Qin Shiou bought fruit at Hughes convenience store. Hughes told him that these fruits are pure natural. Blackberries and blueberries are picked and sold to him by people in the town, not cultivated on farmland.

Farewell island belongs to the southern region in Canada. The climate is relatively mild. It is amazing that berries grow all year round.

Especially in summer and autumn, blueberries, blackberries and so on can be picked at the roadside, and the locals don't eat them yet, because they proudly dislike the unclean berries on the roadside.

After shopping, Qin Shiou stayed in town for a while, sat in the convenience store and chatted with Hughes while having coffee.

The removal of the two chemical plants made the villagers unprecedentedly optimistic. Everyone Qin Shiou saw was smiling.

"Qin, I have to thank you for bringing hope to everyone." Hughes looked at Qin Shiou sincerely and said.

When Qin Shiou was said by him, he raised his heart again and said, "this matter has nothing to do with me. The two chemical plants killed themselves."

Hughes filled his coffee cup and said, "yes, but even without the chemical plant, we don't have fish here. You brought so many fish fry in the fishing ground and kept them in stock. In this way, fry will migrate to public waters in the future, and we can all catch fish. "

It turned out to be this. Qin Shiou raised his coffee cup and said, "this is what I should do, and the money I use is left by my grandfather, so we should thank my grandfather."

"Mr. Qin is a good man." Hughes' wife sighed, "I still remember that when Hughes and I got married, we borrowed his cruise ship to travel around the sea. Unfortunately, the ship was towed away by the government."

Qin Shiou wants to inquire about his second grandfather Qin Hongde, a yellow man who came to Canada more than 70 years ago. He can earn such a large fishing ground from scratch. It can almost be said to be an act against the sky.

If Qin Hongde doesn't have any help, such as the heart of Poseidon, it's absolutely impossible.

The sea god's heart was received by Qin Shiou ten years ago. At that time, he just said that his second grandfather, whom he had never met, left it to him, and didn't say anything else. Qin Hongde also happened to die ten years ago. If there was no connection, there would be a ghost.

He didn't understand why the sea god's heart was given to himself? Is it because he is the only child of the old Qin family? Why not for father or sister? And after giving himself the heart of Poseidon, why didn't he inherit the fishing ground at that time?

In fact, since Auerbach went to announce his heritage, he had a series of questions in his heart.

Unfortunately, Hughes and others don't know much about his second grandfather. Qin Shiou knows all about life rules and eating hobbies. Hughes said that if you want to know anything private, you have to ask Auerbach. Auerbach is funded by his grandfather. The tuition and living expenses at school are given by Qin Hongde.

After staying here for a while, Qin Shiou drove back and saw that shack and the sea demon were packing fishing gear, including bows and arrows, fish shooting guns and so on. He asked, "what are you doing?"

Shack grinned and said, "it's nothing today, boss, so the sea monster and I are going to shoot fish. You know, Asian carp are very arrogant now. They have to get rid of a batch before they lay eggs, otherwise Chenbao lake will be finished."

"I'll go too." Qin Shiou said, "otherwise, let's use guns, automatic rifles. It's cool."

Auerbach helped him transfer Qin Hongde's grandfather's gun certificate to his name. Now he can buy and use automatic weapons.

The sea monster shook his head and said, "what are we drawing? Bullets are so expensive, and fish don't jump out consistently. A shuttle bullet will kill one or two fish. It's too expensive. It's better to let these damn fish multiply. "

This is the difference in concept. Qin Shiou thinks shooting fish is an entertainment activity and can also bring it back to eat, so it doesn't matter to spend money.

People in farewell town think that shooting fish is a public welfare activity. They do it to protect the indigenous fish in Chenbao lake. If they want to spend money, they quit.

Canada and Americans are more meticulous when it comes to money and are more reluctant to suffer losses than Chinese.

Qin Shiou took his pulley bow and got on the car with shack and the sea monster. This time they brought an ordinary wooden fishing boat because it is the most fuel-efficient.

Chenbao lake is a small lake in the five Great Lakes region, with a vast expanse of 890 square kilometers.

Canada is too rich in water resources. Half of the five Great Lakes, which account for 20% of the world's fresh water resources, are in her territory, resulting in amber in many places, large and small.

When Qin Shiou and his party arrived, several people were shooting fish on the lake. This time, it was not a sexual activity in the whole town, so there was no concussion instrument to use. To disturb the fish, we could only use the noise made by the ship.

The sea monster hangs an underwater speaker at the stern of the ship. After opening it, you can see the ripples on the water surface, and you can also pray for the function of the concussion instrument to scare the underwater fish.

After the boat entered the water and opened for a while, two grass carp with a length of half a meter jumped up. Shack quickly pulled open his English long bow. As a result, a sharp arrow was shot from him and pierced a fish into the water.

"Well done, boss!" The sea monster who just picked up the fish gun laughed.

Qin Shiou shrugged, dragged the fish back, pulled down the arrow and said, "it's not bad. I'm not ashamed of my efforts to practice bows and arrows a few days ago."

After another fish fell into the water, he didn't leave and wandered around anxiously. Shack picked up the fish shuttle and looked into the water. He turned the gun head down a little. With a strong pen, the fish shuttle shot out and "Shua" shot into the water.

Shack pulled the fish shuttle back, and the gun head was just inserted into the fish's head. Qin Shiou also exclaimed, "you blew the head of the dog Niang, man, I can't see you're still a crazy man!"

Knowing that these fish can also be eaten, shack and the sea monster will no longer waste. They prepared a fish chopping knife. After shooting at the big fish, they directly took up the knife with their hands, cut off the fish head and tail, put the fish body into the cabin, and use the prepared ice to calm them down.

The fishing boat slowly wandered on the lake. It was surrounded by clear and green lake water. The wind was light and the clouds were clear and the sun was bright. Qin Shiou looked into the water. The clear lake water seemed to reflect his soul.

Not far away, a fish shooter sang Canadian folk songs. Qin Shiou moved in his heart and began to roar: "blue sky, clear lake, green grassland, this is my home..."

"Galloping horses, white sheep, and your girl, this is my home..."

"I love you, my home, my home, my heaven..."

This "paradise" is the masterpiece of Tengger, the grassland singer. The melody is simple and catchy. However, it has high requirements for the singer's voice. The sound band should be wide and the lung qi should be sufficient. In the past, Qin Shiou could only hum. It's difficult to shout like this.

Now it's different. The transformation of Poseidon energy is actually to make him better adapt to the sea. Now his vital capacity is very high. Otherwise, when he played the day before yesterday, he was so explosive that he couldn't absorb enough oxygen.

When he roared like this, Qin Shiou sang more heroic than Tengger, and he was lyrical at the sight of the scenery. There were his feelings in the song, which was very beautiful.

Shaq and the sea monster don't understand Chinese, but it doesn't prevent them from enjoying the song. Qin Shiou sings loudly. They don't shoot fish anymore. They put down their bows and arrows and fish guns and began to beat the beat and his song.

At the end of the song, they looked like the audience watching the play. They clapped and shouted, "OK, boss, that's great!"

The people who shot fish around also screamed. Someone supported the fishing boat close to Qin Shiou and shouted, "Qin, another one, it's so nice. It's the first time I've heard a real person sing a Chinese song!"

"What does your song mean?" Asked Shaq.

Qin Shiou translated paradise to several people. The sea monster said with a little regret, "Alas, it's a pity that we are a fishing ground, not a grassland. I haven't been to the grassland yet."

Shack glanced at him and said, "you fool, the focus of this song is to sing hometown. It doesn't matter where it is!"

"It's also very simple to adapt it into a fishing ground," Qin Shiou smiled. "Just change a few words. It's very simple to change the green grassland into a dark blue ocean and the galloping horse into a galloping fishing boat."

"Let's change it and teach us to sing this song. We can perform on the town day this year." The sea monster said with some excitement.

Town celebration day is the anniversary of the birth of the town. Although the farewell town is small and broken, in fact, the town has a long history. It has been built for more than 150 years, and tens of thousands of people lived here at the peak. Unfortunately, with the decline of Newfoundland fishing ground, the town has also declined.

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "there's no problem. In the future, let's have a chorus and surprise your little friends."

No one controls it. The fishing boat floats slowly and slowly approaches the island in the lake. Chenbao lake is not a pure great lake, but a accumulation of groundwater. Some parts of the lake used to be highlands and were later flooded.

But every spring, when the lake water level is shallow, it will be exposed. Trees such as metasequoia and Sequoia grow on these highlands. Even if they are submerged in the water all year round, they will not drown.

Now the lake island exposed on the water has thousands of square meters. Some fir trees are growing thickly. Qin Shiou looked and said, "how about going to the island to have a look?"