There are about twenty moose in this herd. The deer in the lead is two and a half meters long, more than two meters high at the shoulder, covered with brown fur, and the antlers on the head have more than ten branches. It is fat and strong, like a small tank.

The pineapple just got out of the jungle. Soon after the moose came out, it didn't continue to escape. Instead, it kept shaking its head, ringing its nose, hanging its head, erecting its antlers, planing its claws on the ground and putting on an attack posture.

Facing the big moose, a pineapple less than one meter long is like a chick.

It is admirable that it can maintain its fighting spirit and face the big deer. If it cuts the wounds on the big moose, it can only be said that pineapple is a natural soldier.

Seeing that the deer surrounded the pineapple in a semicircle, Qin Shiou took the pulley bow in his hand with a backhand copy. Bird grabbed him and shook his head and said, "no, boss, if we shoot its kind in front of the pineapple with weapons, no, it will never belong to our fishing ground."

For any species, those who hunt their own kind are enemies. Like slaughtering a dog, people can't keep a dog. No matter how good it is to the dog, the dog will run away and even bite its owner when it finds a chance.

Winnie said anxiously, "what if we don't do it?"

Nelson smiled, "it's easy. We shoot them to scare them away..."

Before he finished, Xiong Da, sitting on the ground, suddenly moved. Previously, it had been looking at the scene with gululu's big eyes. When the deer wanted to surround the pineapple, it got up.

After getting up, Lord Xiong stood up and fell down. All the sharp fingernails of his front claws popped out. His fat claws patted on the ground and made a 'Bang Bang' dull noise. Then he stretched out his neck and shouted, "ow..."

With two calls, the bear grabbed the ground with big limbs, and his fat body suddenly became light and rushed forward quickly. The tiger and leopard shook their yellow hair, bared their teeth and followed from both sides.

George W. Bush flapped his wings on the ground and called "Gaga". It seemed that he was going to join the war. Qin Shiou pushed it forward, and it dragged its ass back.

Vinnie pulled him and said angrily with tears in her eyes, "look at the children, look at the children!"

Xiong Da rushed to the front with the ferocity of the king of the jungle. He was still closer to the front than pineapple. In the past, he always narrowed his small eyes into a slit, stared round, opened his mouth to show sharp teeth, and his short hair blew up. He was majestic!

For the brown bear, Qin Shiou's impression is that everyone is fat. Xiong DA can squeeze his small ears. Now when Xiong Da is really angry with the moose, he understands why the North American Aborigines call the brown bear the king of the mountains and forests.

This guy, overbearing, ferocious, arrogant!

As a deer, although moose is bigger than bison and tiger, its temperament is relatively gentle as a whole. After all, it is a herbivore. Except during estrus, male moose generally do not take the initiative to attack.

Although the brown bear doesn't hunt moose for food, it is a carnivore that reigns in the mountains. When the two sides confront each other, the gap in momentum is clearly shown.

The big moose is very strong. It is still in its infancy. The bear is like a baby in front of it. But when the bear roars, it begins to hesitate. It slowly raises its antlers close to the ground and slowly steps back.

Winnie covered her mouth with her hands and breathed a sigh of relief. The big moose was timid in the face of hounds and brown bears. This conflict will not break out.

As a result, she was speechless. The big moose was ready to leave. Pineapple took the initiative to attack. His vigorous body "swished" suddenly jumped over, and his head shook. The antler like a small shovel crossed the belly of the big moose and directly threw out a wound.

At this time, the big moose was angered. No matter what natural enemies appeared in front of him, his cornea quickly congested like estrus, roaring and hitting the pineapple hard.

Although pineapple is small, it is flexible. Poseidon energy doesn't boast about its physical quality transformation. After landing, it seems to jump up with a spring brush, stunned to avoid the antlers of the big moose.

The big moose is also a veteran. Its antlers poke into the ground and lift it up. It even lifts the soil more than one meter high. Its power is amazing.

Come on, stop it and start fighting.

With a roar, the bear shrinks his head and slams his shoulder into the big moose. This is a common means for brown bears to face large opponents. First hit, and then wave his palm and bite his mouth.

Unwilling to fall behind, the tiger and leopard attacked the big moose from behind, jumped up, opened his mouth and bit on the moose's leg. Like a wolf, he bit a ferocious wound, then ran down and continued to run for an opportunity to attack.

Even being hit and bitten, the big moose, who was not good at fighting, was miserable. Regardless of continuing to attack the pineapple, he turned around and ran away!

As for the other moose? When Xiong da just rushed up, they had run away more than half.

This is also common. Except for does and fawns, moose are generally solitary animals. The nature of unity has never been engraved into their blood.

The big moose ran away, the pineapple chased fiercely behind, and the bear also chased, but he couldn't run for a while, so he ran back unhappily with his head down, and the tiger and leopard continued to follow up.

When Qin Shiou saw that the little guys were quick eyed, he was also quick eyed. The big moose was at least 500 or 600 kilograms, the broken boat had three kilograms of iron, and the thin moose was bigger than the dog. It was not necessarily who was involved in the fight in the depths of the jungle.

He hurried to catch up and shouted, "come back, come back." as a result, his speed was even slower than that of the bear during the hurricane. When he chased into the woods, there was no moose or dog.

"It's a fucking son of Gou." Qin Shiou scolded with hatred.

The moose ran away in a hurry. His huge body rushed out of a road in the woods. Bird led the way. The party followed and looked for it. Out of a kilometer or two, the tiger and the leopard appeared, and the leopard even had a snow boot rabbit in his mouth.

Running to Qin Shiou, the leopard shook his tail, raised his head proudly, and wanted to take credit with the blood gourd like neck of the snow boot rabbit in his mouth.

Qin Shiou wanted to slap him, but his palm finally held high and fell gently. After patting his head, he criticized: "you must be organized and disciplined in the future, you know? If you dare to run again when you hear Dad's cry, you will have no food next time! "

The tiger and the leopard ran back, and soon the pineapple returned in the same way.

Qin Shiou walked ahead with a tight face. The pineapple came up with a loud nose. He pushed it away and gave it an angry expression.

With the experience of domesticating tigers and leopards, Qin Shiou knows that the transformation of Poseidon energy is not only the physical quality of these animals, but also their IQ. They can understand many things. Therefore, we must not spoil them when we were young. If we find them wrong, we must criticize them immediately.

The most obvious example is that the tiger and leopard peed in the room. After a lesson, they never peed in the villa again. Even later, there were Xiong Da, Da Bai and George W. Bush. Who dares to look like they want to pee and shit in the villa, they will be driven out immediately.

During the meal, Xiong Da was rewarded with a roast chicken leg. Winnie helped him mix his favorite maple sugar fruit salad. While eating, he happily walked around the little tail. He was not happy.

The tiger and leopard eat meat soup and make rice, while the pineapple lies on the side and has nothing to eat.

Weini wanted to feed her some of the remaining berries. Qin Shiou grabbed her and said unhappily, "don't get used to it. This little thing has a bad temper. Can it make trouble outside? Today it can provoke moose, and tomorrow it may provoke mountain lion and grizzly bear. "

If the pineapple didn't provoke the big moose, there would be no series of worries behind. Let alone the big moose took the initiative to provoke it. Based on Qin Shiou's understanding of the pineapple temper, this guy definitely started first.

Bird thought for a moment and explained, "I don't think so. Maybe the moose herd is the deer herd where pineapple used to be. I think it may be that the big moose drove the pineapple out. Just now, the pineapple followed the track and taste left by the deer, and then fought with the moose. "

Qin Shiou frowned and said, "what a coincidence?"

He stood up and looked down the mountain. Under the straight distance, it was really the Bank of Chenbao lake, not far from the road where he drove into pineapple.

After lunch, Winnie found out the rice basin of pineapple, poured berries in it and brought it.

Qin Shiou shook his head and said, "shit, can these little things be hungry? When I went into the mountain, I ate better than I did. "

Indeed, pineapple never starves itself. When it is in the fishing ground, it is the one who can most find something to eat. It goes into the water to dig seaweed and grass, and eats the leaves of cabbage outside the vegetable garden. In short, it will not starve itself.

Sure enough, after getting up and eating two mouthfuls of berries, the pineapple lost interest and looked around. It seemed that there was something to attract it.

The bear never had enough to eat, so the berries began to attract it and climbed over.

This time, the pineapple was not as big as the bear. He lowered his head and ate two more bites. He couldn't eat any more, so he asked him to go aside and empty the rice basin.

Xiong Da began to eat and drink. The pineapple called "Yo Yo" twice. Finally, he didn't drive Xiong Da away as before.

"Look, this is the friendship between comrades in arms." Nelson said with a smile.

Weini's eyes will be hazy again. Qin Shiou doesn't understand why these women are so emotional all day long? Mother's love is like the Yellow River water. Can it flood at any time?

Now when we get on the road again, the team is much more tidy. The tiger and leopard explore the way in front. Nelson follows the dog. Qin Shiou and Winnie walk in the middle with Xiong DA and pineapple, behind bird hall.

Because they didn't just come to climb the mountain, they just wanted to relax, so they walked very slowly.

This makes the tiger and leopard very unhappy. They always want to chase the pheasants and rabbits that appear from time to time, but the lesson at noon is still in front of them. Even thorns like pineapple are good deer with their tails. As the predecessors of cute fools, they can't break the law?

I can't help it. Let's walk slowly with our heads down. Let's just be a dog.

&&&&Comrades in arms, let's have a monthly ticket to let the cartridge case feel your enthusiasm. 13000 + of the cartridge case will be delivered immediately