Little black thought Qin Shiou was not interested in the auction, so he didn't inform him in advance. Now he was surprised to learn that he was coming.

Qin Shiou and he tell the truth that it is false to participate in the auction. It is true to watch the racing competition. After all, movies such as speed and passion and extreme speed are popular now. He is very interested in racing activities in North America.

Since he participated in the racing activities, Qin Shiou naturally drove his own Porsche 918. Although this car is estimated to be a Silver Pewter gun head in the eyes of racing experts, it is better than nothing, isn't it?

When wini learned that he was going to watch the drag racing, she immediately grabbed him and wouldn't let him go. Qin Shiou promised, "I'm just going to see it, honey. I cherish my life more than anyone. Don't you believe me?"

For Qin Shiou's self-control, Weini is still very confident. She is just afraid of the word 'racing'.

Hearing that Qin Shiou was going to Ottawa to watch the racing activities, Powell lingered there to show his grades: "Qin, look, my geometry got the only a +; Look at my nature, the score is A. I could have taken a +, but I didn't miss a topic... "

Qin Shiou smiled at him and asked Gordon, "boy, where's your report card?"

Gordon said humbly, "we are junior. Where do we have any report cards?"

Michelle leisurely found her own and handed it to Qin Shiou, with a pile of B and B +.

Qin Shiou held out his hand to Gordon. Gordon was dejected and took out his report card. The best score was English and got C +, which was barely passed, and the others failed

Seeing this, Qin Shiou began to teach Gordon to take out the computer and warn him that if his grades are still so bad in the future, he should unload the game.

Gordon nodded in frustration and occasionally looked up at Powell next to him. He was full of resentment!

Powell stood pitifully by. His purpose of drying up his achievements was not to clean up Gordon. It was a dog in the sun.

After training Gordon, Qin Shiou said to Powell, "OK, clean up. We'll be on our way at noon."

Powell smiled happily. Gordon asked anxiously, "what about us? Can we go to Ottawa? "

"Go to school and study hard. Powell's grades are so good. This is a reward for him!" Qin Shiou said.

This time, not only Gordon, but also Shirley, little Shaq, Michelle, Lawrence and Clarkson were dejected.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It is located on the North Bank of Lake Ontario, Montreal in the north, Toronto in the South and the Lawrence River passing by. It is a very quiet and beautiful city.

Qin Shiou drove such a long distance for the first time. The last time he took Winnie to conabrook to attend a Chinese party, and the distance at that time was ten times less than this time!

Once again, Qin Shiou appreciated the vast territory of Canada.

From St. Johns West to Basque port, the road is flat and wide, and there are few cars on the road. Qin Shiou slowly gives full play to the superior performance of Porsche, and can drive 240 kilometers per hour on the highway.

After arriving at Basque port, Qin Shiou took Powell to visit his harvest pier and the Nimitz statue in the park.

Powell righted the racing cap given to him by Winnie. It had the signature of Lewis Hamilton. He had been holding it as a baby. This time, he took it out and put it on because he went to watch the drag racing race.

Qin Shiou took some group photos of him and the statue. Powell was excited when he saw himself wearing a red racing hat in the camera.

When he was ready to leave, he stroked Nimitz's statue and said, "Nimitz has become a legend, Qin, how wonderful it is! If it were last year, I couldn't imagine that I would live with legend. "

"Many years later, I think I will use this sentence. Honey, you will become a great racing driver and a legend on the track!" Qin Shiou encouraged him and said.

"Certainly. I'm the best student in my class now. I'll be a great racing driver." Powell murmured.

Take the ferry from Basque port to Bathurst and continue to drive to the southwest, and the figure of Ottawa gradually appeared.

Along the way, Qin Shiou also asked Powell to drive on the road with few cars. Of course, the speed was very slow, and he sat aside.

Talent comes from love. Some people are like this. They can show their amazing talent by doing what they like for the first time.

After sitting in the driver's seat, Powell was very calm. His eyes were alert and stared at the distance. His left hand firmly controlled the steering wheel, his right hand constantly changed gears, and his feet stepped on the accelerator and clutch. His whole body cooperated well, and he looked like driving.

In this way, Qin Shiou was relieved. When he arrived at a particularly flat place with few traffic flow, he asked Powell to drive, and he pulled down the window to see the scenery outside.

When spring comes, everything recovers, and the wild grass and flowers on the roadside send out green buds. The breeze blows through the skin and is not cold or dry at all.

Quebec is a major economic province in Canada. Machinery and heavy industry have been rooted here for many years. Although the government has been controlling pollution, the sky here is not as clean and blue as farewell island.

On the last section of the road, Qin Shiou drove and immediately picked up the speed. The Porsche 918 roared all the way into Ottawa.

The capital city of Canada is located on the border between Ontario and Quebec. It is a mixture of English and French culture. Almost half of the residents can speak both languages.

In addition, if Canada is an immigrant country, Ottawa is an Immigration Center. Immigrants from all over the world can be seen everywhere, white, black and yellow. On the way, Qin Shiou saw a lot of strange flags hanging on the cars, which is the unique way for immigrants to show their hometown.

It took two days on the road, but Qin Shiou was not too tired. He was very interested in tourism, so he drove around the suburbs and urban areas of Ottawa.

The most distinctive building in Ottawa is a brick house of the late Victorian period that stretches for several miles. The streets and buildings here are particularly clean and tidy. Whether shops, restaurants or houses, they are full of Victorian style.

Qin Shiou specially drove to the Capitol Hill to have a look. There are Gothic spires and pure wooden towers on the hill. From a distance, it is not like a mountain, but like a magnificent luxury manor of the Scottish Lord.

The government office buildings in Ottawa and Canada are here. It is spring. Tulips and daffodils are blooming everywhere, like a huge flower garden.

Seeing this beautiful scenery, Qin Shiou immediately remembered Weini's dream of a garden. He once promised to build a garden in the fishing ground when spring came, but he forgot some time ago.

Fortunately, now he remembered that if he went back, he had to build a fishing ground garden.