Chapter 315

Before ello spoke, cocoa puffed his cheeks and shouted, "shameless! The president's brother wouldn't want a bitch like you! "

Margo snorted coldly, then leaned against the staff and made a slightly enchanting gesture. With the sunshine in the morning, she put aside her forked skirt and revealed her big white legs: "Oh? I don't think so. After all, as long as you are a man, you can't stop that demand, can you? President arrow. "

Cocoa still didn't believe it, but she suddenly turned her head and stared at her president at this time, as if she had some lack of confidence.

Seeing Coco's expression, ello couldn't help laughing.

He shook his head gently and said, "I don't want you to accompany me. To tell you the truth, I didn't want to let this staff leave our mermaid song. In any case, this is the property of the mermaid song, and further, it is the property of the Holy See of light. Our mermaid song is just kept for us. You want to take it? Hehe, I'm afraid any conditions are useless. "

Hearing what ELO said, cocoa immediately increased her confidence! She nodded hard and turned her head again against the coquettish woman.

Margo's mouth now twitched involuntarily. She groaned, cheered up in the dark, and continued to convey magic to the light staff.

But no matter how much she encouraged, the staff could never return to the same state of mind as before. Don't accept any of your magic. It's like some resistance.

Without the help of the wand of light, Margo knew that it was impossible to escape from the circle of mermaid song just by virtue of her power to shine with both hands.

No way, she could only sigh helplessly, insert the light magic wand into the mud, open her hands and retreat slightly, and said, "Okay, okay! I convinced you! I lost. Is that all right? Change the staff for you! Can you let me go? "

Arrow winked at Brad. The big man nodded, pulled up the light staff and retreated.

Seeing that the staff was confiscated, Margo's eyes were full of unwilling and helpless. But she also knew that it was useless to say anything now. She could only bear the tone silently, lower her head and turn around to leave.

But at this time, arrow waved again and motioned his members to surround the woman again.

Margo was stunned to see her way out blocked again!

She quickly turned her head and looked at arrow with an incredible expression. Similarly, although other guild members did the same, they also had some doubts in their eyes.

"What are you doing? I returned everything to you! Why don't you let me go! "

With his hands on his back and a smile on his face, arrow walked slowly to Brad and took the staff.

The light wand is as dull as before.

But it doesn't matter. What really matters is what he's going to say next.

"Miss Margo, it's not that I don't want to let you go, but that I want to talk to you."

Margo clenched her teeth and squeezed her fist slightly. But under the oppression of those adventurers around her, she didn't dare to resist at all.

"Where are you going after you leave here? You don't have any money, do you? Even if you plan to sell it all the way as a toll after you leave Pelican Town, do you need some basic action funds? Do you have these? "

Arrow's tone was very understated, and there was some sense of joke.

Margo over there was a little embarrassed. She looked down at herself. The white gauze skirt on her body had become dirty because of all kinds of work that night. The package of clothes she carried out had been thrown into the underpass and torn to pieces by those sharp teeth.

It can be said that she is really penniless now. I'm afraid she doesn't even know where to eat breakfast today.

The only thing worth money is the pearl necklace hanging around her neck.

"Hum! I want you to take care of it! I... of course I have my own way! For example, I still have this jewelry to sell... "

Originally, Margo's tone was tough. But when she said she was going to pawn her last piece of jewelry, her voice was obviously light.

Of course, arrow would not let go of the weakness of the negotiator at this moment, immediately followed up and said, "as human beings, we pay attention to a cost and benefit in everything we do."

"When we humans feel that the cost we pay is completely unable to earn the benefits we are satisfied with or feel at a loss, we will not do such a thing. Even if you do, you will feel very uncomfortable. It's like eating a fly. You can't let go for a long time. "

"In my opinion, Miss Margaux, you are planning to do something that costs a lot, but there is almost no... No, it is completely unprofitable. Yes, yes, Miss Margaux, if you leave now, you will lose money, and you will still lose a lot. "

Margo gently rubbed her hand on her pearl necklace. When she heard arrow's words, her expression looked a little confused, but more alert. She stepped back, let herself keep a certain distance from the short president as far as possible, and said, "what are you trying to say? Where did I lose money? I have nothing to lose! "

Arrow shook his head, his eyes showed a very compassionate and sorry expression, smiled and said, "no, you lost. As I said just now, everyone will weigh the cost and benefit when doing anything. Just like a person who is dying of thirst sees a well in front of him, he will never think that there may be iced lemonade further away and give up the well to move on. "

"For Miss Margaux, everything we have just experienced together, everything we have paid in the dark underpass, blood and injuries, all these adventure experiences are a cost to you."

"Now let's see what benefits Miss Margo has received after taking such a risk and paying a huge safety cost?"

Arrow paused a little to give Margo a little time to think. However, this kind of thinking time is only a few seconds. He has no intention to let the woman really think through everything——

"In my opinion, not at all."

"After spending so much time, energy and even doing so many things at the risk of life, Miss Margaux now thinks of leaving immediately. Well, naturally, you don't get any benefit in this matter! In my opinion, a poor graduate of economics, this is a big loss making business. "

Buffy was panting in Brad's pocket, trying to restore the magic she had just spent in World War I. But I heard the whispering outside for a long time, and I felt that Brad hadn't moved for a long time. I couldn't help climbing out of his partner's pocket, looked at ello over there, looked at Margo, and then asked Brad, "what's the matter? What is the president doing? "

Brad raised his finger, hissed and said, "don't talk. The president is lying."

Over there, Margo tilted her head and looked at arrow as if she had heard some strange speech she had never heard before. As a kiln sister who has not received any higher education since she was a child, apart from knowing a few words, she certainly can't understand the knowledge of costs and benefits in economics at once. She just feels that she seems to have been persuaded by the short president? However, this kind of persuasion always feels a little strange?

"You say I... Lost? Well... Well, if you have to think so, I did not get any reward after risking my life to help you kill the monster. I'm really at a loss if I say so. So what are you going to do? Will you pay me? "

Arrow laughed, as if he had heard something very funny. He shook his head and said, "money is always within the reach of his own force. Miss Margo, do you think you have the force to get any iron coin from me now? This is a mistake. Like the reason why you were swept away by count Ruiying in one breath, this mistake belongs to the fact that you have more money than your fist can reach. "

Margo looked a little anxious. She snorted and said loudly, "so! What the hell are you trying to say? "

Seeing Margo in a hurry, ello became more calm. He patted his hand gently and said with a smile, "are you angry? If you are angry, it means you are aware of your loss, right? You can't get any reward after you work. And our mermaid song got a stone sword after this adventure. Although we have some discounts in this adventure, these discounts are also within the acceptable range. "

"So, Miss Margaux, have you ever thought about making your adventure as profitable as possible? Even the smallest gain is better than if you don't have any gain at all. "

Margo gently bit her lower lip. She was a little annoyed at the man who always looked at herself with a playful face, but seemed to have no interest in his body and face. She said in a slightly resentful voice, "so, what do you want from me?"

"It's simple. Join the mermaid song."