An understatement made the heroic atmosphere that had just condensed into a piece of iron collapse in an instant.

Cocoa almost couldn't believe looking at her brother.

Brad and buffy couldn't help but open their mouths. Their chins were so open that they could see the small tongues in their throats.

Even Napa, who had been indifferent there since just now and just closed her eyes, now raised her head in shock, and her sapphire blue eyes looked at the guild president who had been tossing around all day.

However, arrow did not pay any attention to the doubts of his family members. He just continued to say slowly in a relaxed tone to the desperate thief in front of him——

"Cream, have you got something wrong? Although what you said is very moving, the tears of my sympathy are falling. But do you know what kind of tasks you are delegating? "

"You are entrusting a regular guild that has been registered in the Empire to face another regular guild that has been registered in the Empire and to eradicate it completely."

"To be more precise, you are no longer a suitable task to entrust in the guild. Your commission is an assassination against other guild members. If mermaid song really takes over this task, we are no different from mercenaries who take over dirty work. But you should know that the adventurer guild is not the same as the mercenary. Our adventurer guild absolutely does not allow random assassination or extermination of humans or other intelligent races. This is not an adventure, but an act that puts our guild members completely in danger. Brad, Buffy, coco, you must also understand that our guild is definitely not a mercenary. Killing people is absolutely unacceptable. "

Cocoa, who originally wanted to say something, was directly turned back by arrow's stern eyes. The magician pinched his dead tree branch and shrunk his neck. After a careful aftertaste of arrow's words, she raised her head again and looked at her president.

After touching arrow's stern eyes again, she finally lowered her head, and the dead soldiers turned into dust along with the skeleton dogs that had already turned into dust.

Brad is stupid and doesn't know how to refute president arrow. He could only keep opening and closing his mouth for a long time before he said: "can't we... Kill people casually? Even bad people... Can't just kill them? "

"We have no right to decide whether others deserve to die. If we think we have this right, others can also decide whether we deserve to die. Do you want someone in the world to believe you, or Bafei to die? "

Brad may have no problem with him, but when it comes to Buffy, the big man was shocked and instinctively raised his hand to protect the flower goblin on his shoulder. At this moment, he finally figured it out and sat down silently.

Buffy is the same. Taking Brad's life as an example, she learned the concept of "guild is not a hired killer" faster than Brad.

Seeing that his members finally agreed with this theory, arrow couldn't help breathing out.

You know, the members of their guild are very young and motivated. However, as a mature adventurer, they must not act with emotion anytime and anywhere. They must learn some rules and understand the constraints of some rules even when they are most excited.

Indulgence may make you do the right thing. But more often it will put you into a worse situation. In particular, these children should not feel that they have the right to take the lives of others at will by becoming an adventurer.

Power can be used to serve people, but if you control power with reckless emotions, power will eat itself back. If there is no sense of vigilance and awe after stepping into the boundary of killing human lives, these children are likely to have a good end in the future.

Fortunately, they seem to understand what they mean.

After instructing the members, arrow turned to the cream over there again and continued to say in a arrogant tone: "just as I said just now, will our guild accept the Commission of murder. At the same time, from another point of view, you can't even hire professional mercenaries, can you? How much money do you have to pay the bill? Even though the iron wolf guild has been greatly weakened, it is still a very powerful guild. The fire magician of the real eye is not good either. How much do you think you can pay with the magic crystal ring around your neck? Hehe, I'm afraid even the wealth created by the animal traps I set up in the shining forest is more valuable than you. "

Arrow waved his hand and didn't want to talk about the current topic. He asked Brad and cocoa to clean up the dishes. He continued to look lazy, sat in front of the completely dull cream, narrowed his eyes and said, "for the sake of the business you introduced to me, it's late now. You can stay with me for one night. I don't charge you any fees. Don't blame me for being ruthless, and don't blame me for being too greedy and afraid of death. Really... "

He sighed and said in a very sorry tone——

"Our guild is really weak. Even if we want to help you, we can't help you. Brad, coco and buffy are simple, and they are weak. I don't want them to die in this matter. "

For a long time, cream nodded gently, with a dead gray face and a weak voice like that of a dead person.

With the response of cream, arrow, the guild president, also got up and began to be busy. The whole guild hall was quiet. Except for the flashing lights on the surrounding walls, everything was as silent as time.

Brad and coco didn't dare to talk to cream when they passed the hall. Maybe they knew that even what they said was meaningless now.

Time, tick... Tick... Walk.

The busy guild hall became quiet with the deepening of the night.

From the moment when the last hope of the mermaid song was exterminated, cream knew that he was sentenced to death.

Wolff and Merlin will never let themselves die too easily. All this is because of their greed, their persistence in gold and silver treasures, and their feelings for rayla... It can be said that these beautiful "Dreams" are finally destroyed in their own hands. Helplessly... Watching everything, everything, turn into ashes

Fingers raised, trembling.

He took off the pendant around his neck and took off the magic crystal ring he carefully selected.

The dark magic crystal has impurities, and the magic contained is insignificant for those magicians.

Although it was not valuable, he even thought that after robbing the Viscount, he could change a larger and higher-level magic crystal ring.

But even with such a small ring, he had dreamed of such a beautiful day

On that day, he could face the sunshine, kneel solemnly in front of his beloved, say the words he had prepared for a long time, and then wear this ring on his beloved's ring finger.

On that best day, everything will become colorful. He will not think about the fact that he is a street gangster, nor will he want to go back to the street full of dirt and deception.

Everything can start from the best day and become more beautiful... More

"Coo woo...!"

Suddenly, cream's teeth clenched.

He put his hands around the ring, and his eyes full of sadness and despair were filled with anger again.

"Wolf Firth, Merlin Whisperer... You want to kill me, don't you? Well, I'll kill you too! "

"I won't run away again. Even if I die, I will drag you to death together! The entrance of hell is prepared for people like us. You must have thought about this day for a long time in this business? Well, let's have a try! "

Do it when you think of it. Drink the milk in the cup and get up again.

But what will you do later?

He began to think about his current situation. But soon, he suddenly thought of what he had just heard from the mermaid president!

Shining forest, trap!

Thinking of this sentence, he began to close his eyes and carefully recall the state in which the short president said these words.

With thinking, the two decorative daggers on the short president's belt immediately jumped into his mind.

Thinking of the two daggers, cream looked at the two broken daggers he had inserted on the table.

In that case, you're welcome. Cream pulled out the broken dagger and inserted it into the scabbard. He made a little confirmation that there was no one in the hall. After sleeping on the cushion, the cat crept towards the storage room behind the hall.

Push open the door of the storage room, the lights have been extinguished in such a large space. But from a distance, the short president and the necromancer could be seen standing together and walking to a wall hung with iron shield, hammer and leather armor.

"Brother president, we... Really don't help the thief? He's very poor... Although we can't kill, we should... Still be able to help him escape? "

The kindness of the necromancer moved cream a little, but he still hid his figure in the dark and slowly approached the two people in front. From a distance, he could see two short swords on the short man's waist.

"Why do you want to help him so much? Because of the magician of the real eye? "

"Isn't it? That's a bad guy guild with members of the evil magician organization! "

"Then coco, I ask you, is it possible that as long as you used to be a member of this magician organization, no matter now or not, you will be a bad person all your life and never become a good person?"

The necromancer was asked for a moment.

Hiding in the dark, cream saw that the little girl's mouth twitched a little. After a while, she finally gave up and said nothing.

The short president smiled, reached out and rubbed the head of the necromancer. At the same time, he took down the two short swords around his waist, put them on the hanger on the wall, and then said, "by the way, cocoa, don't go to the shining forest recently. In order to save some food expenses, I put a lot of traps in the forest. If you go and get caught in a trap, you'll be in trouble. "

The little necromancer was stunned and said anxiously, "brother president, is our economic situation really so bad? Do we all need to start playing game for dinner? "

The short president smiled and continued to appease his guild members: "it's not. It's just better than nothing. It's just that if you accept some missions recently and must enter the shining forest, remember, I must have made a mark on the tree next to the trap. I have installed a total of eight traps, and I have recorded the general map of the traps. "

Then the president took out a piece of paper from his arms, put it on a low table next to him, smiled and said, "it's late now. Come and have a look when you're free tomorrow. You can also ask Brad to come and remember that there are problems in the forest. "

The necromancer nodded.

The two of mermaid's song walked out of the storeroom slowly as they spoke.

Cream waited until the door was completely closed and dormant in the dark for a long time. When he confirmed that no one could disturb him, he rushed to the place where the short president put his weapons just now and silently lit the fire.

Without hesitation, he took down the two short swords, put down the fire break, and suddenly pulled out the scabbard.

The sharp edge of sharp tooth dagger still emits a soul stirring light even in such a dark environment. The sharp blade and slightly curved body can't help but make my heart beat faster!

With a happy look on his face, he inserted two short swords into his waist, then went to the small low table, picked up the map and looked at it.

"If I can come back alive, I'll be lucky to get your help. I apologize to you and kowtow until you are satisfied. But if I can't come back, you should spend some money to help me with my funeral. "

With that, cream kicked the map into his arms, quickly rushed out of the storage room, grabbed some bread and cakes in the kitchen, quietly opened the door of the guild and disappeared under the night of Pelican town like a burst of smoke.

——On September 24, 1301, board expenses: - 1 copper 4 iron, animal trap: - 2 silver, sundry task entrustment: 2 copper, balance: 83 gold 6 Silver 7 copper 3 iron——