Chapter 396: Theo's Current Prowess

Name:God of Tricksters Author:
Two hours later.

A blue-haired young man entered the cubicar while speaking with a poker face. "It's time to change."

In that instant, Theo, Agata, Alea, and Marcell rose from their positions and grabbed all their weapons before heading out of the cubicar.

They started running to match the cubicar's speed, which was similar to jogging compared to their full speed.

They soon found the other three members, slowing down their speed to match the cubicar.

Theo observed these guys since they would be together inside the cubicar for the rest of the mission.

However, the other three guys seemed to have no intention of talking with them, and Alea didn't say anything regarding their stance. Instead, she went straight to the vice leader, Xavier.

"How is the situation?" Alea asked with a serious expression.

"There is a fight in front of us, so we need to dispatch the fresh guys to head there. Other than that, everything is normal." Xavier explained while giving Alea a small device.

"Thanks." Alea grabbed the device and said, "I will take over. Get some rest."

Xavier nodded and returned to his own cubicar.

Meanwhile, Theo kept staring back and forth between Xavier and the surroundings.

They were in the middle of a plain, so all monsters that could attack them were in sight. They only needed to make sure no monsters came from unexpected spots.

And with Xavier's report in mind, Alea decided to send Agata and Theo to help the group annihilate their enemies.

"Theo, Moana, go there and help them. Make sure you don't go too far from the group and keep eye contact with our cubicars. Also, tell them to retreat to get some rest," shouted Alea while turning to Theo from the front.

"Roger." Theo nodded and glanced at Agata, whispering, "Shall we?"

Agata smiled and started increasing their pace.

They could see a group of four fighting two monsters which seemed to be green scorpions. Its height reached ten feet above the ground and the wingspan of these scorpions was fifteen feet.

The people that fought them were one knight, one fighter, and two magicians.

"We are here to help you," Agata shouted, making sure they knew they were coming so as to avoid friendly fire.

Hearing their voices, the two magicians glanced back with a serious expression. The knight quickly pointed at the other scorpion. "Help him. Magicians, focus on me."

"Understood." They started moving in unison.

"To the left." Theo pointed at the left side with no one in sight, giving Agata a safe spot to get the scorpion's attention.

Agata nodded without hesitation and released her killing intent when she reached the spot. Pink-colored energy covered her fists as she was ready to fight.

Both the scorpion and the fighter noticed her presence and shifted their gaze for an instant.

Theo took this chance to appear from the other side using his Blink and struck the joint connecting the body and the huge pedipalp.

"Cannon Blast."

The energy from Cannon Blast exploded and crushed the joint in an instant before Theo used his Telekinesis and External Flow to sever the joint.


The scorpion realized what just happened and turned its vision to Theo, but before it could see anything, a wave of Magic Bullets fell right on top of its head.




All forty Magic Bullets exploded in succession, cracking the scorpion's head. At the same time, Theo used his Telekinesis to fly on top of his body, made his way to the second pedipalp and hit it, sending the pedipalp flying.


The scorpion screamed in pain as it couldn't realize what was going on since Theo's movement was smooth and quick.

Unfortunately for him, Clone Theo already appeared above its head and pierced through it.

"Cannon Blast."


The Cannon Blast created a hole through the scorpion's skull and killed it.

[Killed a Grass Scorpion.]


Theo smiled, feeling satisfied with his performance.

However, Agata and the fighter couldn't share the feeling because they both dropped their jaws.

The fighter was as confused as the scorpion since he didn't see Theo moving other than when his clone pierced its head.

On the contrary, Agata managed to see the whole fight due to her body facing Theo.

'He summoned his Magic Bullets first and sent them into the air. Using me and the fighter to gather the scorpion's attention, he appeared next to it and destroyed that one joint, gathering the scorpion's attention.

'However, the Magic Bullets had perfect timing and hit the scorpion half a second after Theo landed his first hit. It was to create another commotion in which became another opportunity to send the other pedipalp flying.

'But his true attack was none other than the clone that had been summoned even before they attacked. The clone had been standing in the air using his Telekinesis and used the opportunity created by the original to kill the scorpion.

'It might look like he did all the work, but the most important part of this strategy was me and the other guy. If it were Theo alone, the scorpion would have prepared for Theo's numerous attacks, making the situation a bit harder.

'But still… This guy… How strong is this guy right now?' Agata gulped down, realizing why Theo could become the MVP. In fact, she had been seeking Theo's information after that tournament.

She found out that Theo was just a normal guy a few months before the small tournament his school held. It was in that tournament Theo showed an improvement that no one could believe. No, they just believed Theo had been hiding his skill before that tournament.

Unexpectedly, Theo just shattered that rumor because this kind of improvement speed matched Theo's improvement in the small competition.

That was why she finally grasped Theo's real talent.

She couldn't help but mutter, "So, this is the real Theo."

However, she wasn't the only one who saw it. Alea had been keeping her eyes on Theo this whole time since that was the only reason she asked Theo to help the team ahead.

To her surprise, her improvement seemed to be subpar compared to Theo's. It was due to her partnering with Theo for the longest she could understand how much Theo had improved this whole time and she couldn't help but gulp down when she watched how Theo took down a level 290 Scorpion in an instant.

"It seems I should stop comparing myself to a freak like him." Alea sighed inwardly.