Chapter 593: Trust

Name:God of Tricksters Author:
"Are you freaking kidding me?" Theo snapped. "A level 600 monster with the strength of a level 700? And he's a General Class on top of that? If we're fighting this creature, we will be wiped out. I don't think Loris can handle this monster. According to the information, Loris is only a level 634 Magic Warrior.

"I have confidence that Loris can fight a level 700 monster, but it should be a Normal Class monster, not a General Class. Such an opponent can only be brought down by someone at the same level or a Mythical Rank Expert… And this is my first mission."

Theo facepalmed and shook his head helplessly. "Should I postpone the idea of going to the goblin settlement? In that case, how are they gonna react? The Holy Knight Order wants to finish the entire mission in two days, so I don't think it's possible to postpone the mission. 

"In that case, I should tell them about this. But this also makes me a potential target because they know I've been here. Well, who can I trust?" Theo clicked his tongue. "It's not like I can suddenly abandon this mission. And if there's a survivor, I will be fucked up."

He seriously had no idea how to finish this mission safely. 

After a while, Theo shook his head and muttered, "I should continue searching first to get more evidence."

As Clone Theo continued his investigation, the real Theo was sitting next to Ava, Agata, and Enrica. 

Theo sighed and glanced at Agata and Enrica. "Actually, I want to ask the two of you one question. How much do you trust me in this mission?"

Agata and Enrica were startled by his random question. 

"Ehm, what?" Agata tilted her head in confusion. "I must have heard the wrong question." 

"That's the question. I hope I can get an answer from you two." 

Agata looked down for a moment and answered with a genuine expression. "To be honest, although I'm interested in you, I can't say I fully trust you yet. However, if we use numbers here, I guess it's around eighty percent."

Enrica rubbed her cheeks gently and said, "Close to fifty percent, I guess? I don't plan to follow your decision unless I know the reason. If it's logical, of course, I will, without hesitation."

"…" Theo clicked his tongue and said, "If I say I don't want to continue this mission, will you go back with me?"

"The reason?" Agata asked.

"I can't say."

"No." Enrica shook her head.

"I will…" Agata answered with a hesitant tone.

Seeing the two had different answers, Theo realized what would happen after this. 

"Is there something troubling you, Theo? This is not like you at all." Agata was worried.

"I just feel like all hobgoblins are stronger than usual even though the normal goblins are not. It bothers me." Theo sighed. "You should know that the main settlement should have several times the number of the villages we have visited until now, right?" 

"You're saying there's a chance that we may fail this mission because of this?" Enrica furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, I think he means their strength is beyond our imagination because their strength increases according to their number. And it's not something we can deal with." Agata explained.

"Yeah, that's what I mean by failing the mission."

Theo nodded with a serious expression.

"Unfortunately, we can't." Enrica shook her head. "There are hostages and our priority is to save the hostages. Letting them die without even giving it a go is impossible. If you're worried about their strength, we can make a swift sweep just to rescue hostages and leave."

Theo clutched his head and sighed. "This is bothering me… I am someone who always calculates the worst situation. What if they're stronger than my imagination and we can't escape? Lorenzo was supposed to come here if I chose the Star Group instead of the War God Family. With him, I have confidence that you all can escape. But with me here…" 

"Maybe you're overestimating the enemies a little bit?" Agata tried to stroke his back, trying to calm him down. She was worried about Theo's mental state as this was the first time she saw him like this. Even when he fought a level 400 Ground Dragon, Theo didn't show any fear. And back then, he was only a level 250 fighter.

At the same time, she felt Theo was hiding some information and he wouldn't tell her anything about it. Just like her eighty percent trust, Theo must have some degree of trust, so she knew it was impossible to know the information.

"How about you rest a little bit?" Agata asked. "Maybe a good night's sleep will help you refresh your mind."

Agata tried to help him up to bring him to his tent. 

Theo thought for a moment and shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine. I should have expected that you wouldn't trust me that much. I feel like abandoning this mission already."

"…" Agata closed her eyes for a moment and asked, "Before thinking about abandoning the mission, how about you tell us what you actually want to do in case we continue…" 

"I want reinforcement… At least a few more people at Loris' level. Until they come here, we're just going to destroy some threats around the area. That's all." Theo sighed. 

Agata fell silent for a moment while Enrica said, "The hostages will die at that time."

"I respect your religion and kindness, but I have been surviving this whole time with this mindset. I don't want to be rude, but I don't really care about strangers' lives that much. For me, my life is more important." Theo shook his head. "If the Holy Knight Order wants to die, I hope you don't drag me with you."

"That's quite harsh…" Agata looked down and turned to Enrica. "But I think it's worth consideration."

Enrica couldn't give any decision and said, "I handle the church as the whole, but in this scenario, the one who takes care of the group is Loris." 

With that answer, Theo stood up and walked to Loris, who was gathering all the captains. 

Loris noticed him and his grim expression. 

When Theo arrived, all eyes were on him. After a moment of suspense, Theo said, "We need to talk."