After figuring out his parents' flight, Qin Shiou told his sister and brother-in-law to pick up the plane at St. Johns.

After Hamley was elected mayor, he had to hand over his work with the acting mayor the next day. The town had no deputy mayor, so according to Canadian law, the assistant mayor became the acting mayor.

Hamley attached great importance to Qin Shiou, a staunch supporter. The last warrant he signed was his application for collecting cicada nymphs, that is, cicada monkeys.

Qin Shiou's purchase price is five Canadian dollars a pound. It's really not expensive. Eggs can also be sold at this price. But the town is boiling. After all, this is an opportunity to generate income.

Children and old people in small towns are still keen on doing this. If they work hard at night, they can harvest more than ten pounds, because the seventeen year cicada is the outbreak period. Sometimes they can catch seven or eight cicadas in a tree.

Since that night, someone came to Qin Shiou with bottles of cicadas. Most of them are children and the elderly. How good is it that they have time and patience and can earn some extra money?

Qin Shiou went to bird to do this. He specially bought a lot of incubators, put a layer of cicadas, sprinkle a layer of ice, and then sent them to the cold storage to be frozen. He will be fine for a few years.

High protein and high-fat things, as long as they are sealed at low temperature at the beginning, the preservation period is very long. For example, bluefin tuna is preserved in this way. Now most of them are sold in the Japanese market.

At about the same time, Qin Shiou drove the cruise boat to the wharf. As a result, when he stopped the boat, he met the marine police to check his driver's license, so Qin Shiou's egg hurt.

Driving a ship also requires certificates. It is called a motor boat driver's license. There are many types, including ships, fishing boats, passenger ships and all kinds of small boats. Qin Shiou hasn't tested this thing yet, because generally no one checks it, and he rarely drives out by himself.

This time he had a hard time. As a result, he met the marine police to check his driver's license. Fortunately, he took Nelson to help with his luggage. When he saw the marine police approaching, he quickly gave up his driver's seat.

But the marine police are not easy to fool. After jumping into the cruise boat, they directly said to Qin Shiou, "Sir, please show me your motor boat driver's license. We need to inquire."

Qin Shiou coughed. Nelson took out his driver's license and handed it over. The marine police still stared at Qin Shiou and repeated, "Sir, please show me your motor boat driver's license. We need to check."

Nelson said to the slime, "you've got the wrong man, man. Look, I've been driving this ship all the time. You should find me."

The young Marine policeman said stubbornly, "no, sir, I can see very clearly that this gentleman was sailing before."

The Canadian police are very rigorous and it is not easy to deceive them. Every year, the government allocates the most funds to various departments. The entire Canadian population is more than 33 million, and there are more than 60000 policemen, which is a huge force.

Nelson had no choice but to ramble: "yes, you are right. Finally, my friend stopped the ship. But I've been driving before. The reason why he came to stop just now is that he's going to take a driver's license test and I'm teaching him to sail. "

"Is that so, sir?" The little marine policeman asked reluctantly.

Qin Shiou nodded wildly and said, "well, I'm going to test the driver's license of small ships. I've been studying recently."

The little marine policeman didn't let him go and asked, "how can you prove it, sir?"

Qin Shiou was made angry by his "gentlemen" one by one. For a moment, he was in a mess. The Canadian legal system is very strict. Not to mention that he is a small fisherman, even the mayor should be held accountable for crimes.

For example, the unlucky o'keeffer was criticized by voters for using too large displacement cars and nearly investigated by the discipline inspection department.

At this time, a little girl in a white shirt and a black pen skirt came bouncing over, holding a microphone in her hand and asked, "officer Charlie, did you find anything?"

After the little reporter ran over, he met Qin Shiou and immediately smiled. The two sides were acquaintances. The little reporter was Hamley's sister Paris.

Qin Shiou winked at her. Paris asked the young Marine policeman what was going on. After making it clear, she said, "Oh, this gentleman is telling the truth. I can testify that he is a celebrity in farewell town. Many people know that he is learning to take a driver's license."

The young Marine policeman looked at Qin Shiou and asked, "Sir, are you Qin Shiou?"

Qin Shiou touched his nose and nodded. His expression relaxed and said, "Mr. Qin, don't practice sailing in the port in the future. I suggest you go to your fishing ground, which can avoid a lot of trouble."

Paris said that the matter was finally over. Qin Shiou knew that today was the law enforcement day of the marine police. Several media were investigating and interviewing the work of the marine police.

Qin Shiou secretly said that he had bad luck. He said hello and took a taxi to the airport. Fortunately, he set out early and didn't delay the time to pick up his parents and family.

Because of the airline's VIP card, the airport flight attendant was informed and picked up Qin Fu and his party as soon as they got off the plane.

Qin's father and mother were a little nervous. They got off the plane and were picked up by the staff. They thought something was wrong again.

When he saw Qin Shiou, Xiao Hui ran over and his legs shrank and jumped up, hanging on him like a koala.

Qin Shiou laughed and turned him around like a puppet, shouting at him, and then put him down.

As soon as he put it down, Xiao Hui immediately ran to hide behind sister Qin and said, "bad uncle, I was scared to death just now!"

Qin's mother stared at Qin Shiou and said, "you, who are going to be a father, are still so careless. You're afraid Xiaohui likes you too much, aren't you?"

Qin Shiou picked up the luggage, called the flight attendant cart and sent it to the rented airport minibus. The party got on the cruise boat with a smile.

The decorative style of the cruise boat is very high-end and atmospheric. After Xiao Hui got on the boat, he touched things East and West. He soon forgot what he had been frightened by Qin Shiou and took his hand. His uncle asked a short question.

After Nelson sailed, Xiao Hui turned his big eyes and asked, "uncle, can you sail?"

Qin Shiou said with a smile, "of course, do you want to learn?"

Xiao Hui nodded hard and said, "yes, yes, I want to learn, uncle. I'll drive a big boat in the future, not a car like my father!"

My brother-in-law patted him on the ass from behind and said, "if you want to drive a big boat, study hard. You should know Chinese, mathematics, nature and English!"

Xiao Hui looked at a series of English signs on the ship, nodded his head and said, "OK!"

In the back, Xiaohui took Qin Shiou's hand and let him sail. Qin Shiou wanted to sail, but there were maritime police patrol boats on the sea from time to time. He didn't want to be caught again.

The cruise boat had been half way out. There was no patrol boat for the marine police. Qin Shiou replaced Nelson and accelerated the rudder.