The price of a work of art is directly related to the auction house. The larger and more qualified auction house will attract rich customers.

Qin Shiou believes that if the statue of Perseus and medusa is handed over to Sotheby's or Sotheby's, he will eventually get at least 10% more money than Billy's auction house.

However, he decided to give the auction right of the statue to Lee's auction house. First, Xiao Bu felt very good to him; (II) Riley's auction house is willing to cut the auction fee by 7%; Third, Lee's auction house is willing to pay him a deposit of 10 million in advance, which is the most important.

Now Qin Shiou is too short of money to pay testamentary tax.

After Qin Shiou promised, little buton was relieved. He unbuttoned his suit and asked, "man, how about we go to the bank to transfer money and sign a contract?"

Lee's auction house attaches great importance to this bronze statue. Now they are entering the field of art auction and need a pioneer to attract customers for them. There is no doubt that the statues of Perseus and medusa can be perfectly qualified for this important task.

After the two sides reached an agreement, little black directly took out the auction contract and invited Qin Shiou to sit on his Mercedes Benz S600 and go to the town bank to transfer money.

Qin Shiou became the shopkeeper. Auerbach took over the contract, took a look and said, "Robert, this can't work. My boss is Chinese, so our contract needs not only an English version, but also a Chinese version."

Canada is an immigrant country with a world-famous multiculturalism. The population of Chinese, Indian, European, Asian and African Americans is very considerable, so the language used is also a little confused. Among them, the number of people using English is the largest, so English is the official language of this country.

Little black was annoyed and said, "Damn it, it's our omission. Please rest assured. I'll call the head of our legal department and believe that the Chinese version of the contract was waiting for us when we arrived at the bank."

Qin Shiou gave Auerbach a thumbs up. The latter smiled indifferently and said, "boss, what you need to choose now is a storage bank. Which bank are you going to deposit your money in?"

Although the farewell town is small, there are many banks. There are four branches: Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank of Canada, Bank of Montreal and imperial Commercial Bank of Canada.

Qin Shiou chose Bank of Montreal on the recommendation of Auerbach.

This is the oldest bank in Canada. It has a history of nearly 200 years. It is the first note issued in Canada. This bank is also one of the top ten banks in North America. It is very reliable.

When handling the bank card, Qin Shiou took out his Chinese ID card and passport. Seeing this, bank manager tyron asked, "why, don't you emigrate?"

Little black also looked doubtful and said, "Qin, my man, I thought you had gone through the immigration formalities. It's more troublesome."

Qin Shiou asked, "what's the matter?"

Auerbach explained: "the auction items are subject to tax. If you auction the statue as a Chinese, you will have to pay tax to the government of Newfoundland, the government of Canada and your country, and the money you get may be less than half."

"I suggest you immigrate to Newfoundland, son. That can help you save a lot of money. Not only do you don't have to pay taxes to your national government, but the taxes that the Canadian government can collect will also be sharply reduced." Tyron suggested.

Changing nationality is a big thing, but Qin Shiou doesn't dislike it. He is not a party member or a civil servant. He is just a common people at the bottom of society. It's normal to go where he can live well.

After a moment's hesitation, Qin Shiou instructed Auerbach to help him handle the formalities for the transfer of nationality. He was still worried and asked, "I heard that Canada has very strict immigration management and almost only receives the introduction of skilled talents. Can I meet the conditions?"

Auerbach said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about it. Farewell to the town government can't wait for you to immigrate. Too few people are willing to take over these fisheries. If you take over Daqin fishery, it can not only bring taxes to the government, but also provide jobs. Of course, the government welcomes your immigration."

Qin Shiou asked about the immigration procedures. Albach said, "you don't need to take care of these. I've prepared them for you. Just sign a few documents in the afternoon."

Hearing this, Qin Shiou was confused. When did he prepare for immigration procedures?

Auerbach took out a stack of documents from his briefcase, smiled like an old fox and said, "I knew you would eventually immigrate, so when I helped you with your passport, these procedures were also handled smoothly."

Qin Shiou said nothing: Sir, can you tell fortune?

After staying for about half an hour, a temporary bank card was issued. It was a golden bank of Montreal savings card. After completing the nationality transfer procedures, he needed to come back and change the card into a dual-purpose credit card.

After getting the card, Qin Shiou went to the ATM to check. A series of '0' on the screen almost blinded him.

Everything is like a dream. It seems that one second ago he was still in the rental house in the island city, worried about the rent of 1000 yuan a month, but this second he had a large fishing ground and a bank card of tens of millions of Canadian dollars.

"Life is like a dream. This is the unknown of life." Qin Shiou looked at the gold card in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

He transferred 100000 yuan to his parents first. He didn't dare to transfer too much. He was afraid to scare them. He said that this 100000 yuan was the company's resettlement fee. In the future, he may have to work abroad.

Strictly speaking, this ten million yuan is a loan from Lee's auction house. Because the works of art have not been auctioned, he does not need to pay tax now.

After the transfer, Qin Shiou happily signed the contract. At noon, he invited little black and others to go to Hickson's father's restaurant for dinner.

Auerbach introduced to little black and others: "this is the most historic restaurant in farewell town. The boss and chef passed on from generation to generation, representing the purest seafood flavor of our farewell island."

Obviously, these old friends are very familiar. After seeing Auerbach, Hickson came up and gave him a bear hug, and then asked happily, "what would you like today? Hi, dear Xiao Qin, nice to meet you. "

After saying hello, Hickson's father began to show his specialty. Appetizers such as gravy, cheese fries, coffee pieces, jelly, dry cheese and vegetable salad were brought up first.

Although it is only an appetizer, each dish has its own ingenuity. The chips are golden and the gravy is rich. Before eating, this dish has a strong aroma.

As for the coffee jelly, Hickson's father cut the coffee jelly into pieces, put it into a glass, and then decorate the jelly with mint leaves. It looks very good, but it tastes better naturally.

Little black drank coffee jelly, ate French fries and salad, and exclaimed, "it tastes great, guys. I have to say, this is the delicious food God has given us!"

At this time, the meal wine was also delivered. Auerbach held up the bright red wine and said to Hickson's father: "to the God who gave us food, to Hickson who helped God take care of the kitchen, and to Qin who was generous and generous!"

The party raised their glasses one after another, and the old man with pigtails couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

After eating appetizers, you can enjoy the dinner. Delicious foods such as clam sashimi, Canadian fried chicken, smoked salmon with secret sauce, Brome lake duck, blueberry balls and so on are brought up like running water. Everyone is happy to eat.

Qin Shiou's favorite is the ice wine made by Hickson's father. This wine can be called the national wine of Canada, while Newfoundland is more popular because it is closer to the north.

Seeing Qin Shiou raising his glasses frequently, Hickson's father was very happy and introduced his baby: "this is a secret wine handed down by Hickson family from generation to generation. The grapes should always stay on the vines to make them mature, and then pick them when the cold current comes and the temperature drops to minus 8 degrees. At this time, the water in the fruit is frozen, and the proportion of sugar is the highest. When it is squeezed and brewed at this time, the taste is absolutely the most beautiful! "

Baijiu wine is Baijiu, which is not as strong as cold liquor, but also has the fragrance of Baijiu, because it is also from liquor. Moreover, the main ingredient of this wine is grape juice, which has the smell of ripe fruit. The wine aroma and fruit aroma are intertwined, which is naturally beautiful.

Qin Shiou drinks a lot. Auerbach is very happy to see him drink. He said: "you are the same as old Qin. He also likes to drink the ice wine of Hickson's family most, and he likes to go with dessert, blue cheese, Chinese suckling pig roast meat, roast flavor and money chicken. Let Hickson try it for you next time."

Hickson's father scratched his head. He is in a bad situation in the restaurant. There are no stocks of suckling pigs and money chickens, which are usually not eaten by people.

After the meal, little black will return to Toronto to prepare for the auction in the near future, while Qin Shiou will go back to sleep.

After sleeping and waking up, Qin Shiou began to build an ambitious fishing ground. Now he has ten million Canadian dollars in his hand, and his waist suddenly hardened.

However, the top priority is to connect the fishing ground with the Internet. For young people in the 21st century, it's too painful to have no Internet.

Qin Shiou learned that the most famous telecom companies in Canada are Roger, TTC, TELUS, Fido and koodo.

Among them, Rogers is equivalent to China Mobile. The company has the strongest strength, the most users and the widest resources, but the charge is also the highest; TELUS, like China Unicom, has a poor signal, but the service prices are relatively low, aimed at ordinary people; Fido and koodo have the worst strength, but they often do activities, so they also win a lot of customers.

Qin Shiou doesn't need money now. He went directly to Rogers business hall in town to do optical fiber for a year and bought an apple all-in-one machine by the way.

He bought an apple imac-mf886cha computer. This computer sells nearly 20000 in China, but it is less than 2500 Canadian dollars in farewell Town, which is equivalent to more than 10000 yuan in RMB. This is still the reason for paying state tax to Newfoundland, otherwise it will be lower.

It has to be said that in capitalist countries, it's easy to do things as long as you have money. After Qin Shiou paid in Rogers business hall, an engineer immediately took the workers to his fishing ground to lay optical fiber lines.

The price of this optical fiber line is not low, which is 500 yuan more expensive than apple computer, because the fishing ground has been abandoned for more than ten years. There are only ordinary broadband network lines, no optical fiber lines, and the line transformation in the town has not extended to the fishing ground so far.