I had an extremely unpleasant feeling……

The devil-kin will not have the will to fight anymore if I completely finish it.

That’s for certain, but……….

Why can I not rid myself of this unpleasant feeling I have.

There’s no use in thinking about it, it won’t help at all.

For the time being I should prioritise helping the people rescued from the devil-kin.


There was a slight pulsing, the ground shook, and at the same time a “heavy bass” sound rang.

「Seiji, is this an “earthquake”?」

Elena was worried.

However, this is not an earthquake.

I know this simply because I am Japanese, therefore I’m quite accustomed to earthquakes.

Immediately after that, there is a rattling sound and something collapses immediately following the sound!


That is!!!」

I look in the direction which Elena is pointing in.

The mountain where the devil-kin were located had crumbled, a mass of rocks, earth and sand flowed down; raising dust.

「What is that!」

is it new round of attacks from the devil-kin?

No, this is different,

Even if we cause a landslide in such a place, it never arrives here.

I checked the image from the 【Tracking Beacon】 that I placed in the town of the devil tribe, but

The cloud of dust is terrible, so I cannot confirm the circumstance in the town.


From midst of the sand dust, some kind of heavy sounding cry resounds.

It sounds like a voice of which you would often hear in monster movies… ….

It was a considerably low sound nevertheless.

「Se, Seiji-Sama

Th, That voice is…」

Elena is considerably scared.

Yosh, in order to calm your mind, I will pat your head.

And, I noticed,

For some reason, it is not only Elena,

Everyone who were in that place were shaking, violently,

Some were unable to stand at all.

What is that?

【Appraisal】 “fear” is the abnormal state I have fallen into.

Perhaps, was the “deep bass” sound before, was some sort of “skill”?

Finally, the dust is settling.


From midst of that sand dust …….

An enormous “Dragon” appeared.


Elena who sees it continues to be scared, and clings to me.

There is no excessiveness,

Dragon is medium in size, it’s probably about and 15m?

In terms of size, it is larger than a Goblin King.

The sound of a while ago was probably this dragon’s cry.

And in the cry, there is probably the ability to give ‘fear’ to everyone?

At that point in time, the dragon was quite far away.

However, at the next moment,

The Dragon is here, glaring at them,

I inhaled.

A, this is dangerous.

【Expected Attack Range】 shows that everyone will be involved.

I, promptly, in order to protect everybody created a large dome-shaped 【Barrier】


Along with the screams of Elena, we were enveloped in flames.

It was the kind of scenery which you would see under water in a river.

Well, what is flowing right above us is not “water” but a red “flame”.

If I was late to set up the barrier by even a second,

everyone would probably have been caught in the flames……

That dragon,

I will never forgive you!

When the flame ceased,

Half fainting,

The remainder is unable to stand up and is stunned.

Elena, Aya, Hilda and Mai are barely able to move.

Still, everybody was preparing to flee.

「Ni, Niihyan……」*Muffled Nii-chan*

Aya was also scared and clung to me.

I am too easily scared, and a tongue movement does not turn around. [need help here]


I guess I’m going to hit him.

「Aya, Elena, listen,

With Hilda and Mai, ask everyone to evacuate」

「As for nii-chan,

Wh, Wh, What, What will you do? 」

「Of course I will go to defeat the dragon」

「It’s impossible!

onii-chan would die!!」

Is it due to the condition of “fear”, I wonder?

Aya continues to be scared.

「I will not die.

Leave this to me, Aya go on ahead. 」

「I hate it, do not go onii-chan!」


I tried to calm her down,

Aya is also scared.

What’s going on here?

Oh, is it good?

「Elena, ask Aya」

「no, nii-chan!」

While I can hear the heart-rending cry of Aya to the back,

I confront the the dragon.

I started running towards the dragon.


I tried to appraise the dragon,

After all, the previous cry was a [skill].

【Dragon’s Roar】

‘Fear’ is given to the person whose level is lower.

Aya and Elena were stunned by this.

In other words, I who do not fall into “fear,”

It means, my level is above this guy.

However, this Dragon,

Where did it come from?

A devil group would not keep it; and ……

When this fight is over, I will rewind the image of the tracking beacon that was in the town of the devil-kin and check it?

I am in front of the dragon ‘s eyes that is about 15 m long,

It was hard to stand alone.

「You lizard bastard,

You’re guilty of the crime of making Aya and Elena scared.

You should realize it」