Chapter 356

His hair was messy, his two braids were scattered, and he was covered with blood and panting. After a few steps, he fell to the ground.

Zixiaoxiao and lanqiaoqiao immediately sweep over and hold her steady.

"Be careful, be careful of the shadow..."

with that, ye Xiaoxi fainted, and Dongfang Zhuo was a little relieved after checking the injury.

"The injury is not serious, most of it is due to too much consumption, but it's a pity that she can't wake up for a while. Otherwise, if you can tell us in detail what's the matter with the shadow, the commander should be more careful."

Xiang Yu nodded. After the third array was broken, the second array had to be cracked in the half pillar incense. Otherwise, the third array would reappear, and the previous efforts would be in vain.

Without delay, when the next black circle moved nearby, he immediately jumped over.

"Be careful, Xiang Yu!"

Only zixiaoxiao's worried voice was left in his ear, and Xiang Yu's eyes came to a foggy space.

In front of me, I couldn't see anything clearly except the white fog. I walked forward a few steps, as if there was no boundary.

Xiang Yu didn't have many accidents. He just walked aimlessly. He knew that it would not be long before there would be changes.

Sure enough, a quarter of an hour later, the white fog in front of us gathered to the side and finally formed two branches of the road.

Xiang Yu observed for a long time and found that there was no difference between the two ways. He could not help frowning.

"Tianzi array tests fate and luck. Do you really choose any road without considering other factors?"

Xiang Yu thought about it for a long time. He felt that it was very unreliable. He reached for the thick fog on both sides of the road and tried it. He found that the thick fog had become as hard as a stone wall. He could not push it away with any force.

"Well, it seems that we can only choose any one. It really depends on God's will."

Xiang Yu had no choice but to step into the road on the right. As soon as he stepped in, the road behind him collapsed. It seems that the one on the left has been buried.

At the same time, a wisp of black smoke quietly attached to his fingers, like a ring in his right thumb.

Xiang Yu felt it and touched it, but strangely, he couldn't touch it at all, as if it was just a black light without substance.

After walking along the road for a quarter of an hour, the second fork appeared. This time, Xiang Yu chose the left road.

The same as before, a moment later, a wisp of black smoke was put on the ring finger of the right hand.

After repeating this for a long time, Xiang Yu's five fingers in his right hand had been covered by black smoke, and even his little thumb in his left hand had been covered with a wisp.

Until passing the seventh Road, this situation finally had a change. This time, a wisp of white smoke was put on the ring finger of the left hand.

"Strange, what do black and white stand for..."

Xiang Yu sighed and felt a little uneasy. At this time, he didn't have so much confidence in his luck.

When Xiang Yu's ten fingers were all trapped by black and white smoke, the whole space finally changed!

I saw a golden lock in front of me, two or three feet large, suspended in the air, and the bottom of the lock just had ten finger thick holes.

Xiang Yu looked at his fingers and immediately understood the use of the black and white smoke.

"This, does this represent the key?"

Xiang Yu's heart is bitter. If there is no accident, black and white correspond to a key, and each hole in the bottom of the lock must be the right color to open.

At first glance, each small hole as long as two choices, it will not be too difficult, but to put ten small holes in the right color, the probability has become very small!

What's more difficult is that the acquisition of black and white color is random and cannot be controlled by Xiang Yu. That is to say, even if he knows what color each hole needs, he can't unlock it at will.

However, these are Xiang Yu's conjectures. We can't come to a conclusion until we try to unlock the lock.

Then he reached out and put ten fingers into the lock.

"Pa! Pop! Pop! Bang

With the continuous crackling sound, Xiang Yu clearly saw the explosion of keyholes one by one. Finally, the golden lock was still standing there intact.

"Well, it seems that you guessed right. It's troublesome. I don't know how ye Xiaoxi cracked it in more than one day."

Xiang Yu sighed and carefully looked at the location of the broken keyhole. It happened that the location of the first, third, fifth and seventh keyhole was damaged, which indicated that these keyholes were all misplaced.

"It seems that 13579 should put the white key, 24680 should put the black key, but even if we know the law, what can we do..."

Xiang Yu thought that there would be more than 1000 combinations of the ten black and white keys, and sighed sadly.

He always thought he was lucky, but faced with such a small chance, he also felt a sense of powerlessness.

Just at this time, the gold lock slowly dissipated, and the four broken keyholes suddenly emitted a burst of white smoke. A moment later, it turned into a fierce white wolf."Damn it! If you put it wrong, there will be punishment! "

Xiang Yu scolded secretly. These four white wolves are all the breath of the moon and the stars. It won't take much effort to kill them, but the chance of unlocking them is so low. Every time he fails, he will encounter so many, and his physical strength will be consumed a little bit. In the end, even if he gets away with the Tianzi formation, it will be very hard for him to face the back two levels.


One of the white wolves was scattered by Xiang Yu. The other three came one after another and were killed easily.

At this time, suddenly a wisp of white smoke came to Xiang Yu, and he caught it in his hand.

"Is this... A key to reward? And you can arrange the location at will? "

Xiang Yu was so happy that he immediately put the white cigarette on his right thumb, which was the first keyhole.

At the same time, the space returned to a hazy patch.

According to Xiang Yu's understanding of the nine turn samsara formation, he had to wait three days for each failure to break the formation again. After a quarter of an hour, there was no fork in the road, so he just sat on the ground and waited.

And three days later, he started this boring life again.

On the other side, outside guarding the big formation, zixiaoxiao and others have been waiting nervously. During this period, the big formation trembled once, but there was no glow in the sky. It is obvious that Xiang Yu's first breakthrough was a failure.

At this time, ye Xiaoxi has woken up, and has also explained the principle of Tianzi array. Only then do people know the difficulty of unlocking.

"Well, I wish I had been allowed in. I'm much luckier than him!" Zixiaoxiao said anxiously.

LAN Qiaoqiao also echoed: "Xiaoxiao is right. This guy must be too colorful. He used his luck to pick up girls. No wonder he was so bad!"

After that, she looks at Dongfang Zhuo and shows her evil eyes.

Dongfang Zhuo is not stupid. He knows what LAN Qiaoqiao means and explains: "look what I'm doing. It doesn't matter whether I'm lucky or not. Even if I can't open the lock, it doesn't mean I'm pretty. LAN Qiaoqiao, don't make such a mindless summary, ok...

LAN Qiaoqiao is not happy to hear this. She immediately raises her pink fist, Chase Dongfang Zhuo.

Beside, zixiaoxiao's face is very bad, and I don't know if it's because she hates Xiangyu or worried about Xiangyu's safety.

Ye Xiaoxi said with a smile: "you and he are predestined, he and others are predestined, since you believe in predestined, why worry about the future road, everything is natural."

Zixiaoxiao looks at Ye Xiaoxi unexpectedly. She doesn't understand why such a little girl would say such words.

And this simple sentence, let her feel relieved, that troubled for a long time the sense of contradiction also disappeared.

Then she smiles and nods: "well, you're right, everything will be as you wish."
