Chapter 3418

Cheng Yu's arrival has brought blood to the thirty-six peaks, which have been quiet for two years, especially on yunshou peak, where Cheng Yu once had a foothold in the world.

Now, the place where I have exhausted my efforts to complete has become the residence of others. Here, he can no longer see the happiness of Cheng's disciples.

At this moment, in Cheng Yu's heart, there was only endless anger and killing intention.

He's going to kill everyone on yundaofeng!

Once upon a time, in front of Cheng Yu and others, these low-level friars were just humble roles. Even if he had a problem with Cheng Yu, he didn't even bother to bother with these people.

But today, he has not been so angry for a long time.

Obviously, this time Kunlun's behavior has completely broken Cheng Yu's bottom line and successfully aroused Cheng Yu's anger and hatred.

People don't offend me, I don't offend!

But today, the destruction of Kunlun begins here!

Ah, ah!

The blood on the cloud head peak is spreading continuously, and it is spreading towards other peaks.

What's more shaking is that the shrill scream of Kunlun disciples on yunshou peak came into everyone's ears and scared everyone to death.

Especially when they heard that Cheng Yu was back, many Kunlun disciples stationed in Cheng's family wanted to escape from 36 peaks.

There's no way. When Cheng Yu comes back this time, they will never come to a good end, because they have destroyed the Cheng family. Now they are occupying the Cheng family's territory.

Although there has been no news about Cheng Yu for several years, Cheng Yu's terror has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Especially for the students who are under the distraction period, they can run if they can, otherwise they will never have a chance.

"If you go to other peaks, none of the Kunlun disciples will stay!" Seeing that the Kunlun disciples of each peak began to flee, they said to others.

Even if many of these people are innocent, he doesn't care any more. Just because they are Kunlun disciples, they should die!

"Don't worry, younger martial brother Yu. I will never let a Kunlun disciple escape from us!" Xinhai can't wait for a long time. With Cheng Yu's words, he goes to Yunhai peak.

Other people nodded and flew to different peaks. Kunlun's madness really taught them a lesson.

However, this is just the beginning.

At this time, in the main hall of yunshoufeng, many Kunlun disciples rushed in in panic.

"Elder! elders! No! Cheng Yu is coming in! " The disciples cried.

Originally with their identity, how can they come in casually, but now Cheng Yu is killing people crazily outside. They don't care so much, they all run towards the hall.

In their opinion, the only people who can save their lives now are the elders.

When Kunlun sent people over at the beginning, they took Cheng Yu's problem into consideration. They didn't fight Cheng Yu once or twice. They knew more about Cheng Yu's superior fighting ability.

At the beginning, all the distracted experts who were sent out to deal with Cheng Yu didn't go back, so now they destroyed the Cheng family and occupied the Cheng family's territory.

If they want to keep this place, they have to send some experts to join the battle.

However, they haven't inquired about it. Old Tianjue and Hu Sihai of the Cheng family, as well as several people sent from Wuji palace, are already in the period of combination.

There are so many fitness period experts, Kunlun wants to kill Cheng Yu, but he has to pay for it. So now, on Cheng's territory, there are more than 20 combination periods plus two early Mahayana periods.

In Kunlun, so many experts are enough to ensure the safety of their new residence.

However, in addition to the two early masters of Mahayana, there are also masters in the combination period in other peaks, all of which are to prevent Cheng Yu.

It's a pity that they didn't see Cheng Yu when they destroyed the Cheng family.

Now, after more than two years, Cheng Yu has come back.

So for these monks who had been waiting for Cheng Yu for a long time, they were not a little flustered, but extremely excited.

If they can take Cheng Yu back, such credit will be great.

"What a panic! What if Cheng Yu comes? Today is the day to wipe the Cheng family out of the world. Younger martial brothers, we have been waiting for this opportunity for two years. Now it's time for us to make great contributions at last! " An old man yelled at the students who came in in panic.

"Elder Guo, Cheng Yu is terrible now. His strength is terrible. He has killed many of us just by releasing his momentum. It's really terrible!" One of the disciples said in horror.

Obviously, he was scared by Cheng Yu. Although his cultivation was only in the golden elixir period, and he didn't know what level Cheng Yu's realm had reached, he still knew that Cheng Yu's strength was more terrible now, and it was definitely not as simple as the distraction period."It's useless. It's only four years. No matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? Can it become Mahayana! Today, even if he is in Mahayana, we will let him go to Kunlun. " Elder Guo said with disdain.

Although Cheng Yu has always been called a genius, and he does not deny that, four years is only that long.

Maybe Cheng Yu's cultivation speed was very fast before, but after the distraction period, he could not break through casually.

Even if Cheng Yu is a genius, he is only in the period of fitness at most. In order to deal with Cheng Yu, they prepared two Mahayana periods and more than 20 combination periods.

So many experts, even if Cheng Yuzhen's talent is against the sky, in a short period of more than four years, let him break through to the early days of Mahayana, so many of them are confident to take him back.

"Elder martial brother, let's go out and arrest this boy now, and we won't have to think about it any more!" Another old man stood up and said.

This man is Ma Changlao, another early master of Mahayana besides elder Guo.

"Come out with us and see how much Cheng Yu has improved in the past four years!" Elder Guo, with a confident face, said loudly to all the people present.

"Go! Let's see how elder Guo and Mr. Ma arrest Cheng Yu! " The friars of the fit period followed the two elders and said with a laugh.

In their opinion, even if the two elders don't do it, it's enough to finish Cheng Yu.

However, now that there are two elders, they dare not arrogate. They can only follow them.

But they are not worried at all. After all, the strength of these disciples is so low that even Cheng Yu, who was more than four years ago, was enough to scare these people out of their wits. So naturally, they can't believe all their words.