beating red heart. Doflamingo didn't who it belong to, but he had a terrible feeling seeing the red beating heart.

Law: Let's see if you can do the same trick this time around.

The moment Law finished speaking, he squeeze a little bit the beating heart in his hand, while at the same time he did Doflamingo knelt in the ground gripping his chest in agony. This was one of the dangers to fight someone that had the Ope Ope no mi. It's powers. What could someone do to stop another guy from stealing his heart or another organ that they might have.

Law: It seems that you can't do the same trick in your heart. Too bad that my captain likes things simple and with no major stuff otherwise i would torture you for hours.

Doflamingo hearing the guy in front of him talk, he felt something wrong, he felt danger.

Doflamingo: Wait a minute.

Suddenly on Law hand a small knife appeared as he look at Doflamingo with tears in his eyes, as he finally brought the knife in his hand to Doflamingo heart.

Dolfamingo: NOOOOO!!!! Blergh

As Doflamingo tried to stop Law by using his fruit powers trying to stab Law, but all the attacks passed through Law body, while he threw blood.

Seeing this shocked everyone around them, as they knew who Doflamingo was, he wasn't a pushover. He was very strong and hard to deal with, but that guy had just killed that easily.

Law: I have avenged you Corazon. I should go help the others.

As Law lifting his head he saw that there was no more shichibukai around to fight. From some reason Crocodile was standing beside Sabo, as Kuma was on the ground, as Hancock was standing still while Buggy was scared of Sabo. Far from them was Kuina and Mihawk as both didn't move from gazing at each other.

Law: Hey guys we need to continue. Do you need help Kuina?

Kuina: No from the looks of it i won't be battling him. He is a lot stronger than me, but as i have you guys here with me he is cautions in taking action.

Law: Ok, but before we go get captain brother. Crocodile what the fuck are you doing?

Crocodile hearing Law turned towards him, without even responding as he turned towards the execution stand.

All over the place the marines were being destroyed by Larch crew as no one could fight them, in fact the casualties weren't so high, because the power houses of the marine, which are the admirals, vice-admiral and rear-admiral, were interfering, all the time, in their advance.