Looking at such plastic garbage on the coast, Qin Shiou is about to collapse!

The bull was still there muttering foolishly, "lying trough, where did so much rubbish come from? Sleeping trough, what can I do? Lying trough, the fishing ground has become a dump? Lying trough... "

"If you lie in the trough again, I'll grass you first!" Qin Shiou angrily stared at the bull and roared, "shut up!"

Nelson looked at Qin Shiou carefully and said more carefully, "boss, do you remember the cargo ship we saw when we went to St. Johns? At that time, it was full of plastic garbage. You said... "

It's ridiculous that Qin Shiou can't remember the giant. At that time, he said foolishly what would happen if all the plastic garbage on the ship fell into the sea. Now he saw it. It's a crow's mouth!

Shack took out his cell phone and said, "it's okay, boss. Look, I'll call the guy with big feet and ask him to contact an ocean cleaning company. It can be done for tens of thousands of yuan at most."

As a result, shack pulled the mobile phone, didn't dial it out, and silently put the mobile phone back in his pocket. Qin Shiou looked at him suspiciously. Shack said sadly, "FAK, the signal is only one grid. There is a ghost when you can call out!"

The signal receiving tower in the town broke down. Qin Shiou remembered it.

Nelson waved his hand and said, "why do we have to deal with this plastic waste ourselves? Now that we have found their owner, they should pay, shouldn't they? Do they think that if the garbage is blown to us by the sea breeze, it will be all right? "

Qin Shiou looked melancholy. There was a long coastline full of plastic garbage. Fortunately, the waves beat them for more than 20 hours, and the plastic garbage has been cleaned. If it still has the original stench, Qin Shiou really has to cry.

This is his favorite fishing ground!

Taking advantage of the wind and waves, shack and the sea monster are going to dig barnacles. This weather is a good time to dig barnacles. Qin Shiou ran to dig last year.

Thinking of barnacles, Qin Shiou quickly patted his head. He raised a lot of gooseneck barnacles in the coral reef waters. The calculation date is approaching the time of spawning. We must transfer barnacle seedlings to the vicinity of the wharf. There is no way to collect them on the coral reef.

Barnacles are hermaphroditic and undergo allogeneic fertilization. They can directly obtain sperm from water for pregnancy. Because they are fixed and unable to move, during reproduction, they must rely on retractable tubules to send sperm into other barnacles to fertilize eggs.

This is another strange way of breeding. Fortunately, Qin Shiou has been used to it.

It is the middle of July. Now the gooseneck barnacle is the most delicious and plump time, and it is also the time when they begin to lay eggs and fertilize.

There is a large area attached to the coral reef, and there may be tens of thousands of them roughly. They will reproduce more small barnacle seedlings. Qin Shiou has input some sea god energy to them. When they produce small seedlings in the future, he will take them under the wharf.

Now the top priority is to deal with the garbage. As a result, he hasn't started to find the garbage ship. The owner of the ship has come to the door.

It was a Latino little old man, wearing a jeans that had obviously been washed many times, with many wrinkles on his face, thick bones and rough skin on his hands. At first glance, he knew that he was used to hard work.

After the meeting, the little old man apologized to Qin Shiou: "I'm the ship owner. I'm sorry, sir. We didn't expect that the storm was so fierce that it could blow our big ship."

Since people came to apologize, Qin Shiou didn't want to deceive people too much. It's nothing. Just clean it up, so he said, "it doesn't matter, man, who won't have an accident? St. Johns has a special marine garbage salvage company. You can let them deal with it. "

The little old man nodded gratefully and said shyly, "excuse me, can you wait for a while? Our ship was damaged and needs to be repaired. I'll seize the time to get a loan from the bank. As long as the money comes down, I'll ask the cleaning company, OK? "

Qin Shiou stared: "you can't even take out tens of thousands of yuan?"

You know, there are no poor people who can afford that kind of large ship.

The little old man sighed and said, "I'm sorry, sir. We also raised the oil money we went to sea. There was really no extra money to use. We had hoped to take over the work of transporting garbage and make some money. Obviously, we were unlucky."

Later, the little old man explained that he had just become the captain for a short time, but he was not the owner of the ship. The ship originally belonged to a cleaning company, but the company closed down and the boss ran away.

Therefore, several ships under the jurisdiction of the company were auctioned. The ship was auctioned by the little old man and the employees on board at that time, because considering that P & G owed them salaries, the price was relatively low when it was auctioned to them.

But it's relatively low. In fact, the price of one million yuan is still unbearable for the little old men. The Canadian government also has a humanized side, allowing them to scrape together a sum of money, borrow a sum of money, and allow them to owe a sum of money, so they drove away.

Qin Shiou sighed helplessly. What else can he do? Unfortunately for him, the cleaning fee can only be paid by himself.

The wind stopped and the rain stopped. Matthew king was going back to Ottawa. Qin Shiou and Auerbach rushed to deliver the plane. After all, the two sides now have a good relationship.

Although Qin Shiou doesn't want to curry favor with Matthew king, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship.

The Fisheries Department of Canada, established in 1979, is the national competent department for marine fisheries affairs. It is responsible for coordinating federal policies and plans related to the ocean. In fact, Matthew king and Heqi have great power and even have an armed force.

This armed force is the Canadian Coast Guard. Unless it is in the war years, this guard force of more than 5000 people is in his hands. As long as he says hello to the Newfoundland coast guard, Qin Shiou fishing ground will be much more stable in the future.

In fact, Matthew king did say hello to Qin Shiou, which can be seen from the recent reduction in the number of fishing boats stolen from the fishing ground.

Qin Shiou is a good man. The little old man also wants to go back to St. Johns. He takes a ride together. Anyway, the helicopter can take three people.

The helicopter landed on the dock. The little old man bowed and thanked Qin Shiou for his generosity and kindness.

A Latino woman about the same age as the little old man was waiting on the shore. She was obviously picking up the little old man. Her expression was nervous. She was obviously worried that her husband's apology was not accepted this time.

Qin Shiou sent the little old man off the helicopter. He was about to leave. As a result, he glanced in the direction of the Latino woman and couldn't help swallowing.