Chapter 1068

"You said, I wanted to refuse so many lists. After all, I can't promise casually. Isn't it asking for trouble if I can't deliver the goods at that time? But you think, so many nobles and so many people come to me to order! If I accept this noble's order but refuse another one, does it seem that I am biased? Does it seem that I am politically inclined? You can imagine that the struggle between these nobles is very fierce. I'm a fish seller. I don't want to get involved in it! "

Perhaps his current performance is too bright. People from both sides of the association and the Holy See have to turn their attention to the viscount.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, viscount Ritchie suddenly stood up and said directly to George, who had been talking to him since the beginning: "Mr. Paladin! Holy See! Ah ~ ~ ~ praise the God of light. At any time, the grace of the God of light will always come to us ordinary people. "

Then he walked up to George and said with a smile, "Mr. Paladin, I have an unkind request. I don't know if you are willing to accept it."

George was slightly stunned. His face flashed a warning color and said, "what's up? Can't you borrow money? "

Ruichi didn't deny it either. He patted his hand directly and said, "yes, I just want to borrow money. My business is really good now. It's a pity if so many businesses don't make money at all! Although I am a noble, I am also a businessman. I hope to make more profits! Now, I need to raise a lot of gold coins to buy ships, hire sailors and so on. I just hope I can eat this bumper harvest year thoroughly! "

After a short pause, viscount Ruichi stretched out his hands, compared the figure of 15 and said, "for this reason, I am willing to pay 15% return on investment as compensation for this loan."

Poof, many magicians and people in the Holy See couldn't help spitting water.

They looked at each other, you look at me, I look at you, it seems that they are looking at a creature that doesn't understand at all!

Of course, they understand the concept of 15% annual return. Even if they are qualified, their annual salary increase may not exceed 5%, but the Viscount dares to say such an exaggeration of 15%?!

"Viscount Ritchie Wald, if you have a hangover, please sit down and have a drink."

Eddie on the other side looked a little unhappy and said——

“15%? Thanks to you, do you really think we're stupid? After deducting such high profits, will you still make money? If you really lend you the money, what will you do if you lose money? "

For Eddie's sarcasm, viscount Ruichi showed an absolutely confident attitude and said loudly, "how can I make money? Ha! You asked me if I had any money?! I've said it many times, I'm now! only! The worry is! Too much money! My arm! But not long enough!!! "

"And loss? How dare you doubt that Wald fishery will lose money this year? Even if the whole world loses money this year, my fishery will never lose money! My business orders are scheduled for next year! What do I lose money with? Use your head to lose money? "

Such a powerful response, even in an instant, also suppressed the momentum of Eddie opposite.

At present, these magicians can only stare at the noble, but they don't know what to say.

Viscount Ritchie patted himself on the chest, looked carefully around all the people present and shouted——

"Are you worried that I won't pay yet? Ha! The guild I sponsored has just won the championship. Now when Hanhai city says to eat seafood, the first thing I think of is my Wald fishery! How dare you doubt that I haven't paid for such a great fame?! Magicians, paladins and priests of the Holy See! You look down on people too much! "

Then the Viscount raised his hand, patted the table heavily and said loudly, "I'm here to guarantee that if I don't pay for it by the time of one year, then my swan castle, my family property and all my assets in Hanhai city will be sold! Even if I lose all my money, I will never lose a penny to your two families! I'm rich Wald here to say that! What else are you dissatisfied with? "

Magicians, paladins and priests certainly have an absolute say in combat.

But when it comes to making money, they are probably no different from ordinary people.

No, it should be said that the only worry for those who have entered the system and have no worries about food and drink is that they can't buy bigger land, better houses and more slaves. Therefore, their concept of money may be weaker than an ordinary person who bargains with vegetable vendors in the vegetable market on weekdays.

Because I don't understand, I have no say.

Even noble magicians, paladins or priests, after leaving their profession, look at Viscount Ritchie in the same way as ordinary people.

Viscount Ruichi made a good bet and swear. Then he looked around these people again and continued to say in a loud voice: "so, are you willing to lend me money? I said a 15% return and will never break my promise! "

In addition to the leading magicians and paladins, the salaries of other magicians, paladins and priests are not much higher. The association and the Holy See can ensure that they will not die of hunger, have food to eat, have a house to live, and have a higher social status than ordinary people, but they have not said that they can ensure that each of them can smoothly earn money to marry a beautiful wife, go out and spend money on food and drink every day.

So it's not attractive

"Reich... Viscount, how much do you want to borrow...?"

That's completely impossible.

Ruichi turned his head and saw that a priest could not stand the temptation and opened his mouth.

At that moment, the Viscount's smile immediately recovered and said, "I can borrow as much as I have, but I can't top it."

Another magician also said, "Viscount Ruichi, your profit is really good. But... We didn't bring much money this time. I'm afraid I can only lend you 10 gold coins at most. It's all my possessions. I need to economize on food and clothing for a long time in the next year... "

Hearing this, viscount Ritchie immediately turned his head and continued to say with that smiling attitude: "Oh, so? That's okay. I actually thought it might happen. The money I want to borrow is not one or two hundred gold coins, but more money enough to build a fishing fleet. I won't want any of you to bring so many gold coins with me. "

Finally, George over there couldn't help it: "you know we don't have so much money, and you want to borrow money from us to build a fleet? How do you want us to lend you money? Go back to Hanhai city with you and give you the money? "

At this point, both the Holy See and the association immediately became vigilant.

In this regard, viscount Ruichi still looked relaxed and said with a smile: "no, no, no, it's not so troublesome. In fact, just sign it. "

Next, viscount Ruichi told the people of the association and the church that these people only need to sign and provide information such as family address, family, friends and work, so that they can lend Viscount Ruichi an iron coin without giving out, which is far more than the number of gold coins they carry.

After listening to this operation, the people of the association and the Holy See were stupid on the spot. Well, that expression seemed to make Viscount Ritchie feel a little nostalgic. After all, he was very shocked when he heard this operation method.

"You mean... We don't really need to lend you money?"

The magician who said he didn't have much money just now spoke suspiciously——

"We just need to make a contract with you and promise to lend you a sum of money we can actually afford. We don't even need to give you an iron coin ourselves now, so that I can be regarded as lending you money? Then one year later, you will increase the amount of money I lent you by 15% according to the contract, and then return it to me? "

Viscount Ruichi smiled and nodded: "yes, never break his promise."

Seeing the Viscount's confidence and commitment, the people of the Holy See and the association began to think carefully. Even Eddie and George, the two leaders, now look at each other with a little twinkle in their eyes.

"Viscount, if we make such a contract with you, how much money should we at least... Lend you?"

Eddie covered her hands and said this.

Viscount Ruichi was not polite at all. He stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "a hundred gold coins. You agreed to lend me 100 gold coins in the contract, and then I will agree to give you a 15% return on investment. "

Hearing this, the corners of Eddie's mouth could not help but tilt up slightly. He took a long breath, as if he had finally found the most critical problem, raised his head, leaned against his seat and said slowly——

"Viscount, do you want a hundred gold coins as soon as you speak? Hehe, this is not a small sum of money. "

Ricky stood where he was, smiling and silent.

Eddie continued, "a hundred gold coins are enough for the most humble farmers to earn for nearly a lifetime. Although we members of the association and the Holy See have some savings, it's too... Dangerous for you to take away a large amount of savings from most of us with such a mouth? "