Shack drove the snowball back to the port. Qin Shiou got the phone and went to pick him up. As a result, shack let him on the ship and drove to the wharf where the Trident fishing company was located.

"You caught bluefin tuna?" Qin Shiou was overjoyed.

Shaq and the sea monster nodded proudly, and Iverson said happily, "I dragged it up, boss, Iverson dragged it up! The fish almost ran away and Iverson caught it. "

Qin Shiou bumped his fist with Iverson, nodded and praised, "well done, Iverson, you are a capable guy! Than Shaq and the sea monster! "

Shaq and the sea monster laughed and whispered, "we've found a place where bluefin tuna are definitely gathering. In the afternoon, we found four big fish and caught only one. "

The sea monster added: "but these guys are really savage. Finally, I stabbed him with a fish gun, and he almost escaped. Fortunately, the boy is very brave. He prepared a rope sleeve in advance to cover his tail."

When he got to the dock, the busy old James saw Qin Shiou's boat, laughed and said, "Wow, wow, lucky Oriental, you caught a big fish again?"

Qin Shiou said, "fortunately, it's not me, it's my buddy. They caught this fish without my share. Today I have to give them a bonus."

The giant bluefin tuna was pulled up by the crane. It was bigger than the last one, 625 pounds.

Old James rated the meat quality as grade A and added another dollar - which was a generous move for the fishing company, because a fish had to pay more than 600 yuan.

So today Qin Shiou got 10000 yuan without doing anything. According to his credit, he gave shack and the sea monster a bonus of 500 yuan.

It is reasonable to say that the 10000 yuan was earned by Shaq and others. He should give more bonuses. Otherwise, how can the employees work for you in the future?

But this is American thinking. Business is business. Qin Shiou is the boss. Shaq and the sea monster are his employees, not his partners or hired crew - the former needs to distribute money equally, while the latter gives money according to the agreed proportion to earn 10000 yuan, and the captain must give at least 20% of the hired crew.

Therefore, he only needs to give them a small amount of money as a bonus, otherwise they will be stupid.

After catching the fish, Shaq and the sea monster became more active. They returned to the fishing port and rested for six hours. This time, they left the port at 4 a.m.

Charles and others left earlier. When Qin Shiou and others got up, they were ready to go.

However, seeing Qin Shiou and his party get up so early, they still smiled and said, "it seems that you realize the fun of fishing. Although it's hard, seriously, man, fishing tuna is addictive!"

Qin Shiou nodded and said yes, indeed, the income of 10000 yuan is not much compared with his wealth, but it's still great to see his pay for harvest, and it's a crisp check.

It was still dark. The fishing boat carefully left the wharf and entered the ocean. It began to speed up and rush to George shoal through the wind and waves.

Last night, Shaq said that the place they found was not the sea area of George shoal, but in its northwest. It had to be thirty or forty nautical miles away from the shoal, and the sea water depth was more than 500 meters.

At that sea area, there is no fishing boat around. It seems that this is an undeveloped tuna fishing land.

Qin Shiou put down his sea god consciousness and looked. He didn't find bluefin tuna, but he met several groups of Atlantic herring successively. No wonder he could catch bluefin tuna. This is their feeding place.

After dropping the anchor, Shaq began to spread bait. This job is necessary. It's all on this thing to attract tuna.

It may be that the bait they used was made of herring and mackerel transformed by Poseidon energy brought from Daqin fishing ground, so they were very attractive to bluefin tuna. The fish detector screamed sharply within 40 minutes of anchoring.

Nelson looked up and shouted, "two fish, guys, let's go!"

Qin Shiou secretly said that he was really lucky. After waiting for a while, he attracted the fish. The sea god realized that he was a little disappointed. Both fish were less than one meter two and could only be regarded as medium-sized.

However, bluefin tuna of this size can also be caught. If he doesn't catch it, he will be caught by other fishermen.

Although the ocean is so big, every year in the fish season, fishermen are crazy. They wander around the sea and won't let go of any big tuna they can meet.

Because he knows that he can't control this big fish to die with Poseidon consciousness, Qin Shiou can only rely on his real skills now.

He was strong and sensitive, so he went to control the fishing rod himself. Shaq was responsible for observing the situation. The sea monster shot the fish gun. Iverson was ready to pull the fish, and a fishing line came down.

Shack grabbed a live herring and handed it to Qin Shiou. Then he continued to throw the fish into the water. He murmured, "Hey, baby, take the bait. Don't be too polite, honey. Don't worry and eat boldly. This is the delicious food from Newfoundland..."

Without his muttering, after several temptations, a bluefin tuna attacked the live bait. They preferred to eat live fish compared with the fish section of dead fish.

After swallowing the herring bait, the bluefin tuna took the bait. The fishing line "squeaked" extended outward and was pulled more than ten meters away at once. From this, we can see how strong the impact of this fish is!

Qin Shiou calmly pressed the wheel seat. Shaq looked at the sea and roared, "Nelson, go back, put in neutral... Speed up a little and follow up... OK, man, slow down, boss, try its power..."

Under the command of shack, Qin Shiou methodically loosened or closed the fishing line. More than ten minutes later, the bluefin tuna was subdued. Qin Shiou quickly closed the fishing line and dragged it to the fishing boat.

Seven or eight meters away, the bluefin tuna showed its back, and then it accelerated fiercely, came back and ran down the fishing boat.

Once the tuna escapes under the fishing boat, it is difficult to do, so the fishing line may rub against the fishing ground and break.

Qin Shiou took a dangerous move, put away the fishing line as quickly as possible, took the bluefin tuna by surprise and directly mentioned it to the side of the boat.

The sea monster was ready. As soon as the bluefin tuna stopped, he immediately threw the spear.

"Shua", a crisp sound, the big fish began to bleed.

Seeing this, the sea monster cried excitedly: "well done, look, look, if I was born in Rome around AD, I must be an excellent gun thrower!"

While roaring, the sea monster grabbed the rope of the fish gun and pulled up and pulled up the tail of the bluefin tuna. Iverson put the rope on it, and his muscles beat up one by one, and soon pulled up the struggling big fish.

Bleed, cut off the gills, put ice cubes in the fish head, wrap them in plastic paper and throw them into the ice cabin, so that a fish will be in hand.

Another fish scared away. Qin Shiou didn't catch it. It's unnecessary. There are already a group of bluefin tuna in the fishing ground. As long as the mating is controlled and protective measures are taken when the female hatches, a group of bluefin tuna can appear in his fishing boat.

At that time, Qin Shiou will kill Japanese wallets. Don't you like sashimi and fish fillets? OK, let you eat enough!