"If you are willing to pay 12 million, Mr. Ross's fishing ground is yours." Ross is also a bachelor. He doesn't need an opening speech, doesn't say polite words, and goes straight to the subject.

Qin Shiou shook his head and said with a smile, "no, Mr. Ross, you know my respect for you, but your asking price has reduced my respect for you. It's not worth 12 million. You also know the situation of Newfoundland fishing ground."

"It may not be worth it to others, but it must be worth it to you." Ross smiled like a thief. Obviously, this guy is not as forthright and generous as he showed. It's normal. After all, he is the descendant of an old capitalist.

Qin Shiou said, "yes, I have an idea, that is to buy all the private fishing grounds on farewell island. My purpose is not to have much catch, but to ensure the independent development of farewell island. That town, for me, is a paradise. "

Ross nodded approvingly and said, "although I haven't lived on the farewell island for long, to be honest, it's a paradise like place. Well, frankly, how much do you want to give me? "

"Ten million!"

"Oh, young man, you're crazy. Ten million won't work. It's a sea area, a large sea area. If you go elsewhere and want to have such a vast sea, you can't get it without 30 million! Well, let you touch it, 11.5 million. "

"Mr. Ross, you should know that there is nothing but sea water. How much can sea water be worth? 10.2 million. "

"Boy, do you think we are buying vegetables in the vegetable market? The price must get the bottom line. For Winnie's sake, I'll give you a preferential price, 11.5 million! "

"The last offer, Mr. Ross, is 10.5 million. If you don't want to, I can only take my girlfriend back to farewell town. You have to figure out whether the 10 million yuan will be put in the sea to devalue it or take it out to expand your business. You know much more about this account than I do. "

"Damn it, I heard that Chinese are good businessmen. I was not convinced before. Now I have to admit that you are really profiteers! Well, 10.5 million, deal! "

Ross stretched out his hand with a smile, and Qin Shiou smiled brightly. They shook hands. Unfortunately, there were no reporters to take two photos, otherwise they could be on the news.

The reason why Qin Shiou dared to bargain so hard is that Qin Shiou remembered Hamley's words. The price Ross reported to the town was 12 million. Hamley said that the price could be discussed. It should be no problem to talk about the next 10%.

Sure enough, Ross's psychological price is around 90% of 12 million.

For Ross, the fishing ground is a real chicken rib. There is no input and no output. The annual catch there is poor, that is, putting more than 10 million Canadian dollars in the bank generates more interest than the catch price.

Therefore, he has been waiting for a "fool" like Qin Shiou to take over the pan Xia for a long time. He has been satisfied to sell it for 10.5 million.

Qin Shiou called Auerbach and asked him to come to St. Johns to sign the contract. Ross also called his lawyer. They didn't expect the negotiation to be so smooth. They both got what they needed.

Ross didn't call a lawyer, but the owner of the legal department of his food factory. Qin Shiou was Auerbach. The old man made his name known and the group opposite immediately peed.

In the afternoon, after the contract came out, it was sent to the northern lights hotel. After some discussion, they signed their names on the contract. In this way, the next step is to follow the contract process. One party transfers money and the other party goes through the fishery transfer procedures, which can not be completed today.

The rest of the time is to enjoy the seal carnival. Qin Shiou hid with his mobile phone and secretly surfed the Internet. There were no beauties and no Spice Girls at the scene. Even if they wore such thick clothes, they couldn't see it.

The only thing that attracts Qin Shiou is the distinctive dinner and ice barbecue.

The venue of the dinner was changed. It was on a rough beach in St. John's, and trucks of ice were transported. In the past, Qin Shiou attended bonfire dinner. This time, it was replaced by ice dinner, which made him very novel.

The barbecue is on ice. Qin Shiou and Mr. and Mrs. Ross sit together and barbecue on the fire with a fat and tender salmon rack.

Winnie snuggled up and asked in a low voice, "how's the business talk?"

Qin Shiou kissed her pretty face and said with a smile, "for your sake, comrade Ross is 1.5 million cheaper."

Winnie gently pinched him, glanced at him, smiled and said, "do I have such a big face? You're teasing me. "

Qin Shiou told her about the negotiation at that time. Wini smiled and finally said, "you are really like bargaining in the vegetable market. How can the negotiation in the shopping mall be carried out like this? Didn't you prepare the data of the fishing ground? "

Qin Shiou glanced and said, "what data do you want? I'll buy it anyway. It's just the difference between 10 million and 12 million."

"You are a real local tyrant!"

"Thank you for your compliment, local tyrant."

Constantly brush olive oil on the grilled fish, and it will soon be cooked. The fish skin will be fried, and the fish will be golden and tender. Sprinkle some cumin powder, and the smell of the fish will diffuse.

Qin Shiou was ready to eat. Ross handed him a small bowl and said, "brush some kiviak, Qin, try the specialties of the Arctic. It tastes great."

Mrs. Ross added: "you may not be used to taking the first bite, but as long as you take a few more bites, you will fall in love with kiviak, and it can also supplement vitamins well."

Qin Shiou took the small bowl and looked at it. There were some black things like sauce. He didn't smell anything. He saw that others were brushing on barbecue or fish, so he also brushed one layer.

After brushing, he handed the roast fish to Winnie and said, "baby, you choose the fattest one."

Winnie's face was pale and shook her head hard. She wanted to say something, but when she saw the Ross looking forward to her, she swallowed her saliva hard, reluctantly smiled, took a bunch of vegetables and said, "I just want to bake some vegetables today."

Seeing that Weini didn't eat, Qin Shiou didn't think much, so he tore off the fish and ate it himself.

The meat of salmon is very tender. Even if it is barbecued, it still splashes with gravy. As for the black sauce on it, it tastes good, soft and a little like mashed potatoes.

However, after careful taste, Qin Shiou felt that the sauce smelled a little. But it's not difficult to accept the smell. If you insist on classification, it's similar to stinky tofu. It smells a little smelly at first, but it's fragrant when you taste it carefully.

"How's it going?" Asked Ross expectantly.

Qin Shiou raised his thumb while chewing and said, "it tastes great. This salmon is very good. It's absolutely good."

"I mean kiviak. How does it taste?"

"It's very good. It's a little strange, but it suits my taste. Winnie, would you like a bite?"

Winnie looked at the grilled fish with a layer of kiviak sauce suddenly handed to her eyes. Her eyes suddenly straightened and she burped directly, as if she was going to vomit.