No wonder Weini was so easily persuaded by Qin Shiou to go home this time. It turned out that the girl came back to show her dark night queen.

When Qin Shiou said this, Weini admitted calmly: "wealth and honor do not return home, such as walking at night in royal clothes! You gave me such beautiful jewelry. Of course I want fox to see it and let her know how happy her fat sister is now. "

"You were really fat when you were a child?" Qin Shiou asked in surprise.

Winnie slapped him on the back and pursed her mouth. It seems that this is really a sad topic for her.

After only one night at home, they flew back to St. Johns on Sunday afternoon.

However, the effect of this night was good. After showing off the queen of the dark night, Winnie was not so ruffian and generally behaved normally. She also joked with fox.

For such a result, Mario and Miranda said they were very satisfied. They really broke their hearts for their daughter.

Back to the fishing ground, Qin Shiou routinely sent the Sea God consciousness to the sea in the evening.

This time, he didn't cruise in the fishing ground. According to the news from the radar, the fishing ground was not attacked by fish pirates. He didn't need to waste time and went directly to the deep sea.

There are large groups of bluefin tuna living on the edge of Daqin fishing ground, but they are not a population. The tuna swimming from Japan did not integrate into the previous fish group, but formed a new community by themselves.

Qin Shiou can see that these artificially cultivated fish species are rejected by wild fish species, because the wild fish in Izu Seven Island farm have entered the previous fish stocks, and the tuna in the new fish stocks are artificially cultured fish.

Compared with wild fish, these cultured fish are silly. They are a little timid when they intervene on the seabed. They don't have the indomitable momentum of wild fish. In addition, their swimming speed is much slower and their appearance is not as beautiful as wild fish.

However, Qin Shiou treats them equally. After meeting them, they will instill sea god energy into them. These fish are the trump card of Daqin fishing ground in the future.

However, it is strange that the tuna did not show their attachment to the Poseidon consciousness and longing for the Poseidon energy as before. After they felt the Poseidon consciousness, they still moved forward firmly.

Qin Shiou immediately understood that there should be high-quality bait in the sea area ahead to attract them.

Sure enough, Poseidon consciousness followed the fish forward quickly, and soon a large group of mighty blue and black sea fish appeared in his vision.

This kind of fish has a narrow and long body shape, spindle shape, blue and black head and back, several rows of blue and black round spots on the side of the body, white abdomen, angular spines behind the dorsal fin and hip fin, smooth body curve, beautiful and energetic.

"Mackerel!" Qin Shiou suddenly recognized the identity of the fish and his spirit was boosted.

In the natural environment, fish have special colors and stripes, or their body color is consistent with the surrounding environment, which is the elimination result of nature, because fish should hide in the water to protect themselves, or confuse the enemy, so as to sneak attack their prey.

From this point of view, mackerel evolution is very successful. Their back color is deep, mostly blue black, dark blue or dark cyan, while their belly color is light, silver white, white or light yellow white. This color is called extinction color, which has been widely used in bionics.

This extinction color is comprehensive for the protection of mackerel, because they are fish living in the upper and middle waters, with a snow-white sky above their heads and blue water around them.

In this way, from top to bottom, because the back of the fish is consistent with the color of the sea water under natural light, even some large hunters with poor eyesight are not easy to distinguish even if they are very close to the fish. From the bottom up of the fish body, the color of the belly and water surface of the fish and the color of the sky are very similar, which is even more difficult to distinguish.

Unfortunately, this can't fool bluefin tuna.

Tuna is actually one of the strongest predators in the sea, and because they are good at swimming, their endurance, speed and explosive power are first-class, so the fish they are staring at are worse than sharks.

There are many fish that can escape shark hunting, and few may escape from tuna vision, including mackerel.

Sardine tuna is a very common food, and they generally love sardines, which are all kinds of small herring. But in the study of Japanese fishery experts, bluefin tuna love is more like the mackerel.

In China, mackerel and Spanish mackerel are considered to be one kind of fish, but in Canada, the two names are different. Mackerel is specially listed. Spanish mackerel refers to four finger mackerel, golden mackerel, blue dot mackerel, spotted mackerel, Kang mackerel, etc., and mackerel is another kind of fish.

In contrast, mackerel is more delicious than most Spanish mackerel fish. Its meat is tender and white, waxy, soft and fresh, and rich in nutrition. Especially New Zealand mackerel is called marine silver.

Compared with Spanish mackerel, the number of mackerel is much less and the price is much more expensive. Even if it is not comparable to bluefin tuna, it is possible that a big fish of more than five kilograms can sell for hundreds or thousands of yuan.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for mackerel to grow to a large size. It usually grows to less than half a meter long, that is, two or three kilograms.

Because the ownership is not clear, the United States and Canada have not done a good job in the protection of this kind of fish. Fishermen have seized this loophole and carried out Crazy Fishing for them, resulting in fewer and fewer pure Spanish mackerel.

For this reason, many people confuse mackerel with Spanish mackerel.

But there is no doubt that what appears in front of Qin Shiou is mackerel, and it is also a large school of mackerel.

Like many fish, mackerel has the habit of migrating in summer. Their migration is not from the sea to the river, from salt water to fresh water, but all the way from the South Atlantic to the North Atlantic.

Seeing this kind of fish, Qin Shiou was not polite. He drove away the coveted tunas, controlled the group of big fish leading the fish group, and directly gave them a hard diversion from due north to northwest, thus entering the scope of Daqin fishing ground.

The value of mackerel also lies in their artificial non culturability. Now even bluefin tuna has been cultured artificially. However, this kind of fish has no choice but to fish in the sea.

Bring the fish into the shallow sea where there are few large hunters. Although cod can grow one or two meters long, they are not interested in mackerel, because mackerel is a little ferocious, so it is not as convenient to prey on herring and mackerel.

After harvesting this batch of Atlantic mackerel, Qin Shiou's work tonight is fruitful.

He arranged the fish, let them prey on small fish and shrimps in the fishing ground, closed their eyes and began to sleep. There are more important things tomorrow.