228. Good morning, George shoal

Shaq, the sea monster and Nelson took turns on the night shift. There was always one person in the cab, so as soon as the radio rang the inquiry of the coast guard, someone went up and connected.

Nelson replied, "marine police 12, Hello, this is azw-1188 seagull, and this is azw-1188 seagull. We're going to George's shoal to catch tuna. We left St. Johns at eight o'clock yesterday morning. Please check. "

The coast guard helicopter roared close to the yacht. The wings whirred and turned. The noise was loud. The tiger and leopard roared. Qin Shiou woke up immediately when he heard the dog's cry. When he went out, a light helicopter painted with ccg-12 flew in the air.

CCG is the abbreviation of the Canadian Coast Guard, which is Canadian Coast Guard. As an independent department under the Ministry of transport, CCG cooperates with the Ministry of transport to jointly perform maritime safety tasks.

Among them, the Ministry of transport mainly focuses on implementing transportation policies and laws and conducting maritime safety inspection, while CCG mainly focuses on maintaining maritime navigation safety, search and rescue and other tasks.

The helicopter stopped over the yacht. Nelson controlled the yacht to slow down and stand still. A rope ladder came down from the helicopter, and then a strong young man in a black marine police uniform slipped down.

As soon as Nelson saw the young man, he grinned and shouted, "bird! It's you guy. You're fooling around in CCG now?! "

Hearing his cry, the young man looked back, with a surprised expression on his face, rushed up to hug him and shouted, "corns, my good brother! Didn't you go to be a waiter? How did you show up here? It can't be smuggling in a different way, can it? "

Nelson took the young man to Qin Shiou and introduced him: "boss, this is my instructor at CMT. His name is bird. We all call him bird. Because my nickname is eagle eye and birds, my relationship is particularly good."

CMT is the abbreviation of the Canadian mobile troops, which means the Canadian rapid mobile response force. It is the strongest special anti-terrorism force in Canada and is directly under the jurisdiction of Congress.

The young man laughed and said, "don't put gold on your face. Your nickname is corns, not eagle eyes. Why can't you always remember it?"

With that, he reached out to Qin Shiou and said, "Hello, boss, I'm the big bird Hudson, the good brother of corns. Thank you for taking care of corns, as long as you don't take him to smuggling."

Qin Shiou shook hands with the young man. He felt that his hand was very powerful, with thick bones and strong muscles. Although his face was tired at this time, his eyes glittered. At first glance, he was a good soldier.

According to Nielsen, this man was his instructor in the army, but looking at their age and their relationship, it seems that they are brothers. It seems that the relationship between soldiers and instructors in the Canadian army is different from that in China.

Nelson and Hudson really have a good relationship. They have been hugging each other since they first met. If they didn't know Nelson's sexual orientation, Qin Shiou thought they were good friends they hadn't seen for several years.

When they met Qin Shiou, they began a heated discussion, nothing more than life after retirement.

After his retirement, Nelson worked as a security guard in Toronto for a year. He couldn't make money and was dangerous. So he returned to farewell town and worked as a gun salesman.

Hudson went to the United States after his retirement. It seemed that there was something bad, so he returned to Canada and applied to join the maritime police force CCG.

After chatting for a while, the voice of the helicopter pilot came by wireless telex and said, "bird, what's the problem? Why haven't you come back yet? Answer quickly. "

Hudson shook his head and said, "a group of annoying guys, show me your sea documents and fishing certificate."

Qin Shiou was ready and handed it to Hudson. After he checked that there was no problem, he swept the sea certificate with a small flashlight he carried with him. In this way, it was done.

Qin Shiou was curious and asked, "do we have to accept CCG inspection if we leave the border from the sea?"

Hudson smiled, "yes, but we are not in charge of the marine police helicopter formation. There will be guys driving yachts chasing you. We go back on a routine patrol. When we meet your ship, we'll ask by the way. Well, now there's no problem. You can leave. "

Nelson took Hudson and chatted again. The helicopter pilot began to urge him impatiently. Hudson had no choice but to exchange contact information with Nelson and climbed the rope ladder to leave the yacht.

The helicopter pilot is also an interesting person. After learning that they are going to catch tuna in George shoal, he said on the radio: "do a good job, guys, catch all the big fish there, and don't leave one for the Americans!"

After the CCG inspection, it means that the seagull can leave the Canadian border, and the back is unimpeded. In the morning, they stopped in Halifax and rested here for a day, mainly going to the hotel to sleep.

No matter how comfortable the yacht is, the bed will shake with the shaking of the boat after all. In that way, people are tired to sleep. They will start work tomorrow, so take advantage of the time during the day to sleep first. In this way, you can go to sea at night and get near George shoal in the early morning of the next day.

After a day's rest and dinner at night, Qin Shiou went on the road again after replenishing fresh water, oil and food.

After the ancient city of Lunenburg and the Nova Scotia peninsula, George shoal was in sight early on the 3rd.

In the morning, the seagull sailed quickly in the sea. Shaq pointed to the southwest and said, "boss, that's Augusta. If we enter the port directly, we'll reach American territory. And what we have to do is drive due south, where George shoal is. "

Qin Shiou deliberately poured a glass of wine, motioned to the South and said, "good morning, dear George shoal."

Shaq and the sea monster waved to the north and said, "goodbye, my mother Canada."

After that, both sides laughed, which was really a little disgusting.

After a day's adaptation, Xiong Da was no longer so afraid of the sea. He leaned behind the railing and looked into the sea.

Sometimes when the wind blows and the sea splashes on the bear, it will retreat like a fire, and then happily raise its neck and howl.

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "Xiong Da means that he has become a great brown bear and the first brown bear to conquer the ocean."

Brown bears are not afraid of water, because one of their staple foods is fish in the river, but after all, they are aborigines in the mountains and forests, and still have a strong fear of the vast ocean. Xiong Da's ability to adapt so quickly is inseparable from the transformation of it by Poseidon energy.

The total area of George shoal is about 1100 square kilometers, 200 kilometers away from Gloucester port, Massachusetts, and 260 kilometers away from Nova Scotia peninsula. Qin Shiou's hunting place is here!

They were obviously not the first wave of tourists in George shoal. By the time their ship arrived here, four or five small fishing boats were floating on the sea.