Qin Shiou promised to invest and build a factory, and the atmosphere at the banquet was even hotter. A group of village cadres frequently raised their glasses to Qin's father and praised Qin Shiou. He was going to vomit, but his father enjoyed it.

"I've seen Xiaoou as a promising child since I was a child. The primary school will always be the first in the village. It's powerful. Come and have a drink."

"When Xiaoou was admitted to college, I said that our village should follow Xiaoou. Look, am I right? Come on, let's go. "

"Xiaoou is a great child. He joined PetroChina after graduation or something, right? You see, how many college students can find such a good unit now? The little gull disdains to do it. Come on, bored! "

"Dapeng, don't fucking patronize Pang. Eat. You're Xiaoou's best friend. Listen to my cousin, you should learn more like Xiaoou. All right, eat less blood intestines. I didn't catch it."

Qin Peng was speechless and finally said, "why don't I also express my attitude? In the future, I'll pack the maintenance of the transport truck in our cannery. Can I practice for free without money?"

The village Party Secretary nodded solemnly and said, "Dapeng is also promising. Although he has got a car repair shop that can't compare with Xiaoou, he's good at it. I heard someone in the town say that Dapeng in Qinjia village is the first to repair cars in the west of peace!"

The clerk nodded when the village party secretary said so, patted Qin Peng on the shoulder and said, "do it down-to-earth, brother. In the future, the village cannery will give you dividends. You can expand the door and become the largest garage in the county."

Qin Peng smiled helplessly: "well, I won't eat this new year's pig meal in the future. I'll suffer."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of rice, Qin Shiou said another thing: "uncle, uncle and brother, I want to inquire about something. You said if I contracted us to engage in fishery and breeding in Bailong River, could I win this section of our village?"

In fact, before he went home, he thought about helping the village make investment and make some money. At first, his plan was to engage in fish farming and surround a section of Qinjia village of Bailong River. He should be able to make a profit.

Now, since the village wants to engage in canned fruit processing, and almost every family in the village has orchards on the mountain and around the village, Bailong River breeding doesn't have to be left in the village.

When Qin Shiou wants to come, Bailong River fish farming is more profitable. After all, this is his old business. Besides, there are a pair of Ming Dynasty silver ingots in the Bailong River. Find a chance to catch them and find a way to deal with them. All the investments have come back.

After listening to his words, the village Party Secretary and the village director waved their hands and said, "small problems, you can just contract. There is no contract fee. It should be regarded as a small gift for the village to thank you for leading the villagers to a well-off society."

After the matter was settled, Qin Shiou decided to raise fresh water fish in the Bailong River after the spring. In this way, if Mom and Dad don't want to work in the factory, they will guard the fish farm. Anyway, they won't be tired again.

The next day after dinner, Qin Shiou went to the Agricultural Bank of China in the town to get a bank card for his father. The card had one million yuan. He asked his father to control the money. In this way, every time the village used money, he had to come to his father to add luster to his face.

The news of Qin Shiou's investment in building a cannery then spread all over the village. Whoever kills a new pig in the back must call Qin Shiou and Qin's father, and sometimes let him bring a new daughter-in-law. Vinnie is afraid to eat. How much meat will she have to grow in a year?

On the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, the traditional Chinese new year, some enterprises have given their employees holidays one after another.

Qin Peng took the lead in contacting a junior high school classmate's meeting. He ate and sang in the county. Qin Shiou naturally wanted to be present.

He drove to the Carrefour supermarket, the largest supermarket in the county, and bought a pile of things for dinner. Then he arrived at the agreed hotel. Qin Shiou just got off the bus, and his mobile phone suddenly rang. As soon as he saw that it was an international long-distance call, he answered.

After answering, there was a familiar voice: "Hi, Hello, Qin? I'm James, James Cameron. I hope it doesn't disturb your rest. "

Why did you suddenly get a call from a big Hollywood director? Qin Shiou was a little surprised and said a few polite words to Cameron.

After being polite, Cameron said, "well, I had the idea of making a marine disaster film two years ago, but you know, I feel very difficult when Titanic is in front of the pearl jade."

"Now the emergence of storm Kraken 18 has given me a new idea. I want to move your story to the screen. Are you interested? I mean, you authorize me, I'll adapt it, and frank Randy and I are working on the script. "

Franks Randy is Cameron's Royal screenwriter and is also famous in Hollywood. He wrote many Hollywood blockbuster scripts such as Titanic, terminator, alien and true lies.

This is one of the results of the protection of intellectual property rights in European and American countries. If such real events are to be adapted into games, novels and movies, they need the consent of the parties concerned, otherwise they will be sued.

Qin Shiou thought for a moment. There's nothing wrong with this kind of thing, but he was more cautious and said, "can I think about it? I'll ask my lawyer Mr. Auerbach to contact you later, and he will tell you my final decision. "

"Thank you."

Qin Shiou hung up the phone and was suddenly photographed behind him. He looked back and saw a junior high school classmate he hadn't seen for a long time. He warmly hugged him and asked, "Hamburg, where are you getting rich now?"

His classmate's name was Han Baobao, and the relationship was good at that time, because their nickname was the best in the whole school, one was bird animal and the other was hamburger.

Han Baobao said with a smile, "what makes you rich? It's hard to work. It is said that you are doing very well. Who called you just now? How can I hear that you are speaking foreign language? "

Qin Shiou lit his cell phone and said, "it's James Cameron, the old man of Hollywood director."

Han Baobao gave him a thumbs up: "this B outfit is level. I admire it as a newcomer of the B session."

Qin Peng called 15 people, including men and women, half of whom were married. Looking at these students who hadn't seen in ten years, Qin Shiou sighed for a moment.

Time goes by so fast.

Qin Peng brought some photos from junior high school, including graduation photos at that time. Seeing these photos, Qin Shiou was inspired. He grabbed them and said, "do you even keep these things? I have no conscience. I didn't show it to me before! "

Qin Peng's face brightened. Qin Shiou knew that this guy was very careful and kept a lot of things from his childhood at home. These things are very precious now. Unfortunately, Qin Shiou is so big that he lost them at the beginning.

Qin Shiou went to junior high school in the countryside. He finally went to senior high school and then went to college. There were only six or seven people in a class. He was the only one who came to the party this time. Other college students were still forced to work and couldn't come back.

Most of these people got married and had children, so the classmate party turned into a contest between basking children and demons. During the dinner, mobile phones were transferred again and again, and there were all pictures of children.

Qin Shiou was helpless, patted the table and shouted, "I'm a local tyrant now, or a big local tyrant who has emigrated. Can I install B?"