Five even more, dear friends, how about a monthly vote and a recommendation vote? It really hurts to be * * all the way on our recommendation list! You vote for some recommendation, which can be regarded as lubricating oil to slow down! Of course, the eggshell is shy and still wants to ask for some monthly tickets. Will you look at your ticket box? Encourage me and see if I can make it ten o'clock today****

PS: the shell case has made a microblog with the name of sitting - all metal shell case. I hope you can pay attention, so that we can have more communication channels!

After walking a long way along the niguaraga River, Qin Shiou kept his head up to watch the world shocked waterfall, and his spirit remained excited.

From time to time, there were fine water splashes on his body. From slight pain to cold and then to cool, his skin began to adapt to this environment. The cold water vapor spread and floated. Standing beside the river, people seemed to want to take off to be gods.

Looking up at the sky in this place, I feel that the sky is gray, and the thick fog is shrouded in the mid air, blocking the blazing sun. Therefore, we can see how abundant water vapor is here.

The guide led the way in front and chose the hard ground, otherwise he would slip and fall to the ground accidentally. Mao Weilong just fell.

Seeing that they were so close to the river, soon a big man in security uniform ran over and waved them to stay away.

The guide went up and talked with him. The man nodded reluctantly and shouted to Qin Shiou and others: "pay attention to safety, guys! This is the intersection of heaven and hell. If you want to die, you can get closer across the river! "

Qin Shiou couldn't cry or laugh. I really don't know whether to thank the security guard for his concern or to be angry for his big mouth.

The guide came up and explained loudly, "OK, we're almost done. It's time to go back. Look, the road here is not easy to walk, and more and more people will warn us, because this is a high incidence area of suicide. Walking here will be misunderstood. "

People often commit suicide in nigalaga waterfall. There are two islands between the waterfalls. They are like two mainstays. They divide the waterfall into three, named Goat Island and Luna Island respectively. The island is shaded by trees and has elegant scenery.

Legend has it that Indians once regarded Goat Island as a holy land and buried the late leader on the island in order to ascend to heaven, calling it "Happy Island". Because of this rumor, some people who are determined to die think that happy island is very close to heaven and will deliberately come here and jump into the water to commit suicide.

Many people committed suicide. The Canadian government had to change the name of happy island to Goat Island.

The name also has its origin. Wild goats once lived on the island, but when the severe winter came one year, a large group of goats were frozen to death, and only one ram lived to the next spring. Therefore, some people call it Goat Island. Now the Canadian and American governments have adopted this saying.

Qin Shiou felt very happy when he knew this rumor. There are not only holiday resorts, girl shopping resorts, but also death shrines in the world.

Just about to go back, some locals took bows and arrows and braved the spray to the side of the river, found the big stone and yelled there.

Qin Shiou asked the guide what they were doing. The guide said it was shooting fish.

Hearing this, Qin Shiou was awed. He was a master. Can he shoot fish even if the river waves are in such a mess? Are these locals Li Guangsheng?

Knowing his guess, the guide laughed: "no, no, no, it's not like shooting fish. Of course, shooting fish here also needs technology and experience. Have you come here and eaten striped wolf bass? Some big wolf bass jump down from the waterfall and will faint and float on the water. They shoot the fish with bows and arrows and drag it up to sell. "

The guide was right. This way of shooting fish is also difficult, because the water waves in the river are too violent. Qin Shiou had seen wolf bass floating on the water before, but the water flow was fast and fierce. He didn't even see that the fish had been stunned and floated on it.

He stood on the river and looked at it for a while. He found that it was not easy to shoot a fish on the water. He had to be fast, accurate and ruthless. He had to search for mental attention quickly, aim accurately, and strike hard. If one of the three was missing, he could not shoot a fish.

A young man also came to shoot fish with a pulley bow in his hand. It is estimated that he has just been involved in this industry and didn't shoot fast enough. Therefore, although he found fish floating on the water several times, he didn't get much.

Qin Shiou patted the depressed boy and shouted, "Hey, young man, lend me your bow and arrow, OK?"

The young man had blond hair, blue eyes and white skin. He had small freckles on his face. He looked at Qin Shiou suspiciously, raised his bow and arrow and said, "can you do it? Don't throw away my bow! "

The arrow doesn't matter, because when shooting fish, the arrow will be tied to the fishing line and won't be lost.

Qin Shiou took the bow and arrow and laughed. Just as a spray slapped, a one meter long wolf bass was photographed flying in the air. Looking at its stiff flying appearance, it was obvious that it fainted.

Several people around quickly aimed at the fish, but sooner or later, just as they were about to pull off the bowstring, a sharp arrow pierced the water vapor and shot out with the roar of tearing the air.

Right in the heart!

A sharp arrow was shot under the perch's jaw and out of one side of the fish's gill, which caught it all at once.

Qin Shiou pulled the fish back by pulling the fishing line. The fish is not small. It has to look like more than 20 kilograms. It's called a fat fish.

He raised the bass and showed it to the boy. Qin Shiou laughed and said, "young man, haven't you lost your bow and arrow?"

The people around applauded one after another. The guide gave Qin Shiou a thumbs up and praised him: "marksman! A marksman from the East! "

The young man took off the fish quickly, and the freckles on his face flushed with excitement. He asked loudly, "can you come again?"

Qin Shiou shrugged and turned back. He stood firmly on his right foot and pedaled a stone on his left foot. His body bent back. The whole person was like a bow. He was full of a vigorous sense of strength. Some tourists immediately raised their mobile phones and clapped him.

No one saw any fish in the river this time, but Qin Shiou swept up the water, his right arm muscles tightened and quickly opened the string, "Shua", and the sharp arrow flew out. At this time, people noticed that a belly up bass was shot through by an arrow.

Qin Shiou pulled up the big fish, which was also more than one meter long, and the surrounding applause rang out again. He smiled. Like the shooter in the traditional British shooting competition, he carried his left hand behind his back and his right hand in front of his chest, slightly bent down and motioned to the people.

The onlookers applauded more vigorously. Mao Weilong whistled loudly and roared, "this B pretended to be level. Brother, give you 10086 likes!"

Qin Shiou smiled and returned the bow and arrow to the boy. The boy grabbed him and shouted, "Temple Buddha, Temple Buddha, Temple Buddha!"

"What is it?" Qin Shiou was surprised at first. Then he reacted and couldn't help laughing. The boy was calling him "master" in Chinese.

Anyway, there's nothing wrong. Qin Shiou pretended to instruct the youth. The main thing is how to do the first line of eyes and hands. In fact, archery doesn't have many skills. We need to practice more and get a feeling. It's not far from the marksman.

After stretching his bones, Qin Shiou felt that he was hot, and it was not cold when he was photographed by the spray.

But the guide has decided to take them back and can only leave the river.

As they walked out more than ten meters, the tourists in the distance suddenly screamed together. Qin Shiou and his party turned back in surprise, and then their faces were shocked and intoxicated.

The sun shines all over the sky and the rainbow bridges!