After climbing onto the beach, Xiong Da looked back at Qin Shiou and ran to the villa. As a result, he ran too fast and hit the master all at once.

The master stared at Xiong Da discontentedly. Xiong Da was also in a bad mood, so he stared back at the master.

"What are you worried about?"

"Look at you."

"Look what I'm doing."

"What do I like to do? What's the matter?"

After the standard prelude to the conflict, the two big guys fought directly. The master opened his mouth and would bite Xiong da. Xiong Da is not stupid. He has been thinking about how to deal with the master. Now he has found a way to rush to the side and overturn the master!

In the past, Xiong Da couldn't use this move to deal with experts, because real crocodiles were not afraid of being overturned. They had powerful limbs and raised bone plates like hills on their back shells, so they wouldn't completely overturn. At most, they turned sideways and could get up quickly.

It is with this ability that real crocodile turtles can compete with most creatures on land.

But Xiong Da didn't just turn it over this time, but his big claws greeted him and turned it around like a rock, throwing the master into the sea!

Both guys were at the beach just now.

The master is a freshwater turtle. He has no sense of the ocean, so he would rather lie down in the small bathtub prepared by Winnie than go to the ocean to enjoy the joy of swimming.

Xiong DA has been thinking about it. Now he finally figured it out. He thought that he was afraid of the sea like little carrot head because he saw that the master didn't go into the sea.

The master really has no feelings for the ocean, but he is not afraid. When he was just lifted into the sea, he was briefly flustered, but he quickly understood that the ocean, like lakes and rivers, can live in it.

Understand this truth, it's bear's turn.

After Xiong Da lifted him into the sea, he should rush ashore. As a result, he wanted to swim around in front of the master, looking at the master proudly and waiting for him to fall to the bottom of the sea in fear.

As a result, after swimming around, Xiong Da felt something was wrong. How could the master still float on the water and stare at him? There was no panic, only the cold murderous spirit.

The sleeping trough is evil! Xiong Da hurried to run. As a result, it was late. The master quickly put his head on, opened his mouth and bit its rear claw.

"Ouch!" The bear howled miserably and kicked the master desperately. It was not easy to kick the master away. He climbed ashore with his limbs, cocked his left hind leg, and climbed to the villa with his other three legs.

The master swam in the water for a while, and finally climbed ashore with a sea urchin in his mouth.

"Your son of a bitch is still pissing." The keyboard waiting to watch the war said in amazement.

Qin Shiou frowned at him and said, "what do you mean? Why do I think you're wrong? "

Waiting for the keyboard, he quickly waved his hand and smiled: "it's not interesting, it's not interesting. I said brother Qin, are you fishing well this time? Can't you take me out to sea next time? I'm so big that I haven't been out of the sea yet. "

The topic was successfully transferred. Qin Shiou beautified the sea life. He swallowed his mouth while listening to the keyboard, and then suddenly asked, "Why are you still in my fishing ground?"

The keyboard waited and said, "you didn't hire me to play with the old man. I've been working diligently."

Qin Shiou frowned and said, "but as far as I know, the old man of the Mao family has already returned home?"

When the keyboard was waiting, he touched his nose and said, "isn't there still your old man?"

Qin Shiou pointed to the direction of the gun shop and sighed, "go away, go to work quickly. Your boy is a talent. He's good at cheating and playing tricks."

After returning home, Qin Shiou talked with his parents and sister for half a night. He spent the next few days wandering around the town with them. There are many Chinese tourists in the town. Qin's father and mother can occasionally find fellow villagers to talk.

Qin's father is most proud of his baby son. The purpose of chatting with others is to wait for others to ask if he is also traveling. As soon as he asks, he immediately introduces: "no, my son has a fishing ground here, and his daughter-in-law is pregnant. Let's come and see the child."

So many times, Qin Shiou was embarrassed. Qin father was not tired.

Qin's mother prefers to do some housework and watch TV at home. Anyway, Wang Lei has adjusted the TV channel and can receive many Chinese TV stations.

Autumn rain is falling. St. Johns in mid September has been shrouded in the rain. Qin Shiou can't go anywhere. He is honest to accompany his parents at home.

Shirley and her children had a good time. Winie was worried that Xiaohui had no partners to play with, so she asked for leave for several children.

It's easy for primary and secondary schools in Canada to ask for leave. Parents can come forward and say it. In this way, several huts have become the children's base camp. Later, after school, other children in the town will come and play.

In the past few days, Xiao Hui's English has made rapid progress. Children's language learning is always relatively simple. After a few days, simple English dialogue has been no problem.

In late September, Qin Shiou rushed to Hamilton. He was going to attend Mao Weilong's wedding.

Mao Weilong's wedding is the penultimate weekend in September. The time is approaching. Qin Shiou goes to see if he has anything else to help.

Originally, as soon as he came back, he planned to go to Hamilton. As a result, he called Mao Weilong. The latter told him that he was not busy. Originally, he planned to come to a simple wedding. There were not many things to prepare. As a result, little black invited a professional wedding team to operate, and there was no need to help. Even he had nothing to do.

Take a helicopter to Mother Earth farm. The helicopter is in the air. Qin Shiou can't recognize the farm when he looks down.

The whole farm has become a sea of flowers. Roses are the main melody. A red rose garden has been set up at the gate of the farm. Other fences, small trees, all houses and even places where there will be people are dotted with flowers.

Orchids, lilies, passionate dahlias, and many flowers that Qin Shiou could not name turned the farm into a big garden.

In addition, the grassland of the farm has been cut uniformly. From the air, there are many heart-shaped patterns such as an arrow through the heart on the grassland.

When the helicopter landed, Qin Shiou walked in from the gate. A silly little bully rushed out and raised his head just about to cry. But looking at Qin Shiou, he ran over and sniffed. He shook his head in doubt. Wang Wang shouted happily and ran in to find someone. It seems that he recognized Qin Shiou.

Mao Weilong's neighbors happened to come to him. They had seen him at the barbecue before. The little old man's name was johanpu. He was a very kind white man, so Qin Shiou smiled at him.

Johnny Pu also smiled, and then took the initiative to say hello: "Hey, man, Mao's mother's family is very powerful, isn't it?"

The reason why he is so thin is that in Canadian tradition, the money for the wedding is paid by the bride's parents, which is somewhat like a dowry sent by a Chinese woman's mother's family.

The wedding was lively and grand, and the parents who married their daughter had a bright face. So if you see a Canadian father who is nearly half a hundred years old and ready to retire suddenly working overtime, it is mostly for the grand wedding of his baby daughter.