Chapter 846

Not only this vigorous villager, but also other villagers, together with the village head, now all show a look of righteous indignation and common hatred. The way they look at arrow is not like looking at a person who is "helping" them, but more like looking at some kind of... The eyes of the enemy!

"Get out! You guys, get out of our village! "

"Yes, yes! Get out of here! Keep grain prices down during bumper harvests and directly raise grain prices during poor harvests! Finally, he forced us to sign those loan receipts. What kind of good thing are you? "

"Yes, yes, yes! Bad guys, get out! Never come again, get out of our village! "

Arrow's face was green and white. He wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, a stone suddenly flew out of the crowd and flew straight towards arrow's head!

Brad reacted quickly and raised his shield in front of arrow for the first time. However, the sound of the stone hitting the shield did not come.

Arrow waited for a moment, feeling a little strange. He bypassed Brad and looked at the direction of the stone. But now gem blue has stood in the front, with one hand back and the other hand firmly grasping the stone, and his face is still full of smiles.

"Now, are you finished? President arrow Garcia. "

"I --"

"If you're finished, agate, do it."

"Please wait a minute! I would also like to say -- "

Unfortunately, the teenager who looked about the same age as arrow didn't wait. Facing these passionate villagers in front of him, he took out a small glass bottle from a tool bag hanging around his waist. He took out the bottle, shook it slightly, and looked at some viscous purplish red liquid inside.

Open the cork on the glass bottle, the handsome boy poured the bottle slightly, and a drop of purplish red liquid dropped to the ground.

Then, after the young man named agate stuffed the plug and put the bottle back into his kit

That drop of purplish red liquid expanded rapidly in front of everyone!

Before long, it turned into a viscous peristaltic liquid about half a person high - shrem!

Seeing the Warcraft that appeared out of thin air, arrow's brain immediately buzzed. But this is not over yet. Just as these villagers were shouting, the most energetic villager came over with a pitchfork in his hand and tried to forcibly withdraw the teenager

Shrem seemed to notice something. He suddenly moved when the villager approached, and a mass of extended liquid tentacles easily touched the villager.

"What is this?"

The villager felt sick when he saw shrem glued to his trouser legs. He immediately poked it with the pitchfork in his hand. But with such a fiddle, other sticky parts of shrem immediately grabbed the pitchfork and even began to climb up!

"This... What is this? What is this! It hurts... A little! This... What the hell is this? What is it? "

The villagers were afraid. He pulled the pitchfork hard, but he couldn't pull the pitchfork out of the viscous Warcraft! Seeing shrem climb higher and higher along the pitchfork, he instinctively threw away the pitchfork and stretched out his hand to push the sticky monster skin.

Next, the cry of pain immediately became the loudest voice in the village.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, ello hurriedly said to gem blue: "President of blue! Even if it's debt collection, we don't have to -- "

"President ELO Garcia, has your guild pressed for debts?"

There was a look of pain on the villager's face. Half of his body had been completely wrapped by shrem. Through the translucent purplish red liquid, everyone could clearly see that the villagers' clothes began to melt rapidly. Then, his skin began to turn red and swollen. Slowly, the epidermis was corroded, exposing the muscles inside. Then the muscles were digested, and some places began to show dense white bones.

Arrow bit his teeth: "our guild did it! But we want money, not life! "

Corresponding to the intersection of arrow, gem blue seemed so relaxed and said slowly: "maybe the debt of President arrow is too simple. But when working near the capital, sometimes we have to use some extraordinary means. What's more... "

He smiled, raised his head, looked at the young man named agate in his guild and said with a smile——

"Once the agate child starts, even if it's my command, he won't stop."

With the narration of sapphire blue, the terrible scream has gradually stopped.

Look at the shrem over there, half of the body of the villager has completely turned into dead bones, and the hollow bones are constantly scattered because of struggle. But as the shrem swallowed the rest of his body completely, the skeletons would not be scattered because of the struggle, but lay there quietly.

This complete execution made all the people present hold their breath. Agate watched shrem, who was under his command, devour only a skeleton of the villagers, licked his lips slightly, and a trace of evil smile appeared on his handsome face. Then he walked forward contentedly, put on a pair of gloves, and gently stroked the shrem like a cat or a dog.

"So now, are you going to pay back?"

Sapphire blue left arrow and stepped forward again, facing so many villagers.

After the "massacre" just now, the momentum of the villagers has been completely suppressed.

Their hands holding farm tools began to tremble, and the expression on their faces was only fear and fear.

As sapphire blue took a step forward, they all took a step back.

For such a result, the gem appears very satisfied. He once again showed a bright and handsome smile: "what's the matter? Are they all dumb? If no one is willing to pay back, there is no way. I can only let my members release more shrems until you are willing to pay back? "

What does that smile mean in the eyes of these villagers?

Arrow didn't have to guess at all. He could see it clearly from the frightened expression on their faces.

The next moment, the village head knelt on the ground with a soft knee and a plop. When the villagers saw the village head kneeling, they were also frightened and knelt down one after another.

"Please... Please give us a few more days... Please! Everyone in the blue distance! Please... In two days! We'll find the money in two days! Certainly! "

"In two days? Oh, it's a pity. We have other things to do besides pressing for debt. Guild championship, you know? So, we really don't have much time to spend here. "

With that, the gem took another step towards the villagers who had knelt down.

Now, the villagers were even more frightened. Some timid people lie back and try to escape like a dog (harmony). Others who fear thousands of things begin to kowtow to the blue distance. It looks like being forced into a desperate situation.

"Please! Don't... don't kill us! You... We will promise you any conditions you have! Please... Please let us go...! "

The villagers kept begging, with an obvious cry in their voices.

The begging for mercy finally stopped the president of gem blue.

"Willing to do anything? Hehe, if you are willing to do anything, hand over your land lease. "

Here, ello finally understood what the real purpose of blue distance came here this time.

When the villagers were still confused, a friendly smile appeared at the corners of their mouths in the blue distance and said, "since you can't afford to pay back the money, take out your land lease to pay the debt. The land of the poor village will henceforth be owned by Hilton bank. But don't be too disappointed. Although the land belongs to Hilton bank, it doesn't mean you will be driven away. In fact, you can still live here, and nothing will change from before. "

Such conditions almost make these villagers incredible! They look at me and I look at you. They don't seem to understand what this means.

"As long as... As long as we hand over the title deed..."

The village head's face was still haunted by the color of shock, and said tremblingly.

Sapphire Blue smiled faintly and continued, "yes, as long as you hand in the title deed. As I said just now, the houses here are still yours, the land is still planted by you, and your life can still be the same. If there is really any change, it is that the rent you need to pay to the royal family every year should be paid to Hilton bank. "

Obviously, these villagers still don't realize the difference. They didn't mean to joke when they saw gem blue. If they could avoid any change just by handing over the title deed, it would be really good.

So they laughed, and their eyes were full of a sense of relief. Although some people feel sorry for the villager who was killed just now, it is fortunate to be able to avoid the knife falling on his head.

Therefore, with the help of others, the village head returned to his room and took out the title deed. The president of gem blue also took a contract from another member and handed the pen to the village head.