Qin Shiou asked them to sit down in the living room. As soon as the little guy such as tiger, leopard, bear and wolf master saw his father leave, he immediately broke up and wanted to run.

Seeing this, Qin Shiou's face was unhappy. He coughed, turned back and said, "have you forgotten how to train in the military? Two people in a row and three in a row. Do they all want to stand in the sun? "

Immediately, Cameron and Cole continued to be stunned: the little guys ran back dejected. Xiao Ming and the little yellow mouse were in front, little carrot was later, followed by the tiger and leopard, followed by the expert Xiong DA and pineapple.

A line of little guys really lined up and walked out. Cameron was well-informed, but he was still surprised that he couldn't close his legs. He took out his mobile phone and even "clicked" and photographed it.

Cole was greedy for the sensible tiger and leopard. After entering the house, he first asked, "man, are your two puppies of mating age? If you can't bear to give up your love, how about letting them breed some of my dogs? "

Qin Shiou shrugged and said, "they are only one year old. They are still children. Be a little older. When they need it, I will take them to you."

"You must find me." Cole told me everything.

After sitting down, Qin Shiou just asked Cameron about his purpose of visiting this time. As a result, Cole said "eh", pointed to the four small wine barrels on the decorative table in the living room and asked, "can I have a look at them?"

When Qin Shiou saw that he was talking about the four gold and silver wine barrels he got from the Titanic, he nodded and said, "yes, this is what I happened to get. It is said that it was produced by Peter Lu manor. I don't know whether it is true or not."

Cole obviously knows more about red wine and grape manor than * * *. He looked carefully for a while, rubbed the shiny gold and silver paint outside the barrel, and slowly said: "Peter Lu manor, the first batch of red wine produced in 1895, this is the crystallization of Tel, this is the real product!"

Qin Shiou smiled. It must be genuine. He said he didn't know whether it was true or not. He was just modest. The rich on the Titanic wouldn't get a few high imitation red wine barrels on board, would they? It wasn't expensive at the time.

After reading these barrels, Cole put them back and asked, "don't tell me, the wine in them is really old from 1895!"

Qin Shiou said, "should it be? You see, the mouth of the barrel sealed with wax has obviously not been opened, has it? "

Cameron smiled and said, "you've made great progress, Qin. Compared with the first time we met, you're more and more rich. I thought you would choose some works of art as decorations, but I didn't expect you to use these antique red wine. "

Qin Shiou said painfully, "no, James, I don't use art to decorate the house because I don't have money."

His living standard is still in the form of small farmers. In his opinion, what is the value of spending so much money on a pile of paintings? It's not as good as the New Year pictures in my hometown. They are cheap and beautiful. Nelson likes them very much.

Because of his background and the nature of his work, Cole prefers to be more serious. He said: "you're mocking us, boy. Your four barrels can top all the works of art in my family! Each of them is worth millions! Dollars! "

Qin Shiou was really stunned this time. He pointed to four wine barrels and asked, "they are worth four million?"

"How much did you buy it?" Cole has a bad feeling in his heart. Won't the boy be so lucky?

Qin Shiou certainly can't say that this thing was picked up from the Titanic without spending a penny. He had an idea and thought of the owner of the garbage ship who gave him the "dragon birthday fragrance" bracelet, telling the story again.

"Later, I went to their ship to tell them that they were all right. I wouldn't ask them for compensation, but I saw these four wine barrels in the cabin. I think it's very nice. The shipowner and his wife gave it to me and said it was something they picked up from the sea. It's not worth any money... "

"So you got the four most expensive wine barrels in the history of pietru manor without spending money? And still carrying the barrel of red wine more than 100 years ago? " Cole exclaimed, "your luck, great!"

Cameron said: "no, Cole, my man, you interpret all this as luck. I think it's a gift from God to Qin. Kind people can always get God's favor and protection."

Qin Shiou also said thank God, Hallelujah and so on. This is the case in North America. If there is anything that can't be solved, put it on God.

Cole studied four small wine barrels. Qin Shiou asked Cameron what he wanted. Cameron said, "you know, I've always been obsessed with the ocean. Some time ago, I explored the Mariana Trench and made a documentary..."

"I know, challenge the deep sea, my family and I like it very much." Qin Shiou smiled.

The sedan chair carries people. This documentary has no technical content in shooting techniques and contents. It's just that Cameron drives a high-tech diving instrument deep into the Mariana Trench to watch him play.

Canada has a strong sense of property rights. Many films, TV dramas and documentaries can only be seen at a cost. The documentary is paid to broadcast in North America, and the box office is still very high. Obviously, Cameron has enough fans.

"Thank you." Cameron smiled and thanked, then continued, "at the end of last year, your experience in St. Lawrence Bay has always attracted me. I happen to have no good script recently, so I want to shoot your experience."

Qin Shiou said happily, "of course, it's no problem, man. I can authorize you, but you can't pit me for the price."

A movie adapted from a real person is not authorized by the owner. Even if it is arranged in North America, it cannot be played. The owner can charge a copyright fee. If he is lucky, he can make a lot of money.

Cameron made a helpless look, waved his hand and said, "look, you make me look down on you, young man. There are four million worth antiques in your home, and you want my copyright fee? I'm doing publicity for you and transmitting your story to the world. "

Qin Shiou laughed, pointed to the little guys lying outside at the door looking in and said, "no way, I have many children, and Winnie is pregnant. I need milk powder money. You know, milk powder is not cheap."

When Cameron heard that Winnie was pregnant, he politely congratulated Cole and told him, "there will be a copyright to talk to you later. I can tell you the truth. Our team wants to win it with about 500000. What do you think?"

"Business is business. Let the copyright come. We Chinese have a saying that talking about money hurts our feelings. So when you come, let me entertain you to taste the specialties of my fishing ground. Don't talk about money." Qin Shiou said.

Cole cunningly winked at him and said, "I've studied your Chinese shopping mall culture. I've never heard of friends talking about money hurting their feelings. I've heard of close brothers and clear accounts."

"Eat meat, fish, eat vegetables, drink Baijiu, drink beer, drink red wine, that is not to talk about money, OK?" Qin Shiou stood up laughing.