Chapter 628

"Well... Well..."

Viscount Ritchie continued to think. Without saying anything else, he said that his hesitation now. Ello knew that he must be worried that his investment could not get rich returns——

"If you can't win the final championship, your publicity ability will be greatly reduced... The winner can directly enter the palace. What a great publicity! If you can win, my fishery industry can instantly become the hottest fishery brand in the whole blue bay empire. The title of the Wald family will also spread throughout the blue bay empire! "

"But if you don't win..."

The Viscount stood up and kept walking around the rest room, constantly thinking about whether the business investment in it could get enough return.

After hesitating for a long time, the Viscount suddenly turned around and said to ello, "President ello, what do you think is the worst place your guild can get? runner-up? Or the top three? Is it enough? If I really can't get on the podium, I can barely accept being in the top four. "

To put it bluntly, ello felt that he was quite right about this Viscount Ritchie.

Although arrow does not deny that the Viscount has many advantages, there are also many annoying points.

When he saw ello's smiling but speechless expression, viscount Ritchie frowned more tightly. He seemed helpless and said, "so... So... What about the first five? At least the top ten, really can't fall any more! If you can't even rank in the top ten in the country, it's really terrible! "

Arrow turned his head and looked at the sky outside. Now the sun has begun to slant slightly. If this matter is not well understood, I'm afraid he will spend his time on this topic all day today.

At that moment, the president cleared his throat slightly and said slowly——

"The rules of guild championship... I know. And fortunately, I've seen a few games. "

"The triennial competition is basically divided into two stages. The first stage belongs to the scoring competition, that is, all participating guilds obtain tasks from the referee, and then complete some things within the specified time according to the instructions of the task. There will be some interesting small changes according to the rules. For example, I remember that in the last guild championship, a guild was given the task of ensuring that the injured on the field must be limited to a certain number within the specified time. The other union is to let more adventurers lie on the ground and can't move within the specified time. "

"However, because the specific tasks of the two guilds are confidential, each guild does not know what the other guilds are. This leads to the fact that the guild that saved people accidentally lined up in the same competition venue with the guild with the number of kills during the competition, which leads them to start searching for members of other guilds. Finally, the saving guild realized that if it could not contain the guild that constantly attacked others, it would lead to the failure of its mission, and the killing guild also realized that no matter how many adventurers they put down, they would quickly stand up. "

"Under such circumstances, the two guilds began to search each other desperately, but because neither side knew which guild's task was against itself, it would happen that members of other guilds would be regarded as enemies by one of the two guilds even after defeating one person or rescuing one person just because of an accident."

"Of course, the guild that has defeated other guilds will soon make enemies, and the guild that helps others will get allies faster. However, when the information between them was not transparent, the guild with the mission of killing began to save people to deceive other guilds, and then sneaked into the allied army to make an internal breakthrough. "

"Such rules will lead to too many accidents in the guild war. Many times, you can't even say that your guild has the strongest combat ability, so it must be among the best."

"Under such circumstances, viscount, if you insist on asking me to give a guess about how many places I can get, I can only say that I really can't guess."

The hesitation on Viscount Ritchie's face became more intense when he heard that arrow said so many things.

He rubbed his forehead and kept thinking about whether he should invest the money.

While he was thinking, ello turned his head and saw that the sun outside the window had gradually become dim, and the sunset began to fall behind the sleeping mountains over there.

"Well... How about this?"

In order to prevent the matter from being dragged on endlessly, ello still felt that he should let the matter be solved on the spot at once——

"How about we adopt a phased funding sponsorship model?"

Ruichi: "phased financial sponsorship?"

Ailuo nodded gently. He turned around, swept a circle on the faces of his guild members, smiled and said: "in fact, it's not complicated to say, just implement the sponsorship you intended to give, viscount, according to the achievements of our guild."

"For example, you can provide us with the round-trip fare first. Then you can help us customize clothes. I believe this kind of thing should not cost a lot of money, and you can avoid a lot of investment at one time. If our guild is very unfortunate, and has just started the guild championship, and unfortunately has no chance to turn over, and is determined to be disqualified after only a few games, then Viscount Ruichi, you can also stop here and use a small sum of money to let our guild help you carry out a few days of small publicity, and you won't lose too much, Our mermaid song won't seem to have too much pressure. "

"Then, if our guild performs well in the championship, it has made some achievements! In this case, you can increase the capital investment in our guild and let us have a better accommodation environment. You can even send money directly to our guild to make all members of our guild excited. "

"In this way, if we are lucky and really move smoothly all the way to the second stage of the competition, and we are honored to get some good places, you can provide us with more funds so that our guild can have more money to buy equipment and medicine. As our guild wins the next game, you give money once. If our guild can really win the championship in the end, you are most happy because your requirements have been completed. But if we unfortunately fail in a battle, you can not continue to invest in our guild, but you can also get the publicity you got before. "

"In this way, the advantage is convenience and easy deployment. Disadvantages... There are also disadvantages, that is, there is no way to implement a complete set of overall strategy from beginning to end, and you may not be able to prepare for the equipment of our guild in advance. However, I personally think that if you are really sensitive to the amount of money spent, this should be the best choice. "

As the sun finally fell completely on the other side of the mountain, some maids also walked into the lounge with candles in their hands and lit the lights in the whole room, making the castle bright again.

Viscount Ritchie also thought carefully about arrow's proposal. After hesitating for a long time, the Viscount finally nodded and said, "well... Your method seems to be feasible. ok If President arrow thinks it's OK, let's do it! "

At that moment, the innocent smile hung on ello's face again.

He knew that he had succeeded.

The biggest disadvantage of the phased fund sponsorship model is, of course, that it is not very fixed and does not have the nature of long-term planning. So I'm afraid we can't make appropriate equipment at the critical moment to deal with the difficulties we may face.

But its advantages... It's not just flexibility!

I'm kidding. This way to win a game and get money directly is of course the best! Even if ello's heart is big, he can't have the unrealistic ambition of directly winning the guild championship!

In this case, instead of letting the Viscount put money into the illusory advertisement, it's really better to give it directly to ello and put it in the purse of mermaid song, which is safer and more "comfortable" ~ ~ ~!

In this way, he won't have any pressure. It's best to win the guild Championship several times and earn more money, but if he can't win or lose, he won't have any psychological pressure. What's more, I've already brainwashed the guild members before, so that everyone can deal with the championship as a tourism or life experience, so you shouldn't have too much pressure.

And the last point

Now he can finally start talking about the topic he wants to talk about most.

"Viscount Ruichi, since we have solved the problem of guild championship now, we might as well talk about something else."

Arrow smiled and nodded gently.

Viscount Ruichi seemed to realize that it was late now. He looked out of the window and it had become dark. He nodded and said, "Oh, I didn't expect to talk so happily. It's so late now! President arrow, and you of mermaid song, I'll invite you to the restaurant for dinner today! We can also talk about the specific details of phased sponsorship! "

"Lord Reich!"

At this time, arrow shouted out impolitely after all——

"Actually, I have some questions to ask you! When I came, I saw that the basement door, which used to have flesh and blood monsters, was opened again, right? Didn't you say you wanted to seal it up forever? I'm really curious about this! "