Ready to camp, Nelson asked everyone to put down their luggage and pile it up. The tiger and leopard guarded their luggage. The four took Xiong Da to find a suitable place to camp.

It's very particular about camping on the mountain. Nelson is the elite of the special forces. This kind of thing can't help him. After trying the wind direction, he chose a hillside more than 400 meters away from the river.

"Now it's the northwest. We set up camp in the south to minimize the wind force on the tent. There are no trees around this hillside, so there will be no snakes, reptiles and other things. The area is also appropriate. It should be as open as possible. The reason will be discussed later. "

Nelson explained and set the camp address. Seeing that Mao Weilong was tired, Iverson asked others to wait here. He went back and forth twice and carried all his luggage. Of course, Xiong Da was requisitioned and carried a small bag.

Taking out the tent, Nelson began to set up a tent. There were two large tents for two people, with a height of nearly one and a half meters and an area of seven or eight square meters. There was more than enough for two people to sleep.

In addition, the tent is a holiday tent with inflatable air cushion, so as to avoid the damage of water vapor and cold on the ground.

Nelson led Qin Shiou and Mao Weilong to set up a tent, and Iverson went to clean up the stones and wood blocks on the nearby ground.

In Qin Shiou's imagination, camping is to set up two tents, but this is not the case.

Nelson told him that a complete camp should have tent camping area, fire area, dining area, entertainment area, water area and sanitation area. They have few people and the entertainment area is unnecessary. The dining area and the fire area can be combined, and the other two areas must be separated.

The fire area shall be downwind, more than 10 meters away from the tent area, and the tent shall be burned by the wind with a fire star.

The health area should be at the downwind of the camping area. Camping must pay attention to health problems. Once diarrhea and typhoid fever are caused by parasites or excreta pollution, it is fatal.

The water area is convenient, because they come up along the river, so it is very convenient to use water.

Set up the tent, set up the pot and began the important play, that is, hunting. Nelson's goal is a wild boar and a reindeer.

Hearing that he was going to hunt wild boars, the tired Mao Weilong perked up again. Qin Shiou gave him the AR-15 and just took his pulley bow and pistol. Leimington left it to ewson. He wanted to stay and guard the tent.

Nelson led the way. Qin Shiou and Mao Weilong followed. The tiger and leopard kept sniffing on the ground. They took them along the river to find the living place of wild boar and reindeer.

Kambar mountain is rich in wild animal resources. Less than a kilometer along the river, a group of reindeer appeared.

The deer were more alert. After coming out of the forest, they didn't go directly to the river. They looked around first. Qin Shiou and others didn't hide well. Seeing them, the deer immediately turned and ran into the forest.

Mao Weilong was worried and subconsciously wanted to shoot. Nelson resolutely pulled him, shook his head and said, "wait."

Angrily hiding under the tree, Mao Weilong whispered, "are these deer too smart? At first we didn't want to kill them. As a result, we didn't hide when these deer saw us. Now we're ready to start. The deer ran away immediately when they saw us. It's strange. "

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "don't underestimate the sixth sense of the beast," he thought and added, "it's estimated that we will be murderous. These deer feel murderous."

Mao Weilong smiled. Qin Shiou became more and more divine. Nelson's explanation was reliable: "we were unlucky. We met a hunted deer herd. Of course, they would run when they saw us and the gun in their hand."

Nelson asked them to wait here because the deer just escaped was a subconscious reaction, not to escape them. So as long as they hide and don't move, the deer will return to drink water.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, a sound of "kicking and kicking" sounded, and the deer returned.

Nelson slowly raised the barrel of the gun. He saw that Mao Weilong was very excited. He thought about it and whispered, "when you can hunt wild boars, you can go again and give the deer to the boss."

Qin Shiou asked. Nelson asked him to hunt a deer. Firstly, the meat of the deer is more tender, secondly, the big deer will be wasted if they can't eat it, and thirdly, the deer haven't grown up and don't have reproductive ability, which is less harmful to the deer.

Qin Shiou aimed at a reindeer with a body length of about 80 cm. The reindeer, male or female, grew antlers when they were old. Before reaching the antlers, the reindeer hopped and danced in a very innocent way. After cleverly chasing the DOE for a while, he ran to the river and bent over to drink water.

Looking at the thin figure of the deer, Qin Shiou closed the bow string and whispered, "shit, it's too inhumane. I can't do it."

Nelson chuckled, "there's nothing you can't do. Haven't you seen reindeer go down the mountain and destroy farmland crops in winter? Just a deer. "

Mao Wei's longzui gun sounded louder than Qin Shiou. He also felt that killing deer was inhumane, but there was no psychological pressure when hunting adult deer. This is the result of different education.

In that case, it is to hunt adult deer.

When Qin Shiou made this decision, he was much more relaxed. He suddenly stood up, held a bow in his left hand and opened the string in his right hand. He aimed at a big deer one and a half meters long. He opened the bow string like a full moon, and then let go. A crisp sound of "Shua" and a sharp arrow shot into the deer's neck like a meteor catching the moon.

The tiger and leopard then roared and rushed out. The deer were frightened, turned and ran into the woods.

The stag also supported and ran for a few steps, but the pulley bow was too fierce. The sharp arrow directly penetrated its neck. The blood soared outward. After a few steps, he had no strength and fell to the ground.

When Qin Shiou ran over, the stag was dead, which made him more afraid of the pulley bow in his opponent. These killing weapons made by human beings are really terrible.

The three men carried the stag back to the camp, and then came out to look for the boar.

Nelson looked at the sky and said, "we have to hurry up. We'll find the boar later. I'll cover with the boss. Mao fired the first shot. If he didn't put him down, the boss will make up the arrow and I'll be the third echelon."

After discussion, the three people no longer waited by the river, but found a bubble of fresh boar dung for the tiger and leopard to smell and track.

After the transformation of Poseidon energy, the tiger and leopard have a better sense of smell than professional hounds. They lower their heads and smell on the ground for a while, run for a while, almost without hesitation, and soon found a wild boar.

The wild boar was preying in front of a bush, munching on twigs and leaves, and eating very satisfied.

Nelson clenched his fist to signal Qin Shiou to stop. Mao Weilong took a few more steps and entered the range of 50 meters across the boar. Then he set up AR-15, aimed at the boar's wide neck, took a deep breath and put his fingers on the trigger.

Qin Shiou's AR-15 is equipped with a sight and an infrared tester, so as long as you have a little experience with guns, you won't miss hunting wild boars within 50 meters.

After aiming, there was no need to hesitate. Mao Weilong stuck the butt of the gun and pulled the trigger: "bang bang!"

Triple shot!

When Qin Shiou saw the blood splashing on the boar's neck and head, he was at ease. The boar was finished.

Sure enough, after the gunshot, the wild boar didn't struggle and was directly put to the ground.

When the gunshot rang, countless birds flew in the forest, especially when the tired birds returned to the forest. At this time, there were especially many birds in the mountain forest. A large area flew overhead. Qin Shiou wanted to shoot two for soup, but considering that there were enough pork and venison, he didn't do it( A good activity with pie falling from the sky. Cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Focus on the Chinese official account (WeChat add friends add official account - enter qdread), join in! Everyone has a prize. Now pay close attention to qdread WeChat official account!