Chapter 726

It turns out that the Jiuyang stone has its own quality. The Jiuyang stone is obviously worse than the Shaojia stone, so it has to be suppressed by Jiutian black ice.

"As for taking out the Jiuyang stone, there are two difficulties." The old man looked at Xiang Yu with a smile, "the first is how to eliminate the nine days of black ice, this ice precipitation for many years, even if the use of six grade flame, it is difficult to melt it, it can suppress the fury of Jiuyang stone, it shows how strong it is. The second is how to take the Jiuyang stone after cutting the ice. According to our conjecture, the fury of the Jiuyang stone can already burn the power of the space, so the storage ring can't be used, and it will do more harm to the human body. So how to take it away is a big problem. "

Xiang Yu's face is full of thought. The old man's explanation is very reasonable, and Xiang Yu himself has no way to solve these two problems.

That Yan Yue is probably because Xiang Yu's talent is higher than him, some displeasure, so he glared at Xiang Yu again, "hum, how dare you covet Jiuyang stone just because you have never seen the world? It's worthy of you to have a look here! " After that, he shook his body, and the white jade pendant around his waist also swayed, with obvious provocation.

Xiang Yu was provoked many times, and his expression was not happy. Moreover, he knew that if he didn't fight back, Yan Yue would make it worse. This is absolutely a very disturbing thing.

"Your name is Yan Yue, right?" Xiang Yu asked coldly.

"Nonsense, you can't call my name!" Yan Yue feels Xiang Yu's eyes, which makes him even more unhappy. After he joined the imperial court, he has never received such eyes from others, especially since he was a little-known person.

"You seem to care about the identity token of the emperor." Xiang Yu looked at the white jade pendant.

Yan Yue burst out laughing, "sure enough, he is a local steamed stuffed bun. This is the status symbol of the imperial personnel. The white jade pendant is already a core member, only one level lower than the colorful jade pendant. Are you envious?"

Xiang Yu immediately showed his interest. He didn't expect that the color of the jade pendant represented his position in the imperial court. He just didn't know what color the jade pendant of Lanyuan and Yinyu would be. They didn't show the jade pendant.

"Xiang is really interested, so this jade pendant belongs to me."

"Ha ha, I know you envy Wait, what are you talking about! You got it? What do you think you are... "

Yan Yue just reflects Xiang Yu's meaning, and immediately wants to yell at him, but he sees that Xiang Yu's figure becomes blurred. A gust of wind blows to his face, and he looks down. The belt of the jade pendant is still swinging, but the jade pendant on it has disappeared.

"Damn it! How dare you... "

He looked at Xiang Yu angrily and found that the shadow had disappeared. Looking around, he didn't see anything, but he felt a cool wind again, and Xiang Yu's shadow solidified again.

Yan Yue was suddenly dumbfounded. In half a blink of an eye, Xiang Yu grabbed his jade pendant. When he got to another position, he returned to his original position. This time, he didn't even see a shadow Yan Yue as a month swallow border strong, of course, know that this means more terrible speed.


"I'm very good, and so is the jade pendant. If you continue to make noise, I can't guarantee that you will continue to be good." Xiang Yu light finish saying, insipid voice as if the God of death like terror.

Yan Yue has always been conceited, but in the face of this hard to capture speed, Mo said that Xiang Yu is also a strong man in yuetunjing. Even if he is in a month's empty state, he is hard to resist. He believes that he will be killed instantly, so he trembles and stops talking, and his angry eyes gradually become fear.

On the other side, a strong man with electric wire on his head also had a wonderful expression. He said with an embarrassed smile, "I admire you. I'm always proud of my speed. Today, I know that there are people outside. Xiang Daoyou is better than ninety-nine percent of the imperial officials. If you don't dislike it, you can come to Fengjia at any time!"

Xiang Yu nodded. In the first few years, he killed some arrogant members of the Feng family, but they didn't know. Later, because of the relationship between Feng Tianfei and Feng Xiaoman, his impression of the Feng family became more rational.

Like the central imperial dynasty, the character of the Fengjia people must be mixed. There are good people and bad people. There is no need to define the whole force. There must be no big conflict of interest between the two sides. It is better to make more friends.

Xiang Yu nodded to Feng Pengyi, completely ignoring others, which made Yan Yue's face more ugly.

The old man with white hair said with a smile, "yes, I've been closed for a hundred years. Now I'm a hero. Maybe Xiang Xiaoyou can find a way to take out the Jiuyang stone. Come and have a try."

Once these words came out, no one around dared to question Xiang Yu's ability any more, and wisely gave way.

When Xiang Yu approached, he reached out and touched the ice. His palm was immediately covered with a thin layer of ice, and it tended to spread to his arms.

When he felt the danger, he immediately pulled back his palm. First, he activated the corpse Qi and did not melt the thin ice. Then he tried with the cyan firefly script. The ice quickly turned into ice water, but when he continued to put the flame on the nine day dark ice, the ice still did not melt.Obviously, corpse Qi and Wupin flame are useless to Jiutian xuanbing, which is in line with the previous speculation, otherwise Shaojia could not do anything about it.

In this way, we can only try with sharp tools or extreme force.

Xiang Yu's most powerful weapons include Tianzhao sword, penknife and zhangtianchi, but none of them are suitable for public use. Otherwise, it would be very bad to be besieged by the crowd. What's more, the penknife and zhangtianchi, which are the most powerful weapons, will consume too much energy to escape.

So we have to think about it in the long run. We have to try it when there is no one, or we have to find another way.

After that, Xiang Yu shook his head with a smile. "It's a pity that I can't do anything. Let's think of other ways." Then he retreated to the corner.

As for Xiang Yu's failure, everyone didn't show any surprise, because everyone had done their best. The nine days' ice was not so easy to break. In fact, even the old man with white hair said it casually. He tried all kinds of methods these days, but he didn't get anything. He even succeeded in melting a little ice.

"You are all the leaders of the major forces. You must have tried all kinds of means. Now, one person's strength is impossible to gain. Have you ever thought of trying to unite?" The white haired old man suddenly suggested.

"Unite? Is it an array to concentrate your strength? That's a way, but the question is, is there an array that can withstand the power of all of us? " Yan Yue has been in the central imperial dynasty for many years, and he has a good understanding of the array. He wants to concentrate the strength of more than ten months' virtual state and month swallowing state, and has a high requirement for the array's pressure resistance ability. Otherwise, this array alone can be comparable to the month medical state.

The old man with white hair stroked his beard. "This kind of array is really rare. Coincidentally, I just have a set of it."