Chapter 5875

"It sounds good, then you can also help us. As for how to distribute the eight tokens, we will naturally have our own way. How about you quit now?" Lu Zhihong obviously did not intend to retreat.

No way, the tokens are only a few yuan, who doesn't want to leave early?

You are right, let these people leave today, maybe it will be your turn next time.

But that's really just a possibility.

After all, there are still more strong men and old monsters who cannot get tokens, and within a hundred years, will there be new strong men and old monsters?

This is of course very possible.

This also means that although seven old monsters will leave today, after a hundred years, there may be more than eight new strong men and old monsters.

In this way, they still have to face more people to compete for eight tokens.

So, they don't fight for these eight tokens now, but in fact, a hundred years later, they will still face the same unsolvable problem.

Since it's the same outcome anyway, why did they give up today?

Why not fight hard?

Maybe he left today? Why wait another hundred years or even hundreds of thousands of years?

But what Lu Zhihong just said was not seven people, but eight people.

Obviously, he didn't intend to keep Cheng Yu's token.

Because there are so many people here, even if eight tokens are not enough, how can they keep one token for Cheng Yu?

In this world, the strong are respected.

Regardless of whether the token was obtained by Cheng Yu or not, what they are facing now is the issue of strength.

Without strength, you are not eligible to own tokens.

There are so many strong people waiting for the token, so where is it Cheng Yu's turn?

So if they want to grab it, it will naturally be eight tokens, not seven tokens!

"We are willing to protect you and leave together, but they seem to want to take away your token as well. What do you think?"

Surprisingly, Situ Zhongyun didn't continue arguing with Lu Zhihong, but turned to look at Cheng Yu.

"I just want to know how to open this exit? I don't really care about the rest. If you tell me how to open the exit now, maybe I can tell you the answer!" Cheng Yu looked at Lu Zhihong and the others, and said lightly.

"Oh? You still want to open the exit? But even if you open the exit, you can't keep the token, so what's the point of you opening the exit?" Situ Zhongyun saw that Cheng Yu was so calm, he felt genuine Some became curious.

He knew that Cheng Yu should be a bit difficult, after all, the last time someone got eight tokens was thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, there was only one person who was able to get eight tokens at the same time. He believed that this was not just a matter of luck, but also a certain degree of strength.

He had also gone looking for tokens before, and at most he only got three yuan.

It is almost impossible to find the remaining five tokens.

So don't look at a hundred years as if it is a long time, but if you really want to find eight tokens, a hundred years is really not a long time.

And the remaining tokens may already be in the hands of others, and even other people who get the tokens may not be newcomers, or they may have been snatched away by other strong people or even old monsters.

Unless Cheng Yu is really lucky, every token is either obtained from the body of a fairy beast, or snatched from someone who is not strong.

There must be such a situation, but such luck is really great.

So if this is the case, then Cheng Yu's strength is probably not much stronger.

But seeing Cheng Yu facing them and Lu Zhihong and others so calmly, this kind of mentality is not like the ordinary Xuxian Dzogchen can have.

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Maybe this guy often deals with old monster-level powerhouses.

Of course, these are just his guesses, and everything is hard to say.

But he was really curious about Cheng Yu.

The reason why he suddenly shifted the question to Cheng Yu was because he wanted to test Cheng Yu's details first, and because he wanted to retreat.

Because Lu Zhihong is a guy who doesn't make progress at all, he is obviously unwilling to make them retreat and let them stop fighting for these tokens.

That being the case, let Cheng Yu solve this problem first.

If Cheng Yu's strength is really extraordinary, maybe he will be a good help.

At that time, it may not be impossible for the eight of them to hold the token.

But if Cheng Yu's strength doesn't satisfy him, then maybe he doesn't have to care about Cheng Yu's life anymore.

Either ask Cheng Yu to hand over the token, or force Cheng Yu to hand over the token.

Anyway, this token must never be in Lu Zhihong's hands.

Although these guys are very strong, if they really fight, it will be a troublesome thing.

But if he had already held the token in his hand, once the exit was opened, there was still a great chance that they would keep the token.

"You don't have to worry about it, you just need to tell me how to open the exit." Cheng Yu continued to ask.

"The same sentence, if you want to know, then give us the extra tokens first. Otherwise, even if you open the exit, they will take your tokens away.

As long as you give us the token first, we will definitely protect you and open the exit safely.

Believe me, you will never suffer! " Situ Zhongyun said.

"But I think even if you tell me how to open the exit first, you won't suffer, and it won't do you any harm, right?" But how could Cheng Yu believe his words?

Besides, there are still seven people in his magic weapon who need tokens, so how could he hand over seven tokens?

However, I have to say that seeing the current situation, several people in the magic weapon were really worried.

Because they were not sure whether Cheng Yu would change his mind and really handed over the token.

If this is handed over, it is absolutely impossible for them to get the token. After all, these people are all strong among the old monsters, and they cannot be compared with those old monsters with average strength.

If it weren't for the dangerous situation outside, they would even want to get out immediately and take the remaining tokens in their hands.

"Senior, you must hold on, you can't give them the token!" Jiang Chuan couldn't help shouting towards the top of the magic weapon space.

"Senior promised us, so he probably wouldn't do that," Lu Yuan said.

Although he said so, his anxiety and worry were printed on his face.

Obviously, under such circumstances, he did not dare to say for sure that Cheng Yu would not hand over the token.

After all, now Cheng Yu is surrounded by the strong among the old monsters, and this situation is far more dangerous than they imagined.