Chapter 701

Arrow didn't care. Now he just wanted to leave here quickly, so he pulled cocoa up and said with a smile: "don't worry, I believe you can do it. Your magic is much better now than before. Since you can directly summon the dead knight, it shouldn't be difficult to summon multiple dead soldiers. Well... It's better to practice than to say. Come on, I'll take you to the practice place of the magic department to see if you can go well. "

With cocoa, ello left the arena and away from the noisy students.

Through several streets, the decoration in front of me immediately began to look "magical".

The original square and orderly houses suddenly began to become "unique".

Not to mention some round, rhombic and even inverted triangular buildings, even some houses made of cold ice, some houses formed by intertwined trees, houses that seem to be on fire on the roof, and water buildings with the characteristics of the blue bay empire are all presented in front of them.

Cocoa didn't care about other buildings, but for those buildings that looked completely composed of water, she stepped back two steps with fear just at a glance.

No, I'm afraid they will collapse anytime and anywhere. These tens of tons of water will directly hit people's heads. That's not a small thing.


Arrow pulled cocoa and walked towards a three story water building.

The gate of the building is a water curtain door, but when aro took cocoa and stepped in, these water sprays rolled down quickly as if they would not stay on humans at all.

The interior of the building is a huge space. Looking up, you can see the sunlight shining through the water ceiling to provide lighting here. The continuous flashing sunlight patterns on the floor give people a feeling of being under the deep sea.

"Well, there is really no one here."

Arrow nodded gently, took cocoa and walked to the center of the building.

He put his hands in his waist and said with a smile, "is it very quiet here? In addition to being quiet, there is a sense of claustrophobia. "

Cocoa was stunned and looked up at her head again. Look at the dim sun. Then he lowered his head and looked at the shining sunshine lines under his feet. With the dim dark blue color around

Quiet, really quiet.

Just standing here, all the sounds outside seem to disappear.

Even a little quiet... Scary.

Just standing here, this quiet feeling like being suppressed at the bottom of the deep ocean will really make people's hearts start to beat wildly.

"Here... Here..."

"Deep sea phobia, which is the conclusion of some school professors."

Arrow looked up at the sky and smiled——

"I don't quite understand why, but we humans don't seem to like the feeling under the water. Even if we know that we are actually safe, we instinctively have some fear. So since I was a student, this training ground has been used by very few people. Even some water element friendly magic apprentices will try not to choose this, but some other more open places to practice. "

With that, ello clapped his hands and said with a smile, "well, since there are no people here, come on, try it. Summon two Xiaobai, or more? Come on, try it! "

With the trust of ello, the confidence of the little necromancer was also slightly improved.

She nodded gently, began to take out the wand in her arms and took a deep breath

"Bone soldiers with you!"

After the spell, Xiaobai immediately appeared in front of cocoa.

After calling the first dead soldier, cocoa took a deep breath again, closed her eyes and silently felt the flow of magic in her body

The smell of death began to come from the soles of the little girl's feet.

At any time, there will be all kinds of death anywhere in the world. Some are humans, others are insects.

Even flowers and trees... As long as these things that once had life, with the life track of spring, summer, autumn and winter, they will come to the end of life one day.

These small and insignificant death elements scattered everywhere at ordinary times were gathered by the necromancer at this moment. They passed through the water building, slowly, but without interruption, and finally... All condensed on the magic wand in her hand

"Hoo... Bone soldiers with you!"

Finally, cocoa uttered a spell again. Also at the moment when she recited the mantra, some "dust" on the ground began to condense and rotate slowly!

Arrow was also a little excited to see it. He squeezed his fist and cheered secretly!

Before long, a dead soldier who was slightly shorter than the first dead soldier also appeared here!

"Cocoa! You did it! You can summon two dead soldiers at the same time! "

Although ello cried out happily, cocoa's expression didn't show much excitement now.

She still stretched out her magic wand and seemed very confused about the two dead soldiers in front of her. The little girl bit her teeth and could only simply mutter, "brother President... Now... Please don't talk to me..."

Ello quickly covered his mouth and stepped aside.

Coco still stretched out his wand and pointed to the front. After a long time, ello could see that the dead soldiers formed for the second time were not very... Stable.

The connection between its bones seems to be shaking a little, as if it will collapse in an instant if you don't pay attention.

Coco is trying to command and manipulate the dead soldier and try to maintain its shape.

This magic control stage is indeed beyond the scope of arrow's understanding, so he can only watch.

After almost ten minutes of such control, the second dead soldier managed to maintain his strength and his bones stopped shaking.

Next, cocoa carefully raised his wand and pointed to the side. The two dead soldiers also immediately raised their feet and walked in the direction pointed by cocoa.

But... The speed seems a little slow and cramped.

Arrow still didn't speak. He just looked at the little necromancer with patience and her efforts.

Until she could command the second dead soldier as freely as her arm, she went forward and stood beside her.

"Hoo... I'm so tired."

Cocoa put away her wand. The two dead soldiers stood slowly in front of her and stood still.

With his arms in his arms, ello said in some confusion, "are you so tired of manipulating multiple dead soldiers? I thought summoning skeletons was just a basic operation for the necromancer. "

The little necromancer wiped the sweat on her forehead. She also looked puzzled at the two dead soldiers in front of her and said slowly: "I think so too... When the vice president taught me the necromancer magic, she did say that since it is the element of death, it is not so difficult for me to summon the dead. It's easy for me to summon the first Xiaobai now, but it's strange. It's very difficult to summon the second Xiaobai... And to make the second Xiaobai move freely. Well... For example, it's like I'm going to play two national games at the same time. My brain doesn't feel enough. "

Arrow frowned and said slowly, "there must be something wrong here. Those legendary necromancers can summon a large number of undead in one breath. It can't be said that the brains of those necromancers are geniuses. They can fight over multiple lines at the same time? HMM... however, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Since he is a necromancer who can enter the annals of history, he must be very powerful. I'm afraid ordinary mages haven't had this opportunity to be recorded. "

Little cocoa weighed the wand in her hand and circled the two little whites in front of her. After thinking about it, the wand waved again, and the skeleton dog Xiaohei took shape in an instant. He shouted, shook his tail with only bones, and kept circling around cocoa.

"Well, it seems that different magic will not conflict... Brother president, I think there must be some way to summon a large number of dead soldiers in an instant and command each soldier without so much effort. Um... Does old Teng Shuyi teach in this field? "

With his hands on his hips and facing cocoa's studious face, ello could only smile bitterly and said, "it's a pity that the old Teng tree doesn't have the magic of the dead spirit system. After all, necromancer spells have never been a skill to get on the stage. HMM... but I think there may be books on this in the library. Let's go and have a look. "

With a goal, cocoa's face immediately filled with a smile and nodded gently.

But just as she was going to put away the Dead summons in front of her

"Ah! human skeleton! Skeletons! Necromancer... Necromancer... Is necromancer!!! "

A scream came suddenly from the direction of the entrance! Arrow and coco turned their heads and saw three magic students around the age of 16 or 17 wearing magic apprentice robes. They looked at the skeleton here, and their faces flashed with fear.

"Evil necromancer... How did you sneak into the old Teng tree!"

Panic only appeared at the beginning of the moment.

When these magic apprentices saw that there were only coco and ello here, one of them, who seemed to be a little older, immediately strengthened his courage, raised his apprentice's staff and knocked on the ground.