Compared with shack, Qin Shiou, the shopkeeper who threw his hands off, didn't look like a fisherman.

After finding that the sponges in this sea area were so strange and dense, shack immediately called Bill savage of Dick marine vegetation company. The two sides agreed to test the water quality the next day to see the problem.

Just as ranchers are sensitive to diseases, fishery owners are also sensitive to abnormal fish and sea creatures, because you don't know when nature will put you together.

After bill came with two so-called experts, the experts collected water and sponge samples and went back to the laboratory for analysis.

A day and a half later, Bill rushed by boat and put a pile of report lists in front of Qin Shiou.

Looking at this guy's worried face, Qin Shiou's heart hung up and immediately asked, "didn't you analyze any bacteria in my water again?"

If so, Qin Shiou can only raise his middle finger to the sky and can't raise lobsters on a large scale. What can't he raise this time? Can't you keep sea cucumbers?

Bill shook his head and said, "no, it has little to do with you this time. It's the North American lobster market. God, I'm afraid the North American lobster market will suffer an earthquake this year!"

"What's the matter? Slow down. The North American lobster market is going to have an earthquake this year? My fishing ground is also related to the whole North American market? Isn't that bullshit? " Qin Shiou couldn't help but swear at last.

Bill smiled awkwardly and explained, "just now I was too anxious to explain things clearly. There was no great correlation between these test sheets and the information I informed you. The results on the test sheet show that your water quality is OK. These sponges are common in North American waters, and the content of various elements in your body is also very balanced, which is very suitable for making sea cucumber food... "

"Man, what I want you to find out is not these, but why do those sponges gather in such a water area?" Qin Shiou frowned and asked.

Bill reluctantly spread his hand and said, "we haven't found the reason, Qin, don't worry. There's nothing terrible about this, isn't it? It's just a collection of normal jellyfish. In addition, today I'll tell you another terrible news... "

Take out a newspaper from the test sheet, which is the first article on the front page of Newfoundland's well-known local fishing ground news: the four major offshore waters of North America sound the lobster fungus alarm!

Take out another newspaper and open it. This time it's the famous globe and mail. The headline on the inner page: red alert, lobster doomsday!

Qin Shiou didn't pay much attention to the news. In addition to chatting and farting with his friends on the Internet, he ran to refresh forums such as tiger, cat, Sohu and Sogou. Therefore, he didn't know much about the hot news just released last night.

When Qin Shiou watched the news, Bill said excitedly, "I'm not sensitive enough, I'm not sensitive enough! I should have expected this to happen when you found lobster gafki bacteria here! Sure enough, this is not a disaster for a fishing ground, but a disaster for the whole North American lobster industry! "

According to several newspapers, the fisheries departments of the United States and Canada have recently received sporadic reports that their fishing grounds or local public fishing grounds have detected lobster gaff's bacteria. I hope the government can solve it.

This kind of bacteria is penniless in the outside world. Many people have never heard of him. Only fishermen who eat lobster will be afraid of it.

In fact, lobster and Klebsiella are not that terrible. It is not a virus that SARS can spread through the air. It is a fungus, and only through the lobster damaged shell invades the body to cause septicemia and death. If the lobster shell is intact, it is totally unnecessary for this fungus to worry.

In this way, lobster gafkii seems not as terrible as its brother lobster plague fungus.

However, the problem lies in such a link. We all know that lobsters like to fight when their eggs hurt. They fight between lobsters, between lobsters and crabs, between lobsters and fish, and even between lobsters and stones

In this way, the problem is serious. The shell of the lobster is too easy to be damaged. Once the shell is damaged and the fungus invades to cause sepsis, the lobster will die.

In addition, another terrible thing about lobster gafki bacteria is its infection to shrimp seedlings. The shell of small shrimp seedlings lacks a layer of chitin that can block this fungus, so they are easy to be infected. As long as this fungus is not destroyed, it is almost difficult for lobster seedlings in this area to survive.

To exterminate a species, as long as its larvae are exterminated, that's what lobster gafki does.

Originally, the seawater production departments of Canada and the United States did not care about these reports, but when the report sheet snowed in from Florida, Massachusetts, Ontario and Newfoundland, they knew that something bad was going on.

The seawater production departments of the two countries jointly conducted a survey, and the results were stunned: in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean of North America, the most serious lobster gafki infection epidemic in history broke out!

In fact, this incident did not happen without warning. For Qin Shiou, he did not understand why there were abundant lobsters in deep-sea waters and not in his own fishing ground. If he carefully sweeps around the coastal waters, he will find that not only does his Daqin fishing ground have no lobsters, but also other fishing grounds

No, Qin Shiou suddenly shivered. There were lobsters in his fishing ground, and more than 100000 lobster cubs survived. Yesterday, I saw them carrying sponge fragments everywhere

With such random thinking, a light suddenly shines in Qin Shiou's mind, and the whole thing is linked:

After he bought Mr. Ross's fishing ground, he prepared to raise lobsters. In order to avoid shrimp fry being eaten by big fish, he was raised in Mr. Ross's fishing ground at that time. Now a large number of sponges gather in Mr. Ross's fishing ground, and the sea surface depends on plankton in the water, most of which eat rot for a living

The whole thing should be like this. Mr. Ross's fishing ground also has lobster gafki bacteria. After the shrimp larvae enter, 90% die and rot, and then cause the emergence of a large number of scavenging plankton in that sea area. These plankton eventually attracted sponges, or nurtured the vigorous reproduction and growth of sponges, because sponges do not have the ability to move independently after all.

After figuring this out, Qin Shiou was relieved. As for the so-called lobster red alert? That's the government's business. It doesn't have much to do with him. It's best that all the lobsters near the sea disappear, so the 100000 lobsters in his fishing ground are valuable.

Seeing off the excited bill, Qin Shiou was in a good mood, so he searched the Internet for news about lobster gaffkii.

As a result, the news was very noisy in the United States and Canada, but the reports were not very concentrated, and most websites only reported it as a leftover.

All website media have the same attitude. People who like to eat lobster will be unlucky in the last two years. Either they don't eat it or they are going to spend a lot of money on European lobster.

The day after the outbreak of lobster gavkyi, Newfoundland's summer cup Township Joint basketball game ended, and a small town named Xishui town won the championship. It is said that this town is a traditional strong team in the basketball game.

Qin Shiou played two games. They won both games. In the third game, he went home for the Mid Autumn Festival.

The Hughes brothers tried their best to stay at that time, but Qin Shiou could never go home to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with his parents for an indifferent basketball game. Therefore, he lacked the main force, which led to the failure to take a historic step in farewell town and still stopped outside the top 16.

Of course, this is just an indifferent game to mediate everyone's life. Canadians are not keen on basketball. They still like ice hockey that Qin Shiou can't understand.

Ice hockey is the favorite sport of Canadians. There is no one. Ice Hockey League NHL is one of the largest leagues in North America. It is as famous as four major leagues such as NBA in North America and has far more influence than NBA in Canada.

In the next few days, Qin Shiou was studying the problem of sea cucumber culture. Now he has determined the species of sea cucumber, that is, the famous Arctic ginseng.

Arctic sea cucumber is native to the sea area of Nova Scotia in the North Atlantic not far from farewell island. It is about 30 feet underwater. It is rich in nutrition, with more than 60% protein content and about 15% sea cucumber mucopolysaccharide. It is rich in sea cucumber saponins, vitamins and trace elements. It has very low fat content and does not contain cholesterol. It is the top sea cucumber in the world market, and the price is high.

With the aggravation of marine pollution, the output of wild Arctic ginseng has become less and less, and has become a real noble food. More of them are farmed Arctic ginseng in the market.

Farmed Arctic ginseng and wild Arctic ginseng grow up in the sea, but the growth environment is different. The former is kept in captivity and waiting for bait and feed, while the latter has to find food by itself.

Bill suggested that Qin Shiou is also a captive Arctic ginseng. The wild Arctic ginseng does not grow slowly, but is difficult to catch. It has similar problems with elephant clam. Elephant clam drills into the sand, while Arctic ginseng likes to grow in the cold deep sea.

Normally, Canada collects wild Arctic ginseng by trawling rather than diving by divers. There is no way. The sea water is deep and cold, and manual picking can't stand it. In this way, trawling is very difficult.

Artificial cultivation of Arctic ginseng adopts marine raft culture and submarine cage culture, so that Arctic ginseng can be kept in captivity. When it is time to sell, it can be pulled out of the cage. It is the same as raising chickens and ducks, just one land and one water.

Qin Shiou chose to raise Arctic ginseng in a free range. September and October are exactly the time for Arctic ginseng to lay eggs - they are different from ordinary sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers in tropical and temperature waters lay eggs in May and June. The delay of Arctic ginseng for so long is also affected by the environment. This kind of ginseng seedling is afraid of heat and cold.

I bought 1000 ready to give birth female ginseng at the price of 220 yuan per head, 100 kg small ginseng seedlings at the price of 2000 yuan per kilogram, and 100 kg medium-sized ginseng seedlings at the price of 3400 yuan per kilogram. I put them in the sea area of Mr. Ross's fishing ground. Basically, I don't care.

The three procurement methods constitute the three generations of old, middle-aged and young people growing up in Poseidon. The medium-sized ginseng seedlings are about 60-70 per kilogram. They can be sold after simple breeding for two or three years.

There are about 500 small ginseng seedlings per kilogram, which can only be produced in six or seven years. As for the expectant mother ginseng, how many ginseng seedlings they can produce depends on God's will. Qin Shiou's side depends on the power of sea god's consciousness.