Chapter 590: Underground

Name:God of Tricksters Author:
After she finished healing him, Enrica rose from the ground and looked around, asking with a hesitant tone. "Where should we go by the way? Scenario B is spreading our force and eliminating them one by one with the help of the Magicians but in this type of terrain…"

"No worries. That's why Ava is with me. Besides, the general location is that way." Theo pointed at the west. "Let's go."

Enrica nodded and set off while Theo gradually rose from the ground. 

Instead of following her right behind, Theo asked Ava in a low voice. "By the way, are there people looking at us?" 

Ava made the connection to what he wanted to do and shook her head after checking the entire place. She had found one Supreme Rank Expert observing them earlier, but he left after confirming that Theo and Enrica managed to deal with the hobgoblins. 

"What are you doing?" Enrica asked while turning around. 

"Sorry, sorry." Theo chuckled and followed her without hesitation. 

The trio returned to the group like how it was supposed to be, albeit there was another Theo standing in front of the tent where he found a metal plate. 

Without hesitation, he walked to the previous plate and looked at it. 

"Hmm, what I found earlier is…" Theo bent his knees on the plate while knocking on it. "The ground should distribute the sound, but from what I have heard earlier…" 

Suddenly, he felt a similar echo when he knocked on a certain spot. It was a long one, making him think there was something underneath.

Theo thought for a moment and used his Telekinesis to lift the metal plate.

The moment the plate was thrown to the side, a six feet wide hole appeared in his vision. 

"Such a giant hole…" Theo muttered and remembered the hobgoblin's size. "Wait a minute. Do the hobgoblins use this tunnel? Goblins seem to be too small for this. It's still possible though." 

After that doubt appeared in his mind, Theo took a peek at the hole and saw vertical stairs. In that instant, he was convinced that the hobgoblins were the ones using it because of the distance for each step. 

"Still, this tunnel… I think I should report it to the scouts and have them investigate it. However…" Theo thought for a moment and sighed. "Well, I need to confirm it first. If it's something used by the goblins, I may need to adjust my plan. At the same time, it will be dangerous to send the scouts here while I'm just a clone and can disappear at any time."

He thought there wouldn't be a problem and chose to go down by himself to check the inside. 

He jumped into the hole and used the size of the wall to free fall. It became dark soon, so Theo used his Awareness to check his surroundings, making sure he didn't hit something. He wanted to use his night vision, but all his equipment was in his real body, so it wasn't possible at the moment. 

After falling for around fifty feet, he sensed the floor and hurriedly used his Telekinesis to land on the ground. He could see nothing inside the tunnel at first, so he was surprised to see the light after turning around. 

Unfortunately, He could barely see the corridor with this light, let alone the ceiling or the other side of the wall. It was only enough for him to walk forward. 

He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and marching forward. He was prepared to disappear the moment he sensed someone. 

'Still, it's weird to see this kind of tunnel… I know that there's a goblin town above, but if you think about it, I don't know whether the goblin is capable of making something like this.' Theo muttered inwardly while looking at his right. 'Besides, the lamp is not something primitive. It's running on electricity.

'Are the goblins using the equipment of the humans they defeated to make all this? But how? Or it is not the goblin, but rather a human.' Theo's body flinched as he complained. 'I don't like where this is going…' 

Theo thought for a moment and used his Metamorphosis to become a red-haired man. This way, the goblins or the humans wouldn't recognize his face. 

And his fear proved to be correct. After a few minutes of walking, he found the corridor expanded. The room was too spacious for nothing to be there. 

Because of this darkness, he couldn't see a thing, but he knew there was something here. Rotten smell entered his nose, making Theo want to puke. He even stopped sharing the smell with the main body, so Theo could only see the darkness, hear the silent place, and feel the touch. Other than that, he had no idea.

Blinded by the darkness, Theo walked around, and something tripped him.

"!!!" Theo almost fell down but managed to save himself with his Telekinesis. However, he soon felt the softness of the one tripping him and furrowed his eyebrows. He muttered inwardly to prevent his sound echoing in this room. 'What is this? I can't see a damn thing. Should I bring it with my Telekinesis?'

After some considerations, Theo decided to bring it with him using his Telekinesis to float the object. He then continued his exploration in this darkness, unable to see anything. 

This vast room continued for a while until Theo found another lamp in the distance. Without hesitation, Theo approached the light and checked its surroundings, only to find no other lamps were on. 

Hence, Theo had a solution and tried to look around the lamp. 

'The lamp is out of the wall and doesn't seem to be connected to something. Is it running on battery? If that's the case, doesn't this mean humans make this place? And with the fact that some lamps are still on, it's been abandoned recently.' Theo thought. 'I should use this lamp to go through the huge space again to see what's going on. And… that's right. I still have this object with me.' 

Theo stepped back and used his Telekinesis to bring the object he carried this whole time. He wanted to see what object tripped him, albeit he regretted it soon after. 

When the lamp illuminated the object, his heart felt heavy because he saw a human's face. The right eye opened wide and stared at him, but the corpse was losing the left eye as it was replaced with maggots. Dried blood was covering the human face as it was so pale that he almost thought it was a zombie. 

Theo couldn't help but curse out loud. "Holy shit!"