In contrast, Canadians have a much lighter taste. There is almost no seasoning in the hazelnut chicken soup. Nelson said it was good to drink at one sip, while Mao Weilong tasted it and resolutely grabbed the salt bag and pepper and sprinkled some in it.

Ivanson doesn't care. He is not picky about food than Xiong da. Xiong Da is used to being a little picky about food by Qin Shiou, but he still likes to eat dog bite glue, which annoys the tiger and leopard.

Qin Shiou didn't dare to think of such a day when he was in college, drinking hot and fragrant chicken soup, chewing strong roast venison and a cup of Maotai in front of him.

"Go one, go one." Mao Weilong's drinking capacity has been trained. It's all right to count the height of half a kilo. Of course, it may also be that people have less than a thousand cups of confidants.

Qin Shiou asked Nelson to drink a little, but Nelson didn't drink. He said that there might be something wrong in the mountain at night, and he must stay 100% awake.

The tiger and leopard have learned to drink now. Since the last time the college student BBQ filled them with some beer, the two little guys wagged their tails when they smelled the wine.

Nelson smiled: "it's a pity. Tigers and leopards are natural military dogs. They are too sensitive to special tastes. You see, they taste the wine once and remember the taste. If they are made anti drug dogs, they will make a lot of contributions."

Qin Shiou hugged the two little guys and said with a smile, "they have also made a lot of contributions to the fishing ground."

He poured Baijiu into his palm, and tiger and leopard took out their pink tongue and licked it. Then they yawned together and jumped up and down to the campfire and the bear.

Xiong Da took his little friend Dabai, and the tiger bumped into Dabai. Suddenly, he was unhappy. He stood up and stretched his neck to roar at the tiger, and then stretched out his fat little claws to pull Dabai to his side.

The tiger seemed a little angry, stared at the bear, and went to play with the leopard.

Mao Weilong smiled and finally shook his head and said, "Why are these guys you raise so smart? Like a child, I said, "why don't you think of a way to get me a wild Labrador or bear, and I'll try it."

"You can't even keep yourself alive and keep a dog?" Qin Shiou tilted his eyes and despised him.

Mao Weilong raised his foot and kicked him. They also quarreled. They had enough to eat and drink. They chatted around the campfire. Iverson had nothing to do, so they went back to bed.

Knowing that there was no cell phone signal in the mountains, Mao Weilong brought his PSP in advance and played matchless snake for a while.

Qin Shiou lay on the grass and looked at the sky. He put down a constellation map of Canadian stars in his mobile phone and looked for the constellations in the night sky according to the constellation map. As a result, he found nothing. Instead, he found the Milky way, the silver band.

Mao Weilong had enough and asked Qin Shiou what he was looking at. Qin Shiou said I was looking for a constellation. Don't bother me. I haven't found it yet.

Hearing this, Mao Weilong smiled and said, "come on, you fool can find a fart. Brother will teach you to find constellations."

Qin Shiou thought he was bullshit. As a result, Mao Weilong lay next to him, stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction of the Milky way and said, "look at the constellations. You can't look all over the sky. The more you look for, the more chaotic it becomes. You have to find the most obvious one first and follow it to find the others."

"I'll teach you to find Scorpio first. This is the best one. Do you see the Milky way?"

Qin Shiou didn't pay attention to the Milky way before, and the night sky of the island city is always blurred. Now, on the almost pollution-free farewell Island, as long as the weather is good, you can see and find the Milky way at night, which is a light and dull white practice, very clear.

"Go down the Milky way. Look at the t-hook composed of stars. This is Scorpio. Let me give you some popular science. Scorpio is the eighth constellation in the zodiac, and it is also the most beautiful constellation with the most stars in the zodiac. "

"Look at the east of Scorpio. Look along the tail of Scorpio. Several bright stars form a curve in the northeast. Have you noticed? This is Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac. "

Qin Shiou looked for it. It was really like what Mao Weilong said. Compared with the star map, it was completely correct.

This made him depressed and said, "your boy doesn't just eat and boast B? I know a lot. "

Mao Weilong rolled his eyes and said, "fuck you, I know not a lot, but a lot! Before disdain to show in front of you, afraid of your inferiority! Come on, continue to teach you common sense. Sagittarius is not only one of the best observation constellations in summer night, but also the position of the sun in winter. The sun enters Sagittarius from December 16 every year. "

"Go on, look there, the middle of the Milky way, that is the territory of the Swan constellation. It's summer now. The five bright stars in the Swan constellation just form a cross. This is what we Chinese commonly call the North Cross constellation, that is, the white bird in the mouth of the little devil. "

"I'll teach you to find the summer star triangle... This is serpent... Well, that's Ophiuchus. Look at Libra..."

Although Mao Weilong doesn't have a correct line at ordinary times, he talks a lot about constellations and has a very serious attitude.

Qin Shiou couldn't help asking, "when did you learn this? Are you working in the Bureau of industry and commerce or the space agency? "

Mao Weilong snorted coldly, "you know a bird. Do you still need to learn these? I knew five hundred years ago... "

"I'm an old Chinese medicine, specializing in boasting B..." Qin Shiou interrupted him leisurely.

Mao Weilong choked and said bitterly, "this was what I learned in the children's palace when I was a child. Alas, my favorite thing at that time was watching constellations in geography class. Shit, in a twinkling of an eye, nearly 20 years have passed. How can time pass so fast."

Qin Shiou thought so deeply that when he thought of the fleeting time and the increasingly dissatisfied life, both of them were a little dull and went back to bed.

The night in the mountains is not quiet. Insects are chirping all the time, and wolves and wild boars roar from time to time. Fortunately, birds have gone home to sleep, otherwise people can't sleep.

Although it is noisy, Qin Shiou can still sleep and sleep soundly, which is not the same as the noise of car chirping in the city.

But in the middle of the night, the roar of the tiger and the leopard woke Qin Shiou up.

Worried about an accident at night, Nelson asked them to sit back and wait. When they heard the barking of the dog, Qin Shiou grabbed AR-15 and got up and drilled out of the tent. At this time, the power of the pulley bow was not as powerful as the gun.

Qin Shiou moved fast enough, but when he came out, Nelson had been waiting outside with sig-556. The muzzle of the gun turned and looked around with a dignified face.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shiou asked that something was wrong. Even if he came out, the tiger and leopard were roaring. Once he came out, the Lala would not cry again.

Nelson murmured, "wolves! North American gray wolf! "

Hearing this word, Mao Weilong, who had just climbed out, almost fell to his knees and asked, "Why are there North American gray wolves? Isn't this thing extinct? "

Nelson looked at him suspiciously and said, "who said it was extinct? Canada has plenty of such wolves - Oh, you see that in books? In the past, Americans did exterminate them by excessive culling, but only in the United States. However, in 1995, the United States introduced a batch of wolves from Alberta, and now Montana should have a lot of wolves. "

Qin Shiou looked around. At first, there was nothing. Slowly, he saw several green eyes in the shadow of the forest. As in the film, the eyes of the wild wolf were really green at night.

Slowly, these green eyed wolves surrounded.

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