Chapter 520

"(goblin language) in short, if there is a conflict between you flower goblins and human beings and you hurt human beings, the flower goblins lady who hurt human beings must be handed over to human beings to deal with and make a judgment according to human laws, and you flower goblins are not allowed to have any objection. Similarly, if human beings hurt your sisters, then all that human beings will be handed over to your flower goblins for punishment, and we human beings can't intervene. "

Now that the first problem of killing each other has been solved, there is naturally no problem with this one. Rose didn't have to discuss with other flower goblins, so she nodded.

"(goblin language) then the third point is that both parties cannot rob and steal each other's property. We humans cannot rob or steal your flower goblins, and you flower goblins cannot steal and rob our human things in any form, including but not limited to magic and other actions. In case of robbery and theft, it shall still be handled according to the rule of Article 2. "

"(goblin language) the above are the three temporary rules I came up with. What do you think? If I am willing to abide by it, I will tell these words to us humans. "

Rose thought again. Obviously, the long haired goblin doesn't have much experience in making decisions on major events. Without the goblin queen, she seemed a little hesitant at this final decision time. After looking at the other flower goblins around for several times, she nodded gently.

Seeing this, arrow breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head and told the three rules just mentioned by himself and rose to Xiaojiu and others. For these three rules, Xiaojiu pinched his chin and began to think about whether there was a problem. After thinking for a long time, he turned to the mayor and said, "mayor, what do you think of these three rules?"

Round cheese looked confused, his head shook slightly, and the meat on his chin trembled: "ah... Ah? Rules? I think... Okay? All right, no problem, right? "

Looking at the other townspeople present, seeing that everyone had no doubt, the little liquor was relieved and said, "in that case, let's accept these three rules. At least in this way, neither of us will be in danger of life or property. "

Arrow smiled and nodded, "so there's another question? What is it? "

After a little pondering, the little Spirit said, "President arrow, I have no dissatisfaction with the flower goblins trading in our Pelican town. But from another point of view, the arrival of these flower goblins will certainly attract many people with ulterior motives. Even, some nobles may come and order us to do something unfavorable to the flower goblins. If you encounter this situation, President arrow, you and your mermaid song must bear the corresponding responsibility. You need to stand in the front line in any matter related to flower goblins. Meanwhile, if other adventurers and flower goblins go to war, all of us in Pelican town will not participate in any party. That is to say, you are your own. The residents of our town will never participate. Is that ok? "

After all, I'd better worry about being implicated.

But this is also, God knows how many strange things will come after the news of flower goblins is spread.

Arrow translated it again. After thinking for a moment, rose slowly flew up from Arrow's shoulder and came to the little liquor.

The goblin with long hair politely saluted the liquor. Her mouth still wore a cold smile. Compared with her eyes, she seemed very firm. Obviously, she didn't mean to please each other: "(goblin language) Mr. liquor, about the problem that our family may bring danger to your town, I, rose, I assure you here. "

Arrow translated synchronously next to her. With the tone of rose, his translation voice also seemed a little tough.

"(goblin language) the fate of our family will be controlled by ourselves. We will thank the adults in Pelican town for their care for us, but similarly, if we really meet the enemy who comes to our goblin family, we will never involve you. Please rest assured. "

This sentence is really sonorous and powerful! It's really hard to imagine how much determination such a small body has to say so firmly!

"(goblin language) but correspondingly, we will not let go of anyone who is hostile to our goblin family, whether human or other races. I promise I won't involve the adults of Pelican Town, and please don't involve the adults of Pelican town in the position of hostility to our goblins. In this way, we should be able to live in peace. "

Um... What do you say? The latter sentence seemed too blunt. For a moment, arrow felt that he was not easy to translate... After thinking about it, he decided to translate it in a more gentle tone, hoping to minimize the contradictions between the two sides.

Fortunately, however, the townspeople present did not seem to have much uncomfortable feelings about the latter sentence. But after knowing that these flower goblins would never involve their own problems in them, they showed a reassuring expression one by one.

But it seems that this is not over yet. The boss of the small spirits still frowned and said: "then, if our Lord, or anyone who has the power to control the life and death of our town, asks our town to deal with your goblins, what will you do? For example, our respected emperor ordered us to turn in a flower goblin every year after knowing about your goblin family. If you don't comply, you'll have to raise taxes in our town. In this case, we are bound to be hostile to your family. What should we do? "

After all, this is still the most critical issue

Rose lowered her head and tried to think about the answer to the question. She also turned to discuss the problem with the other sisters.

After discussing for a long time, rose finally turned around again and said slowly to the little liquor: "(goblin language) if your Lord forces you to do something against our family, our family will never embarrass you. We will take the initiative to negotiate with your superiors and never involve you. "

In fact, the answer is not perfect. Just listen, ello thinks there should be a lot of room for operation. But now is not the time to discuss so many details.

When ello finished translating, the liquor owner clapped his hand, got up, and gracefully saluted the long haired goblin floating in front of him: "welcome to the big family in Pelican town. I'm here to express my most sincere welcome to the arrival of your flower goblins."

The expression on arrow's face could not help loosening a lot. He breathed out a breath. After the translation, he saw that rose smiled again, nodded gently, fell on the palm of the little spirits boss and saluted him back.

After the meeting, although many things seem to have not been solved, at least the hardest part has been solved.

After discussing some specific details about the relationship between the flower goblins and Pelican Town, ello also left with these flower goblins and said goodbye to the people with a smile.

Then he led these flower demon spirits to the central square of the town. Before long, the half demolished arena also appeared in front of them.

"(goblin language) after that, your booth will be here!"

Arrow pointed to a position at the exit and said with a smile——

"(goblin language) this position is really good. You will see your booth whether you enter or leave this square. You can't even make money in the future!"

Compared with arrow's excited expression, rose covered her chest, breathed out a long breath and said: "(goblin language) Lord arrow, I'm still not used to talking in front of you humans... You're too big... But I'll try to get used to it."

Arrow patted the pole of the booth and said with a smile: "(goblin language) in addition to getting used to it, I suggest you'd better start learning our human language. I think about a year, or less. That Buffy can speak fluently in almost a year. You can't be more stupid than that girl? "

Rose and other flower goblins all showed doubts one by one. They didn't seem to know whether they should learn human language or not.

Ello did not insist, smiled and said: "(goblin language) in order to communicate with humans in the future when I am away, I really suggest you learn human language. And we humans always have a natural preference for species that speak the same language. Moreover, we humans also prefer the race that is easy to communicate. With the same language, many misunderstandings can be eliminated between the two sides, which is a good thing for both you and us humans. "

After hesitating for a moment, rose slowly breathed out and said: "(goblin language) well, we'll listen to you."

Arrow nodded. He looked around and continued: "(goblin language) well, let's do it today. You should also do some exploration and construction in the shining forest? Come to our town when you're almost settled down. When our guild members finish their tasks, you will also follow. I will try to let Bafei act with you. Through daily behavior, you can learn our human behavior and understand us better.