Thank Sirius xiaotianzhan, Zhao Yuexi, Yu you, book borer, 7572477, love LHF, Han duo demon, Yu Yu fluttering, people lost in the Book Forest ~ I love books and other friends for their appreciation, especially weicang's great red! I'm very excited. We have a second leader in the fishing ground. The cartridge case is really grateful to you&&&&

At noon, Qin Shiou had captured 12 bluefin tuna from the boat of rbff fishermen. In this way, his fish herd expanded to 36 fish, and this number is still expanding.

No wonder everyone wants to be a boss. It's good to have someone to help work, Mr. Yuba thought shamelessly.

To deal with these arrogant Yankees, Qin Shiou has no pressure. He lies in the cab, holding a radio in his hand, constantly teasing rbff fishermen and pulling hatred values.

Nelson had to let Iverson stand in the bow with bare arms to frighten the angry fishermen, otherwise he was afraid that the fishermen would run to fight.

As a matter of fact, he's very careless. The fishermen are white-collar workers first, and then fishing enthusiasts. How can they have the courage to provoke a big winner with a black gold Centurion card?

"What's for lunch, guys?" Qin Shiou asked.

Hearing the word "eat", the tiger, leopard, bear and big white jumped up together. George W. Bush didn't know what had happened. He shook his fat ass and stood up, blinked his little black eyes, opened his mouth and said, "Gaga..."

With a bad smile, Qin Shiou pinched Bush's ass and said, "are you a bald eagle or a mallard? He said, "why does it sound like the duck of Lao Wang's house next door?"

"Quack! "Quack!" George W. Bush shook his tail hard. He didn't like to be pinched. The bald eagles were very proud.

"Grilled squid and hamburger?" Shaq asked with a smile.

The fish detector of the snowball suddenly cried out. Qin Shiou turned over from the recliner and got up. He was surprised when he looked at it and said, "lying in the trough, what a big fish!"

In proportion, the fish on the fish detector is more than four meters long. If it is bluefin tuna, it can break the record!

However, in Qin Shiou's view, this fish is more like a shark or a small whale. Bluefin tuna may live in the deep sea with a body length of more than four meters, but Qin Shiou doesn't think he is so lucky to meet it.

Shaq and the sea monster also exclaimed one after another, but when they came up and looked carefully, they shook their heads and said that it was not bluefin tuna, because the fish swam too recklessly, bluefin tuna would not be so arrogant.

"It should be a man eating shark or fox shark. Look at its posture, how arrogant! Only fish without natural enemies can be so arrogant in the sea. "

What fish is it? Just go down and have a look. Qin Shiou's Sea God consciousness explored and soon found this arrogant big fish.

Shaq and the sea monster guessed wrong. This is not a shark, because the fish is symmetrical and slender. The top is cobalt blue, the abdomen is silver white, and has obvious dorsal fins. It looks like a swordfish.

In addition, the fish's mouth has a long spear shaped upper jaw, which is its symbol - the largest edible fish in the Atlantic, blue marlin!

The fish is more than four meters long, round and strong. It looks like a siege cone in the sea. It is a king in the sea.

Of course, Atlantic blue marlin is indeed the king of the ocean. They are rare opponents in the ocean. Even fierce and cruel sharks dare not easily provoke them, because the spear shaped pointed jaws on their heads are enough to stab sharks!

This kind of fish usually feeds on mackerel and tuna. It also dives deeply to eat squid. They are the fastest fish in the ocean. They will use their spears to devour the frightened and injured victims in groups.

For fishing lovers, Atlantic blue marlin is simply the Holy Grail of fishing, because this fish belongs to the top of the food chain. It has a fierce temperament, infinite strength and huge body. It usually takes several hours of efforts to catch it successfully after being hooked, so it has a great sense of achievement.

Catching an adult Atlantic blue marlin can not bring the sense of achievement to the fishermen. Mountaineering enthusiasts have challenged Mount Everest!

In addition, the meat of blue marlin is also a delicacy. Especially in Japan, they are often used as the raw material of superior sashimi, and the unit price is not as high as that of bluefin tuna. But because this kind of fish is often huge and heavy, the total price of the whole fish often exceeds that of bluefin tuna.

Qin Shiou originally wanted to catch this fish, because he has never harvested in recent days. It will be boring if he doesn't catch a few fish.

As a result, the blue marlin maneuvered and impacted under the water, suddenly plunged into the seabed, and the sharp spear shaped upper jaw plunged into a big fish on the seabed!

Your sister! Qin Shiou scolded.

He was still surprised just now. How could such a big deep-sea fish suddenly appear? It turned out that this guy was attracted by the bluefin tuna he controlled!

The blue flag Legion did not disperse. In order to avoid being caught, Qin Shiou controlled them to sneak under the sea.

As long as it is close enough to the seabed, the sonar cannot detect the existence of bluefin tuna. After all, the fish detector can only show a general outline. The image left by bluefin tuna on the seabed to the sonar reflected wave is like a small stone.

Blue marlin likes bluefin tuna. He was so happy to find so many big fish hidden here. He went down with his head. The spear shaped upper palate was like a sharp spear and stabbed a meter long bluefin tuna.

Fortunately, bluefin tuna are now transformed by Poseidon energy, and their explosive power is greatly increased.

In the face of natural enemies, the tuna herd quickly dispersed. The blue marlin couldn't stop the car. Unexpectedly, it hit the seabed with its head, poked its sharp mouth into the sea sand, and plunged half its head down at once.

It can be seen that this guy is tough. He pulls out his head. The spear shaped palate of the blue marlin is not hurt at all. He is eyeing the tuna herd, and the tail sweeps and rushes up.

Fuck you, you rubbed your nose and face. Qin Shiou scolded secretly and photographed Poseidon's consciousness. This fierce green Marlin was immediately honest and controlled.

Since the Sea God consciousness controls the fish, Qin Shiou doesn't intend to catch it. Just now, it seems very easy to see it pierce the sea sand with a spear like upper palate. It seems more appropriate to use it to do the hard work of looking for sand sea gold coins.

OK, let you live. Qin Shiou happily made this decision.

Shaq and the sea monster lost interest after they judged that the fish was a shark, so although the fish in the back didn't appear again, they didn't care.

But the reaction of the rbff group is different. They are too familiar with the blue marlin, which is much more familiar than the fishermen, because fishermen spend more energy studying the blue marlin than bluefin tuna.

Every fisherman has a dream that one day he will catch a big blue marlin.

As long as you can catch blue marlin, even if the fisherman is a rookie, it will become a legend among fishing lovers.

So when the big blue marlin swam all the way and appeared on the fishermen's fish detector, these guys went crazy.

Their channel soon sounded a series of excited roars. All fishing boats pulled out their anchors and set off to look for the big fish.