Chapter 703

Cocoa bit her teeth and said slowly with dissatisfaction and anger in her eyes——

"These boys think I'm easy to bully and that my magic will not be very strong... They even think that just because I'm a girl, I shouldn't study magic at all. If I have learned magic and am still strong, it must be because I took a shortcut that I can't take. I must have cheated! Why can't I become better than them through aboveboard practice? These so-called magic students of old tengshu college have only such real strength. Why do they despise me?! "

In fact, the strength of old tengshu's magic students will never be poor.

Ello even felt that each of the three magic apprentices in front of him could surpass cocoa in terms of the intensity of magic. The reason why his little necromancer can win is simply because he has rich combat experience.

But... It's better not to say that now.

"Brother president, can you tell me why? The milk sister in Xueyan town before, isn't she the same? Can only go according to the results expected by others? Her childhood sweetheart wants to take her, take her, poison her if you want to poison her! The mayor, the mayor of the earth magician who is not as powerful as me, just can make the land more fertile. That's all. Why does he want to marry sister milk, and the whole town believe that he can marry? Why is sister milk's opinion not important at all? Why hasn't anyone asked sister milk whether she wants to marry or not from beginning to end? Is there anything else you want to do? "

At this moment, the smile on arrow's face solidified.

He silently looked at the girl in front of him... At the necromancer who had taught her for more than two years and taught her more than two years.

In the eyes of the necromancer, ello saw anger, anger, contempt and discrimination against this injustice.

However, he did not see any answer in these eyes.

Only anger and doubt can not bring good results. It is more likely... To cause some more terrible disaster.

"Coco... I know, you must have a lot of discomfort in your heart now."

Arrow put away the smile on his face, stretched out his hand, gently pressed the Necromancer's shoulder and said slowly——

"I also know that when we participate in the guild championship, many people will question your necromancer magic, and more people will question your girl's identity."

"However, we can work hard. We can let those who despise the dead magic and girls see our strength! If we can win the championship, then no one will dare to look down on the necromancer coco of our mermaid song! "


"You're getting stronger. What about the other girls? Will there be any change in the experience of other women who have no magic affinity? "

Ello's voice dimmed the anger on Cocoa's face. Her eyes were still full of questions, looking at ello and looking for an answer.

Ello breathed out and said slowly, "I've been thinking about milk for a while. I always think, what am I doing right? Or wrong? Do you think this is just because girls are low status and easy to be bullied? But I always feel that it's not just that. Even among princes and nobles, the low status of women is an indisputable fact. "

"But what should I do... I'm sorry, I really don't understand now. I'm doing something... I'm raising a thousand gold coins, but... Well, to tell you the truth, I'm a little less confident now. But I still think, let's meet my teacher now. Maybe my teacher will give us some answers you want. "

Arrow turned his head and looked at the magic apprentices who had been unable to move because of the curse. Again——

"Moreover, if you stay here again, someone may disturb you again. So let's leave quickly. "

Holding the dejected and helpless cocoa, ello stepped out of the house built by water elements.

Leaving the magic department area, the surrounding houses and buildings began to become normal again. At least it is no longer so strange, but restored to teaching buildings built with those water blue bricks and tiles.

With the pace of these two people, the number of young students who hold all kinds of books and seem to have little combat effectiveness on the road gradually began to increase. Even, we can see some female students who were absolutely invisible to the previous combat department and magic department. Now they are getting together in twos and threes to chat.

The territory occupied by the economic department is not very large. Maybe it's because there's no need for a martial arts training ground here? Before long, arrow took cocoa to a building with a library written on it.

He took out his pocket watch and looked... It was almost time. He nodded and walked straight into the library with cocoa. He walked up the safety door to the top of the three-story library.

Just like all large libraries, when arrow walked on the stairs in the corridor on the third floor, the wood under his feet would give out an old and reassuring creak.

Looking at the rows of bookshelves in front of him like never-ending bookshelves, and then looking at the books on the first and second floors under the guardrail next to him, arrow really had a very reassuring sense of satisfaction.

He took a deep breath and looked back at Cocoa. It was obvious that the little girl was surprised by so many books, and her eyes kept sweeping on the next bookshelf.

"Introduction to flame magic", "heat transfer and construction methods", "advanced flame manipulation", "not only destruction - on the creativity of flame elements"... How powerful! So many books are placed here. Aren't you afraid of being stolen? "

Looking at the little girl's surprised appearance, cocoa took down the first volume of introduction to flame magic directly from the bookshelf next to her and put it into her hand: "look, can you understand?"

The little girl was stunned and opened it immediately

After a few pages, the little girl closed the magic book in her hand and put it back on the shelf.

Arrow smiled and said, "this is only the most basic thing. These basic books may be precious to a single person, but they are not so precious to the country. The most powerful magic books are hidden in the imperial palace. Basically, all the books that can be placed here are books that can be obtained by all countries on the continent with a little effort. Why did someone steal it? "

With that, ello continued to turn his head and walked along the corridor: "this is the area of magic books, um... It may have been too long. Has the library been sorted out again? Let me see... Fire magic, water magic, earth magic, music magic, text magic... Well, it should be in front of this. "

After finding his destination, arrow immediately spread his legs and sped over. When turning over a row of bookshelves, a figure suddenly flashed in front of a bookshelf in front, which turned the expression on the guild president's face into joy in an instant!

At this moment, he even completely ignored the cocoa behind him, but ran up and rushed to the corner quickly!

Run... Run!

After almost three years, I can finally see that man again!

Finally, arrow reached out to grab the bookshelf and turned the last corner!

Here is a small reading area.

The three rows of heavy bookshelves are like a small room, forming a U-shaped.

In the middle of the three rows of bookshelves, there is a small stool and a small table. A yellow oil lamp is lit on the small table. The familiar light is like flashing here a few years ago, without any change.

Stacks of books are stacked in the corner of the table, the corner of the bookshelf, and even on the outer corridor of this small area.

And in that seat, at the moment, there is a man

A man who is wrapped in a scholar's robe, about under the age of 30, with a small monocle on the bridge of his nose, slightly thin, thin lips, a little white in his black hair, and his whole face looks a little thin, revealing a faint melancholy temperament.

"Teacher... Teacher Connor..."

Seeing the man, ello even couldn't help crying in his eyes.

The man who was called a teacher by arrow was obviously stunned after seeing arrow. But after a little hesitation and observation, his eyes also showed a sense of joy.

"You... You are love -"

The next moment, the man saw cocoa coming after you, and saw arrow now wearing a hat and dressed in men's clothes. He couldn't help nodding and saying——

"Are you Garcia? ELO Garcia? Are you back? "

Seeing his teacher, arrow could not hide his excitement. However, he still controlled his emotions well. After nodding gently, he pulled cocoa behind him and said with a smile: "teacher, I now open an adventurer guild. This is a member of our guild, cocoa. Teacher, don't think our cocoa is a girl. She is a very powerful necromancer! "